Viri Romae: with introductory exercises, intended as a first book in the study of Latin, with ...

발행: 1830년

분량: 225페이지


분류: 전쟁


m. --M- . . . dolia: the construetis is, Mars a bosciuare Vmmisque eapti se suns Obs. 2. dolia Miaeiberis. 22. Ad . . . sunt me construction is tigari missi sunt admo

mo m Geopatramque mea. Obs. 2. 23. Inter ae eontraria oti t Varo os an opposita naturo is Minother.

27. Nihil . . . desunt 'no hiniis here manting. Loonga. O . 4. 29. Expulsi erant fremis euo.

20.. me . . .. ea iunitur Obs. 5.

32. amplius sunt se quam Obs. 335. opinion meliorem heuor than Was expected. set Tristiore se solito e Mors sad than sues. M. Pinia meri ortunatius: r. 217 lino . 'mo oneris momunsortunate, than I.

8. Reperta sunt froni reperio. - eente natura: ' natur teainining unde the directions os nature.


21. merxe regnante:


10. Hatita . . . quin wasmo sar Dom recogntaing. II. Etaa . . . eongo uebat his age corresponde missi ste time of the exposum. t. e. os the tritus. .

Was calle a plerum, augurium. 19. Augurio uietor: victorious in the augury, i. e. Romulus having seen the greatest number os vultures, was considered a solected by the gods, in preserencerio his brother. 20. Vt muniret the constructio is, ut muniret eam urbem tigibus prius quam moenibus M With ut arks. The ancient ciues mere commoni sortifiei places, surround withmigh and strong Walis. 21. Nequis vallum transiliret that omne gnould samove thorampari; vallum Was a mound compose of earli an stahes drivenin the round - quod reser in auum, an is in the accusative case, and overne by transiliret. 22. Bridem in derisin. 23. I ala a tetur Vinali e punished; mia is rom malam, evit, punishment. 27. Urbis though the wor urbs is horo sed me munio suppos stat Romulus his reatly eonstructedis et . It wasinina sorti fiod village siluate onis hill Μount Palatine), an inhabite is acie inepherd an adventuror Dom Alba, hoclived in huis. 28. In proaeimo loco)ci mea at hand.' 33. Quidni . . . aperuistis: M Wh have o nes also ene an asylum so nomen i


25. Ludos the ludi mere public ames conflatingis, Ws, exti bitions os streno an activi , generali in honoris sommos the god --Initimis populis .

43 2 Bellum . . . sumpserunt: Maged . r. s. Caeci sunt the mado prisoner. - quae . . . aeseenderat this construction is, quin deseenderat aqua haurienda eam saerorum p

44 6. - . . . solabant in construetion is, in eanentes et rit/ tantes, Olabant ferre per urbem mitia, qt sdam pignora inversi desama, ut putabam, e caelo.


20 aueorum . . . om miti the constriactio is fata utrius populi eo uti mantibus parae m. 33. in . . . ferro the conotruction is, ut dimiem ferro, quisque pro sua phtri4.34. Foedpus . . . lege M an a resvient Was made ominis condition. 26. In medium ML eampum) into the iddie.'38. Te junenes tres juvenes Would signis A the three oussis 'hut ter juvenes may signit an number, arrange in parties of throe oach it may herei rendered a1ree oussis o eae fide. 1. ius super alium 'one pon the ther. 455. m. . . aggrederetur me construction is, ut avaratim aggraderetur sin uos sectituros per intervassia. 6. Aliquantum spatii amitto distanco. Gr. Rulo 11. 8 Ab se . . . Messe: a be distant rom him. 13. Singuli 'one on e ac fide. Se the note on reni, age crine 38. 17. Maia . . . eoni it tho constructio is, ο eit Albanum maia sustinentem arma slays the Albin hardi able is sustain his

