Viri Romae: with introductory exercises, intended as a first book in the study of Latin, with ...

발행: 1830년

분량: 225페이지


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gurrender, and then, by violating the person of tho Roman ambamadoriis sive tho Romana a preteneo is War. I. ema ominib- unde unisvorabie mens.' ea Ad a piria repetenda: a reneW th auspices. s. Non . . . defuit the conatruction is mitis non defuit duri, duae

non desuin militi.

Se ei. - cognomen: i. e. M Cursor.

7. Via: rom BOIO. - si . . . malum the construetion is, sin vero es

judicas me movum virum).


174 BOOK II.

s. Athenis at Athens. qui . . . prosteretur ho prosessea himsel a philosopher.

22. Utinam . . . peraturde*tur igh ou enmies couldie persuade of that. 25 nabat . . . herbas he was supping oni is and vegetabies 27 Magnam . . . pseuniam εἰ large sumi moriey. 30 Nihil . . . erit: shalla avem nee of that money. 32. Simultatem gerebat: --a at Enniity. 33. Ile . . . hie A the forme . . . the lalter. 34. Fumae rapacioum M. Gratias ageret ' Masini ving manlis. 39. Nihil est . . . ubd here is no reason stat.'40. Si . . . mire 'is I ad ather e lundered by a rapaci sconsul thun e sold. i. e. as a lave is t en captive by the enemy. Venire soru enm. Prisonem os War er ancienti treate a flaves. 41. Censor the censores ere magistrates Whoia the care of tho publio morai the punished an ian Oith senator, b expellinthim Do the senate, ascit is here sat Fabricius degrade Rufinus mouit 8enatui, o account os his extravaganoe. - argenti facti Mis,mugiit silver, i. e. os plate.

67 Vitam . . . Gegit passed his lise. 2. in . . . reliquerit A that he id nos leave the sans Dom hiel the mari lago portio of his data rater filiouldae provideo.'

tilibus ' earthen esseis' et me imperare iis hibentibus aurum.18. Agri . . . divisit the constructio is, divisit popuI septena jugera agri eaptivi viritim, leve acres of the conquere territor toeach individual. 2 l. Disit. . . posset the constructio is dixitque eum esse marum civem eui idem non posset esse satis quod erat satis aliis.

24. Est . . . haberet as mali in a te v so that purpose.'25. radio . . . darent: 'heing wear of War, Ouidio enlist. -- eonjectis . . . tribubus i. e. me amesos person os ali the tribesi ing rittent amat pieces of pape and thrown together into the urn Dom.hich the were di RWn. 26. Primum . . . jussit: te ordere me sirs nam dra. Domine urn et e the person whos nam mas first drawn tois summon d 27. Bona . . . subjicere: sel his possession by auction ' aspear hasta was erecte at public sale liene in phras subseere hastae, rio selli auction. 30 eine: that in republiciadis nee of that citigen. 32. Adoleseerit . . . fuerunt: -ere Dan assistanc to the Fouth. I. idem . . . feeerait produce an expectationis his retum. e bellum . . . putaretur he was thought o have the intention os rene in the war.


5 Consul. . . interjeetum d the constructio is, onati primis Da 69 feeit fretum interjeetum lying intre Italiam et Meiliam nave piseatoria, ad eaeplorandos hostes, in a fishing boatrio examine the enemy.

10. Se . . . abluere the eonstructio is, se non passurum esse

21 Ite male gestὰ an assair ein gransuccesssuli conducted; 'ἐ. e. in case os fallure , di Censeo . . . iubea e c. t. r. 215. Obs. 5. 34. Alia . . . est the constructio is est nulla ali via salutis nisi

8. Ite intendere: directe thei march. 9. Fit . . . Neeps hatile Enguos sor a long time do lsul. I 0. Multitudo di c. hootium. 13. Virtuti . . . fortuna: the good fortune os Calpurnius Wasequa is his valor. 14. Sa-ιus faetus esset he had been ounded. 17. Ei . . . graminea the constructio is, orona graminea data est ei merces as a re Ward ' egregii facinoris. The corona o wreain here mentione Was grati ted omne hora ad delivere an arm Whenhesiege or sum oundod it a calle corona obsidionalis, and was made os grass. 19. In . . . principem as a re Ward os martiat eouram in the principat nation in tho Worid.


