장음표시 사용
feci tenSe. 32. aestinctαm, secutam understand esse illi eaeli. - trema euphemisui for death Aen. i. 218 - .Spemque metumque inter dubii, seu vivere credant, sive extrema pati, nec iam eXaudire Vocatos.'
47. Inimica, unrelenting. '48. Illi, dat with resipondet, sympathises illi her.'49. Sichaeus, a Wealth pries o Hercules, ho marrie Elisam Dido, sister of Pygmalion, ho, to Secure the reasures of Sighaeus, leWhim. Dido fled rom Tyre With some treasure hicli Pygmaliondidio find, and founded Carthage. Vergit, e see bellevet Dotonini a continue existenc after death, ut in the ope of ahappyaeunionis severe loVes. Curis, abi. in mi respectis love curae, plural, as in line 19. 50. Nec minus, although she a so disdatusul and unrelenting.
Lavinia, the daughteris Latinus, achyler ather promised in mar-riage to Aeneas by the mollier Amata he had been atready promisedio Turnus. Juno the implacabie se of the Trojans, determine to prevent the marriage of Lavinia o Aeneas, an summon to her id Allecto, ne os the Furies . heirstrares Amata ita frengy, and thenassumin the formos Calybe, an agediriestess, present hersei in avision to Turnus. Sh taunis him illi his rejection, and urges him totali up arm against Aeneas. He, mistakin hercior Calybe, id hermin her sacre charge: ars are the concer os me her in Wasassected y age, and unablerio se the truth. But time has made the dote and aint tello arms imagine in Our lonet celi: Go to the temple and the god FOUr care, An leave tomen the thought of peae and war.' Allecto ursis into a age, throw of her disguise, hoWs e trueform and lunges a flamin torch in his reast. He staris hom his fleep, a clam my weat athes his limbs, and a lini passio sor arseiges his oul. his passage a selected by Juvenalis one of thesinest in the aeneid. 1. Allecto, gen. Allectus lili φειδω, φειδους , ne of the three Furies. The others ere Tisiphone an Megaera. 2. Oranti ep. the ord OS, oris-orator , here sed in iis original
19. Flamma virgea, in ire of thortis.'20. Multant, eae-sulto, frequentative of exsilio salio). Aestu, fro the ollinilleat.' Notice the rich vocabularys datem implisis ater sor drinhing latices Lyaei, of the uice of the vinein amnis, ater in motion,
Camilla, the warrior-maid, oin the arra o Turnus in his a With
3. Illa. Notice theras of the pronouito intensis the personalit os Camilla : it matas hoW disserentishe was Domither maidens. Minerva a the patrones os ali cunning orlimanship. especiallythe work of the oom. o hecis calle operos Minerva CLOV., ast iii. 17 818 - Pallade placata lanam mollire, puellae,
Proeli virgo. Observe the essee produce by the juxtaposition
Aeneas, at the commeneement f the war Wit the Latins, en in person to obtain Succour rom Evander Turnus, during the absenee of Aeneas, eis ire t Some of the Trojan Ship an besieges the camp, and reduces the Trojans o reat distress Nisus and Euryalus, Wobrave ouths, volunteerno go in earchis Aeneas, o hasten his return. First the passed the renches of the Rutuli, and finditi the enem in drunken lee aster a great anquet, determine to e their Waythrough them. The kill Rhamnes, Rhemus, Lamus, Lamyrus, Serranus, Rhaetus, haesus, and thers Euryalus, the Ounger, could
no resis the temptatio of the spod, and ahe with him a bellstudde With old, and a fata cres of Wavin plumes Meanwhileno the Latin capital a legion o cavair Was ringin despatchesto Turnus On earing the cam of the Rutuli the se Nisus and Euryalus mahin ossin the lenHoward the Tiber.
4. Mutati, and therelare a formidabie partyri meet. 6. Flectentes, Hannibal ad oceanum Metit. '-Livy Cicero Would not have used secto a a neut Verb.
l9. Regione, the directionis the paths. Abl. o reserende at is the original meaning of regio 20. Imprudens, largetful of Euryalus,' in thoughtiessa te.'21. What theral hani Dei mereris notatio .
M. Rege. What is the original meantia os rege 44. Toto connixus corFore, Mith ali his gathere stren h.'45. Notice the pause after the word conicit. 46. Adversi. mis bach was turnei toward Nisus the hastile mole
47. Ligno, Shan. 48. Volvitur, te rotis.'
50. Hoc beeauseae sam the essect it produced. Hoc is abi. 51. Summa auris, dimo the ear. '55. Auctorem teli, the and that h led the dari. Quo, adv. min
Megentius the Etruscan Contemptor divom, a Vergil elsewhere describes him, proposes ocioin batile at the biduin o Juppiter. From very hatred of this arrior many of the Tusca cities had Oinedili fide of Aeneas, ut Megentius hold ali his nemies a ba like fiere Wild boar hiel the hunters dare Dot approach. 1. Ille, cf. xxx. 11 that fierce Wild boar hicli, ali can picture. 2. Vesulus amountat in Liguria, in the orth festaly hom hichthei talios it riSe. 3. Laurentia salus, o callest rom Laurentum in Latium. Multosove The boar hic ibou may sin in the Liguria hilis and in the Laurentia marsh. Both places helter Simila mODSters. For and we hould more naturali say or. De monitibus altis applies to the Vesulta boar silva pastus harundinea, O the Laurentinn. Silva harundinea: he hadiecome sat an dangerous o the laod. 4. Retin. et were sed in huntin very frequently, huttin in aspace into hicli the animal Wa.driven. 5. Substitit he has com to a stand-stili findin that he canino no further, Win to the net that impede the Way.
Armos, ace of limitation. - Αnge cannot riserior ear.
8. Iustae irae, a jus objec os rath uictus, the Etrurians, holia disomne him for his tyranny, and allie themselves illi
11. Cunctatur, staris and stOPS.'11 12. angvage applicabie to the boar x applied 4, Megentius directly, andio longe in a simile, to describe the ferocit of his
12. Tergo the hiel o buli's hide. 13. Corythi or Cortona, ne of the twelve ancient cities of Etruria. 14. Graius homo. He Was ne of the Gree colonisis, eing one os the followers of Evander He had let his promised ride be-hind, and was earin a cloah hich he had ove so him.
The positionis Frofugus suggesis that the marriage he coveted Was in some anthe cause of his leavin home. 15. Longe. Megentius sees hi in the distance, Windito his right
- Miscente media agmina. aliis means that he was spreadin confusio an death in tho very thic os the sol. Pu ureum Fennis rasurpurei pennis: f. cornibus ingens Pennis, the crest of the helmet. Stabula the forest stMula alta ferarum. He cannot res for the madnes of hunger anus male an . Surgentem in cornua, With lon antlers. In co uaiso thathis horas areaigh f. irasci in cornua, o that he may use his
Immane, neut. Q. Sed adverbialty See p. 109, t. 5. Improba, gluttonous,' insatiate. '16. 17.18. 19.
1. Moriturus et ipse, doomed a s many belare him. 4. Multa vi concitus, Mildi spurring .' 5. Tollitur, rises, naiddie voice. uncti, Mith one consent.' 6. Aequore, o'er the levet plain. '