18. Domum de eunt: cload him home. 22. Crines soluere Au unti her hair, i. e. in signis gries. Seo note is page 43. tine 21. 23. Movit . . . publieo the constructio is, eo Ioratio sororis etitanto publieo saudio monit animum feroci juvenio excite ui indignationis the Beroe outh. Gr. 170. Ohs. 4. 26 Sie . . . hostem: ,hateve Roman woman hal moum an enomy, et he thus peristi. m. Visum est: seemed. Gr. 188. Obs. 2.30. Lictor the lictor mero tWolve ossicere ho precede me hingtoaee olf the crowd is seige, courge, an eXecute eriminals Me. 31. Ad populum pronoeavit: appeale to the eople; in omea citiae condomne is death by the jud ges, ad the right to appeia froni thei sentence to the decisionis the wholeiod os the people. 34. Ae . . . faeeret: that the would no rendo him destitute os ehildren; liberis Dom liberi, orum 2 pl. M. Capite . . . misi and sent his son wit his heia covered, asit mere undo the 3 ohe. The jugum a forme os a beam placedacros two pright eams, in the sermo a gibbet prisoner os Marwere somelimes sent subjugum as a marinos ignominy. 2. in . . . sequeretur that he might aWait an sollow tho issu os G

3. Qua . . . facere tho constructio is, qua re in eliseid, Tulitis disit elara voee, Fusseritim faeere illud suo jussu Tho objectis

Tullus acto conceat rom me enem and rom his oW soldier thadesertionis the Albans. 7. Quadrigis . . . distraetua: A Was bound in Bur-horsed chariolam torn to pieces. - in diversa: sc membria). 15. Salisbrior . . . orpors the constructionus, Orpora iuventimeas sal riora militiae q-n domi: in duinthan at home. Soe Ge. Rul 53 and Obs. I. 17. Diurum . . . implieitus: Was attached by a lingering disoase.

- tune . . . fer es: the constructio is, t-e uti se illius spiritu Draeea flueti sunt simul eum esFore.


O . 4. 47 6. Non. . . regem the construction is non potuit praestare M.

talem regem, qualem promiserat; ae eould notis . himaeri mina lans ache had pro sed is be. II. Ei . . . stratulit: in eaψε took off the ea os him arriving. 14. Sublimis: Minio in the ais. - auguriorum perita: M acquata, o missi auguries. Somnes page 42 linea8.16. Alta sperare: to expect heth fortuneos actaris the ace. l.

24. Ut ferunt: in the say. 25. Id . . . negabat declarod hat that could notio dono. a1. Filium . . . donavit: presente his sonis tho age of thirtoenyears mitti a praetexta an a bulla.'M. Eges ferentes 'indignanti 29. ter . . . Obotrepere in eo tructio is, viter eoepit obstre

of Servius Tullius.' 10. Id . . . ferebat the constructio is fama ferebat id faetina esse eommuniter a initatistia Asia: rumor deelare that it hia en done in common by the states of Asia. 21. Populis the plura is here sed beeina there mero a numbero disterent Latin states, hie . re united togotho by a consedaracy. - ut et ipsi sc Latini that the also. 23. Ouidiam . . . datum tho onstructio is dieitur nata eam evidam Latino, et responsum dieitur datvm esse isomnio. 24. O usu a the relative os popuIum. 25. Bovem . . . immolasset inould sacrifieo stat eom. 29. Ita . . . vindieavit: thusos secure me empiro to his omestigens t. e. in Romans and the honor is himself

3I ueram . . . alteram the One . . . the ther.


treaeherous caresses.

I4. stiis tinum Mone of his attendanta; in possessive r nouna are frequently usod absolutely mme such Wor as amistis, miles, socius, ein underat d. 18. Redit Gabios: uotum to Gabii. 19. Cognito . . . faeto the oonstruetion Is, sisentio et Laesaetopatris eqgnito . Mising inserme of the silenco and likewis of tho acto his ather. Sextus underatood his ather' silente a stomanun illinmosario trus me me-nger that the et os strihing of thalapsis me hiraest opples Was intende to direct im is putrio deaththe principat me in Gabii.