27 paues . . . annia: in se. years besore. 24. - . . . referri the construetion is, par refreri pari Mahat retallationis uidio made N Plures . . . elisit the eonstruetion is, alia plures milites


29. Remanserunt: ' furvive l. '30. Rumam . . . missus est: me a sent is Rome to treat eon rning the ex change os prisoners having taken an ath, Me. 34. Ce . . . recusauit ' remsed that he would givo et ove his opinion.

eonsidere linia vorabie. 19. Esse e si otii edo. 20. Quo . . . incessit: ,hic hein dona in account os Whlehaci, - oli h sui terstilion ille the minus of the oldiers. 28. Ea . . . Ciaudios: that circumstance was also sata to Claudia. 25. Utinam . . . viveret Pwisii that myirothe was alive. 30. Finem imposuit: tu an end. 34. Duae classis: Se erat. 35. Cui animus erat: - hos intention it Was. 36. Eas . . . Omplere the constructio is es Iareque eas dela


2. vovem . . . admotus havin been led to the altar homnino si

years old.' 6. Nom . . . Caνthaginem: Iro Romerio Carthage. 8. Dedi his pass. oui dedo. 11. Poenus . . ueclamantibus the construction is, Poenis aueelamanti a se sumere bellum 13. Et . . . gesturos the constructio is, et se gesturos esse eodem animo, quo aeeiperent; and that the would cari niti With

23 Duae . . . deerat the constructio is, duae neque deerat oecasioni rei geri. ben gerendae, meither misse any opportunit of successsul operation. ' 24 'que . . . dabat the constructio is, neque ipse dabat Iam hosti.-frumentatum a supine roni frete nenior. 25. inportunu . . . agmen L he was present at every opportuni ,

attachin the soraging party. - earpens signifies heres attachinistequently - hanging n the hirta os.' 1 Militem . . . pomitere the construction is, eo itque jam minus poeniteν militem aut suo virtutis aut fortunae, Gr. R. 29. Obs. I. and Exc. 2: and the oldier no-began to distrust les boththei couragoand thoi fortune. 7. Eae eupit ironi metri ads '8. me illi hithe and thither. 12. Ut . . . invidiam: that he mira excite an odium against Fabius amon his oWn cotinimmeri. 'I8. Pro . . . segnem timi instead os cautious, sto instea os

20. Illum . . . terere the construction is, Μinucius dicebat illum i e Fabius terere tenipus in dueendo bello consumo tho time in

protracting the war. 24 AEquo . . . animo illi patienee. 27. Receptui cecinit stomisano munde a retreat.' Gr. R. XXii. Obs. 2.28. A . . . esse the construction is, Minuetam vietum esse a se, se

but that he ' victum osse a Fabio.

34. Tarento . . . potitus est obtaine possessionis Τarentum.'36 Per speeiem: inde pretenee.'41 Eo . . . est and the practice a made ecame o habituri Gr. R. 40. 2.


means os his stator.

30. Pro more: aecordin is custom. - anteibant: ac eo


37. nainem agme maintain tho dignat op eonsul. 36 Cautior quam promptior more auticus than activo. Gr. 216 rixti line Dom the botisin. 37. Sed . . . erat tho constructio is, sed prudentia insita nat mi' Uus ingenio erat aptissima bello, quod tum gerebatur. 78 4 Paulo . . . placebat the prudent dela o Fabius a moroagree te to Paulus. T. Ibi . . . rureat me eonstruetion is, ibi fortuna aduerat temer talem insitam Varroni aliquo Merisu levivin praliorum. IT Patεre imper 2 silig. sompatior. 21. Minime erasandum ac esses that he oughti no means in

25. Satis . . . imperio the constructio is, reditur fuisse sana aestiti urbi et imperis. m. Ad . . . insistunt 'tho Carthaginians prooeed, colleet thospesis. M. Varroni . . . itum est in construetion is, itum est ab omnibus ordinibus obuiam Varroni at ordem ent out is meet Varro.'Gr. 151. Obs. 4. 40. Egebat ararium se peeunis the tremur mas e b. 7 I. In medrum protulit . contributed. 2. M .mina dederunt: enlisted. a. Adhue praetextati: set earing the praetexta. Boys Wora thoprateaeta ill the were seventeen ear old, and were theno callest praeteaetati. Copiam . . . feeisset: Maad give permission. II. Quum . . . potuisset: although it might have been dono at Aule expense. 12. in . . . mori thateister is conque ordie mightae implantast in the Roman soldiera.

