장음표시 사용
Protesilaus a bor at Phylace, in Thessaly, and te a Thessalian contingent to fio against Troy. He was the firs to lea froin thegreat hips, and fultille the oracle that Whoever of the invader firsttouehed the Trojan hore hould all. He is mentione in Homer's catalogue os Ships : To thes the outh of Phylace Sueeeed, Itona, samous for hermeec Dreel. Thesei exas chie Protesilas the brave, o no la silent in the Hoom grave Theirst,ho bol lyriouehed the Trojan hore, And dyed a Phrygia lance illi Grecia gore, Herodies far distant fro his native plain Unfinished his proud palaee remain, d his ad consori beat herireast in vain. 'The ad consori Was Laodamia daughter of Acastus. At his death, inher intense grie sit prayedis earnesti tote alloWe to se heraus-ban sor a se hours that Juppiter grante her equest me he
die the seconi time, he ted With him, and ecam for poets, DomVergil tomordsworth, the type of those ,ho deepi Iove. '1. The Romansiegan thei letters thus Cicero Attico .-i. e. Salutem dicit) senil greeting. In formal letters multam o FlurimαmWas added. The thin longeddo may, after opto, e put in theaeta, nec and inf., Simple ins Or ut an subii. 2. A beautiful rhythm cf. Icarus IcaΥiis nomina fecit aquis. 3. Atilis. ah Greel fleet Was unable to leave Aulis in Boeotia, Wingi contrar Winds untii gamemnon sacrifice his aurater Iphigenia to Artemis. 4. Fuge S, a natura exaggerationis assection He id not De Dom
29. The finalci in the 3d pers pers of Wordilthe rediit, periit, is ecasionali tengthene in Poeto. s. Cephalus and Procris l. 23,
and note. 30. Legitimus, ' a Wila' true love.'
43. yluari, voc sto Gree Δυσπαρις, Paris of erit omen. Com. Pare Δυσελε . Priamide, Oe lio Priamides Gree form). Sometimes Bacchus assume the phanto formi a bull. Soin the Bacchae 920, 21 -
καὶ ταυρος ημῖν πρόσθεν ηγεῖσθαι δοκεῖs
Damno, abi. o attendant circumstance Commodo is sed in exacti the opposite Sense, as quod commodo rei publicae facere FOSSiS-i. e. to the adVantage f. Here, beauteous to thecost or ruin os thyaeople. Is αmno an abl. of the price orpenalty Cf. impendio.
50. Reduci. Muppiter Redux the o to hom the furvivors wed thei return, and in hos temple the would osse thei arm asa votive offering so thei salaiy. Reducis sed both activelyand passively-hringinibach, or brought bach. 51. Sufiit-i. e. animo or mihi. See note On viii. 1. Ire, noW.'55. heris fur Paris ould no hau stolen Helen ii he hadiso solithat he could holit his N against ali comers. Ausurus erαt This use of the indicative sit ulnae compare Withth use of debui an debebam, as also of the word signifying ability, ' dutyr necessity, in the apodosis, he there is thesubj. ood in protasis. his se is speciali common illi past tenses of periphrasti future. See ennedy, Publi School
60. Quotus, ,hat in number, frequently means 'ho smali ori litile 'assar quota, hOWSmal a part m quemque principem minima pars regni sui Sequitur. 61. HA-i. e. his poWe and splendour Helen asiaughter o Leda, and sister of the twins Castor and Pollux.
63. Nescio quem, Some.'66. Nomen .e. HectoriS. 67. Vitaris raritaveris, ut Pers68. Hectoras, Gree ΠΟΠΠ, nee Plur.
sala home. But he has her ears It was a matter of muchmomentu put happy interpretations on mens. 86. Eat Understandist. 87. Se introduction to this pieee. 90. e. p. aXo ne quid juvet vocista veto, hiv. o ne is sed after prohibere. It would e good Latino say - Di rohibeant, or taciαnt ne hoc sit. More rare Di prohibeant ut
107. Neptune an Apollo se and lime holpe Laomedon o uild the walis of Tmy. 110. Mora The dela is uot due to accident: Neptune causes it. Why ista, not illa l111. Adultera Helen is not Worth the sacrifice. 112. Inachiae Argivae Inachus mythiea his of Argos. 113. Sed quid ago Soldier mere recalled When the were ein de- feated. Revocare asi bad omen hen applied i soldiers. 116. Mei tui, ut nostri, vestri, are sed objectively si tibi cura meimsi tu me curas, Fou have a care forme.'