Camenarum flosculos,/bin usum fettesianorum decerptos; notis quibusdam illustraverunt

발행: 1886년

분량: 162페이지


분류: 시와 노래


12. Agmine. What is there in the motion of the serpent that malles agmen a Word applicabie to thei courseq18. Circum illi dati. Terga aec Mith circumdati used like a middie

20. Simul answered by simul line 22.21. e a stili,earing the gar of the priest. 23. Quales mussitus tollit taurus. Fugit hat tenso l

This legend mahes e the aughter of oseido an Tritonis, the nymph of the lahe.

27. Teguntur, iddie Oiee. 28. Vero. This partici is used partinio connec sentences partinio Produce a contrast. Here it martis the change in the Relings of the Trojans consequent on the deathis Laocoon. 29. Scelus e endissem pald the penalty of his crime. Merentem, ache deservest.' 30. Qui explain scelusu qui cum ille. 33. Numina gracem protection f. 'Tum numina Sancta precamur Palladis Armisonae.'-Verg. Aen. iii 543 544. The plural asOpposed to the singular seems to express the acts in hicli the

37. Fatalis, fate-fraught. Scandit Troy asinin hili. 38. Pueri innuptaeque puellae. Vergi applies here langvage descriptive of the procession Os the tensae Or chariot conveying the statues of the god to the Capitol. It was coutite lucti to


towed by the choirs it satis through the cit unti it comes othe temple gate, here substitit. 43 Sim there ere, ii me ad Do been to blin to notice them. Immemores, heelless. Furore I his is hal the Greelis alledrios αιλα θεος, and βλα , I urt), adnes Seu by the ods, unde Whicli a man otas his se min. Tunc etiam. The also at thi late bour as he had done many times elare. Cassandra the aughter o Priam an Hecuba, had hesin ginest With prophec by Apollo, ut after plighting hedented imae Iove, audis a punishment her Prophecies ereneve belleved. o forese the truth and e nable to arn or persuade others, a thus regarde a the orsi mise . Fatis futuris, dative, sor prophec of the future.'Teucris, stative, used for the ablative of the agent. Qui bus ives the reason or miseri, and therelare has the Sah-junctive. 47.48.

XXI. IN SOMNO MIHI FRATER ADEST. Whon the Greelis baxentered Troy, and the cit Was ulte in deep

night are quae somnis videntur.' -Cle.


6. Tretiectus ora. His seel ad been bored, and a rope or trappassed through them, to te in to the car. Mith a cord threadest through his Colle Dei. Cf. inscripti nomina regum flores isowers illi the ames of hings imprinted On them, of the Hyacinthus, on hiel the letters Wand Αι the initials of

25. Hae mea. 27. His dat. finit these a home.'29. Vittas- i. e. Vestae The mage of the god mere ornamented With vittae. Potentem Vesta a the hie deit of early Rome. The sanctit of the domestic eari an life was the basis of

30. Penetralibus, a Q. Aeternum, e ause the Vesta virgins hept thesaeredire alWays urning in the temple of Vesta.


120 NOTES.


9. Novissima verba, her last faremeli. Novissima verba is thelareweli oven to the dea after the funerat rite are Over in Aen. vi. 231- Lustravitque viros dixitque novissima Verba.'10. Eaei viae, memorial8. The arm8, speciali the wor aut vest-ments of Aeneas. Dulces it dum tweet a long s. Whatis the derivationis exuviae I at meanings has iis 12. Vian, I have live myclise,' my life is 'er So visit is ostenuse euphemisticali for ne hocis ead Cicero, o comingsto the ungeon in hicli the Catilinarian conspirator hadbeen executed in epi to the inquiries a to thei late, aid



15. Virum Her usi,an Sichaeus ad been illed by Pygmalion her brother. The turde Was revealed by Sichaeus himself iua vision to Dido, ho directed her here hemight sin a quantit os hidden reasuro. With his he edoro Tyro and founde Carthage. 17. Nostrα- emphaticali placed. Is the had touche at an shore

19. Inultae is the emphatic ord Sed moriamur Evo i sh does die navenged deallicis belle than ira. Sed in although it ispainsul to die inultae. Sic sic Thus thus, sh says, Arahe trilies the loW. 20. Hauriat oculis, lit., drin in illi his yes, 'letaim east his eyes

- Nunc ignerim, themam of the funerat pyre. 21. Omina the erit omen C Se.

So dolo setere, TmiS, Q. 35. Mihi the ethic dative. It means, 'an Ianewrit not. The ethiodative expresses Relingi interest in the actio expresse in thesentence, an is adde loosely, Olcioine to a particular Ord. It is used os person Only. 36. Comitem closely With sororem, turnae Domaour fide. '37 Voc Ses, o Should have calle me myo ought o have s. Aen. ix. 140- Sed periisse semel satis est peccare fuisset ante satis. Fuisset, should have been.' 39. Struxi Supply Ostum. 42. Date ut abluam, come et me. Manibus date lilia plenis Purpureo Spargam flores.'-Aen. i. 883 881.43. Super, yet,' stili; as in superesse.