I Ite the objectis his mission. 3I Moliri portas Vis balter clown the nates. 33 Ad ultimum ino aer the extrem os Want. 80 II. ad ... inopias the constructio is, ventum est ab us) ad id

15. Famis: Dom fames. - utrique . . . Obtigit the eonstrueuon is, merita sors obtigit utrique nempe venditori et emptori; bese eata, namely the buyo and the sellor.


stoWed on victorious generalso hos successes et e no importantonough to deserve atriuinpti. 5. Nobilis sion beautisu statiles.'16. Aetum erat de imperio Romano: dt was decide coneerning it Was overisit the Roma power. 22. Iniuri Oblitus est sor olitus est gravissi- injuriae, quamaee erat; die orgo erie vor great injury hic he had received. 25. M . . . amaatus the senat gratisiod limina reconciliation. 26. Id . . . habebant: ha this intention.'28. I, eque . . pateretur si om patior). the eonstructio is, ne a pateretur hostes eonjungi aut eo ι ferre vires in umiari locum t gether. 35. Ambo se consules. - eouatis signis havin joine thola

15. Satis annorum habeo am old enough.'2I. Summa imperat: the clites command .' 22. De . . . conspirarer Mere otitering int an agreemen sor aba

28. Passuros sit esse. Passuros is rom patior. 29. Haud . . . eernerent ille constructio is pavidi haud aema, quam 3 eernerent vietorem Hannibalem terrifie not les than is the behel the vietorious Hanni hal. 34. e . . . Onstabat: mor ascit vel clear, hom the should

37. Comina prosterentur: ahould give in their ames, i. e. seandidates. 4. Animorum . . . reaedit the ardor os their excitoment ad M

5. Utuum . . . poenitere the eonstructio is, eo it paenitere po-


14. I tricloe . . . natam: Masior os a distinguishe samily. 17. Satis magnum . . . pondus: in ery great weight. 2I me aeeedent: Iet these nuptia gist be addessor oui invi 22. . . . . gratiam: to repanthe ki nes of Scipio. 25. Hasdrubalem: this is no the brother os Hannibal, ut anotho Carthaginia genera of the Same a me.

28. Regii generis, forma insigni: is a royal sami ly, and remar

able person.

30. Id aetatis at that age.

23. Tanta . . . Scipioni sucti Was me affabilit of Scipio. 29. Ad . . . statuendum torax the time an place or a conse

no adorne Willi elegance. 38. Gratias . . . agit: ueturn thanks so the releas of his brother sson ' i. e. of assiva mentiolied above page 83 sectio 23. 40. Cupere . . . Navore the Constructio is se l. e. Massinissa

19. Expositis evita his sorees havine been disembarhed. 25. sua . . . eontudit 'b hicli confidenco in himsel hehro the , pirit of the nemy besore he had heir arms. 37 Qui . . . adjuverat: -hora ad greatly aide me Roman cause. 40. Ad tuendam patriam: et protectinis country. Ss Quinque dierum iter . . . Mest: Vis distant sive days mareh. Iter is in the accusative by R. 5.



23. EFus . . obsidetat in construction is, turba sua non mod3eae urbibus, sed etiam beae agris obsidebat vias 'chohed the ways. m. Euisque inmatiar an havingae me odious to his orant*


25. Inferroganti r se. Scipioni. 36. Cem . . disposuit 'an no ne hos his position an ar-range his post more hilsulInthan he. M. Semetipsum diis in construetion la, Hannibal dixit so dueere semetipsum tertium . I. in roviso . . genere 'b in nexpecte hind of compliment.' 873. Syria . . Seipioni Syria ad fallen to Lucius Scipio as his

tho textris an error.



lieutonant generat. 4. Ad duo ferme millia: sc passuum at about the distane os