23. Sorore regis nat in sonis the hing s aister. 25. Incidit . . . menitis A mention appene tot made. - suram uxorem . 26. Plaeuit experiri 'it pleased them theydptermined o ma the tries ' - equi . . . petunt the gorio Romem horsebach. 27. Regi - thsaing's clauotors-in-law, i. e. the Wives of the princes h mere it Collatinus. m. ualiam: Vis Collatiat, therio. .here Collatinus resi d. 31. eretias sim attulit 'ostero violene to Lucretia.' M. Tarquinis ... indietum the construction is portin urbis elauaa

sunt larquinio redeunti Romam against Tarquin retuminc, Roma het exilium indietum est ei), and his banishment Was decreta.


II. I ribunos the tribunos .ero plebeis ossi re, ereala sor hae sene os the liber te os the plebeiaris.16. Collatis evitaram. eontributin quadrantes a ma

23. Gravi . . . annona in cum os ea reity. 24. Adveetum . . . raravit the con truction is, eruratuit frumem eum.


sis AE Pretio . . . euieme to seduee by brihes an promises. essenti a client Was a plebeia Who placo himself unde the proteetionis a patricia calle his patron patronus. s. Vt . . de Oseeret: ' that he hould etaim her asiis flave. 11. Causa militis: Mon militar duty. - virgini . . . manum rei eonstructionas i erit manum la diand upon 'huirgini venienti

inforum. 13. Se . . . Matroaeturum the constructio is se abstraret inn

26. Inter . . . te Tent in constructio is, tererent tempus inter σε ermon Mere pagning the time together in conversation. 37. Domum . . . reeiperet 'returnediome.


14 Verut . . . e et D ted out as ii so the pur se os laving a malis, I 8. - simiiam tui: A in ono like thyseis; tui, gen os tu. 20. Cui . . . pareitum: ,hiis is parad. Gr. 151. Oba. 4. 27. Eriuatum abiit M .ent into exile. 28. Si . . . feret is that injur Was done to bim innocent. --ith-- liis deservincit. Fieret ore govern the dative a tho passive ollacio. Desiderium sui means aegret sertim.' Gr. 170. at the linuom. M. Petitia . . . legatis havin demande in aurrender of the

37. Die . . . Auserio the eonstructio is derim sexto dis ante orienda Augusti G 284. 4. In areem ' into the eitadet, .hie uas situ ted omino Capi sis

23. Romanis aruti fuit Misaved the Romans. 27. Stragula adj stoin stragultu a um, signifFing somethingspreM ' vestia stragia means a garmet i or loco os cloth, Whie iaspread on a seat oris bed, in distinctio Domisne hic is inom. 29. Plaeuit, se Romanis the Roman determined. 30. in . . . stlinque erit that the would ais tho lege ser



16. In posterum se tempus p in the future.'-Isrom eo. 17. Cervie eopsa: iis hea bein cutim' 24. In angustiis in a defite, o narro place. 28. Intempesta noete Mate in the night ' me medias . . . custodias through the idst of the semineis of the enem y.'32. Quum . . . Obvenisset heri it was reveale to euch consuli a dream. 34. Diis Manibus to the inferna god it was belloved that hythis ceremony the letae fave his own imops an doome the enomyto destruction.

18. Detracta: C. Sunt. - missi Se sunt.

22. Se abdiderunt: conceale themWolve eae in his o n Muso. 25. Turpi . . . tenetur is notiound by the disgraceta compaci. 27. Eae eae c. sponsione. by that compaci.' 29 Eaeolvam religione popuIum I Wil releas the nation Dominoi obligatiora.'34. Verecundie majestatis Dom respectu his dignity. 37. Posthumius . . . percussit e the con9tructio is, Posthumi pereussit femur ferialis genu, Minnia vi potuit Posthumius strue

The objectoauo represen himsel as ecomin a Samnito by tha