44. Ore legam does no refer o catelliti the last reath, ut o messor to sustain lira. f. Oraque ad ora Admovet atque

animae fugienti obsistere temptat.'-OV., M. ii 421.47. Rursius en it, sit droops again. RurSuS, O a secon time,



Vergil, like ther great teacher of mani hind was filled with belles in Spiritua future for man He impresses pon us his ense of iis realit by sendin his hero Aeneas down to the Inferno. Much of his description of the realin and condition of the departe is tinge withthe popular belles an superstitions. He borrows rom legend thenaines of the inferna rivers, the grim ferryman Charon, and therdetatis an indeed the wholo idea os sendin his hero to visit his lower Worid is derive ho Homer. ut his august representation Ofthe eterna righteousnes Whicli ortis etiam sub Orco, an his enSe of the evertastin distinction et Nee a life of righteousnes and of unrighteousness, O purit and impurity, Was due to the reveretice of Spirit an seriousnes of thought whieli male him ne of the reaiestteacher os antiquity. Aeneas, an his uide the Sibyl Wander for a time lili belatest travellers in a thicli ood. oon the reaeli the domat an palaceo Orcus, at hos portat lie Care, DiSeaSe, Penury, unger, ear, and ther rea spe tres. The the come to an age elm in hichroost a stoe os obliti fornix then the comerio Acheron.

fulvas ex imo Verrit harenaS.'-Ov. M. i. 499.


124 NOTES.

10. Sed Godido not age and ait achail mortalido. II. Musa, streaming. '12. CorFora, the might frames.' Defungi vita, o have done Withlise ita is abi. RSe. 15. Quam multa, nam multi quam multa cadunt folia, Le.16. Gurges, osten use of the sea in poetry f. fessos iam gurgite Phoebus tingit equOS.'17. Glomerantur, 'stoc to land to prepare for migration to a Warmer


Aeneas in the Inferno arrives at the mourningields, tenante bythose ho die in infancy by the uviusti executed by repentant sulcides, and by the victim os love Among the last he meet withthe had os Dido, the queeni carthage, ho le-hersei in despair, When e len Africa for Italy. The poset hows that the lis of the sociaeyond the grave is nodispent in ulter largetfulnes of the life on


earth. Iust retribution and repentanee so sin aWaltis below. Eternat justice setiles the abodes of the dead. I. Continuo, sortii ith, as oon a the leave Charon's seri y. Auditae-i. e. Sunt agitus, cry of in fanis. 2. In limine, of the realm of Orcus, spolieni as a palaee vestibulum ante ipsum primis-que in faucibus Orci.' 3. Mortes, 4est os.'

epithe of nripe fruit. The ori matvrus, ripe, is applied similari to fruit an to eath So Horace, maturo propior desine funeri. se talli ona ripe old age. S mayst thou live, ill like ripe fruit thou dropInto thymother' lap. '-Par. Lost xi. 535 536. 5. Hos tuaeta . e. sunt Mortis, Ov. by damnato, condemne todeath. 6. Nec vero no even in the casei insanis, orithose ho have been uviusti condemned is a judicia proceedin dispensed illi. Vergit was uel impresse With the vas an orderi govern ment of the Romans. He an conceive no etter for the orldbelow. II introduces there the quaestione or judicia commission o Sulla, hocinereased the number of couris at Rome, separate between civi and crimina tristis, and mado the alter always trientelare a jury iudices. These iudices ere selected by tot for each court This selection a callod sortitio iudicum. Vergil alludes to this henae say sine sorte, sine iudicem Sine sortitione iudicum. The resident of the our Was called Quaesitor. Datae, lassigned. '7. Quaesitor, commissio er. Minos, a in os Crete, bo a socelebrate forciustice in his orld that he was place o thethrone of judgment in the Inferno Silentum, of the silent dead '

8. Conciliumque, ioth sum mons them to triat, 'inc. 10. Insontes, without uili of their Wn'- i. e. through SorroW. Manu, violent hands. Perosi through loathing of the lightos day. Causal participie, giving the reasonis their desperate act.


126 NOTES.

I1. Proiecere animas animae prodigus. '-Hor. Car. I. ii 37.

Aethere in alto, is ni the might reatli the uppe air, theyWould eniture anything. 13. Obstat, 'bar the way. fari , that Whieli is decreed by heaven. Ib. Fitsi stretching. Nomine, osten addendo dicere, as unde locum Graii dixerunt nomine Ornon.' 17. Crudeli tabe, titiles pining. 18. Secreti: unliappy lover eour retirement. Myrtea the myrtieWas aere to Venus haed. iii 17 2-4 - Divi legerunt arbores Quercus Iovi, et myrtus Veneri placvit Phoebo laurea, pinus Cybelae, populus celsa Herculi. '19. Curae, pangs f love.'20. Phaedra, is os Theseus, fel in love illi Hippolytus, ho didnodiretur her Iove. Eventuatly sh hun herseis. Procris Se introduction to Cephalus and Procris. Erishyle, is of Amphiaraus, hom he betrayed foro Deeklace. Sh Was lain by her Son Alcmaeon. 21. Nati, inflicted by hermon.'22 Evadne a Wis o Capaneus, o hom he was o devote thatshe thre herseisin his funera pyre. Pasithae, ira o Minos, and mother of Ariadne. Laodamia, iram Protesilaus, hocioined the expedition against Troy. When stio eard that he was lain by Hector, he had Wooden statue os immade. Whieli sti hept ver eside her. Hor fallier, thinhing that it heptior gries alive burnicit, and shothre herseisin the flames an died.

23. Caeneus Caenis, a Thessalia moman, a change by Neptune, at her equest, into a outh, and rendere invulnerabie. AnerWard Caeneus as he a no called, ostende Juppiter, and was changod again into a semale bird. 25. Recensi volnere, dresti fro her ound. 26. In magna thicis hyrahe as dimi Seen. Quam gov. by tu aeta.