장음표시 사용
oourse no partis the Populus Romanus, ere W numero us
II. CLAS DISTINCTIONs. Although the govertiment of LORom is callod republican and although the old distinctionbetWeen patricians and plebeians ad long sinu coased tot0 of politica importando, stili here ero disserenues of position belween even the cives optimo iure that are sentirolyforeign to ou ideas O republican equali ty. The go vern-11ment a reali aristoeratio; and the preservation o iis demouratio eatures a duo solet to the aut that thuromere Wo ariStoeracies, ne Os ossiue-holners and the thoro capitalisis, hi oli strugglod most bitteri Withiaehithordiaring the last years of the Republic.
io his descendant to the last generation the right ius imaginum to displa in thei halis and carr at funerat a
Wa mas repreSentin his eatures. The possession fas Such a masti, o in ther oris descent rom a curule magistrate, a the patent of nobility, and ali descendanis O curule magistrates 'ere. thereiore mobles inobiles .
these elasses ore also vovered by the nam Populus. The 22 tonditior of the uom mons in Cicero' time a pitiablo. The combinations os apital hut them ut O commerceani manufauturo, hile the competition o flavo labor ulmos olose agriuulture and the trades against them. Som found Inploymen in the coloni e nn provinces, some ked ut a suant livin On their armS, Some made
It must e re membered, o Wever, that no itigeri as 23 absolut0ly sex luded rom ither of the ordines Themeanest itigon ould euom a night y amassing tho requirest sum os 400, 000 Sesteroes, and the oores could mali hi insul a senator and his descendanis oble by 0at- in the senatoria candidat for a quaestors hip and thengaining a curule office.
At a later republican perio at theseople of the cit and
adjacent territor Were divide accordin to localit into tribus, tribes,V Whicli in Cicero' time numbereti hirty-five. At a stili lator date ac tribo as subdivido on a basis of wealth an age into te censuriae, ienturi es,' mal ingo cours thre hundred aniliit centuriae for ali theseopte possessing the minimum os properi required. a Each oitigon o being nrollud a Sueli DI Wa assigned by the censors to his prope tribu and century, and it WaSoni a a partis Such tribo orientur that he could exercis that mos important of his iura sublio the iussustrastii That is, eaeli arti, o tribe, O CentUry, WAScountedis a Whole, it vote ein detorminud, ascis theelectora vote of one o ou statos by th majorit of the individua voles of the citigens ho composed it. 2 In nouordance illi his triple division of the olligens there ere three great popular assembliei comitiα, rom
assembl o plebeians Only, ut ad rown in influenceunti in Cicero' tim it Was the mos important of the comitia, and ali legislation had praetiuali passe into iis hantis It could e summone by a conSul, Praetor, Ortribuno. It meetings ero held in the forum It elected tribuneS, quae Stors, aediles, an peti magistrates. Osto tho iam that have com down to us ere adopte in this assembi and were called plebiscita. III. II COMITI CENTURIATA. This a tho rst 30 assombi in hiuli ho old ordors, patriolans and plebeians, Wero associato togothor Originali devi sed by Servius Tullius it halioen udonstruetexat abolit tho tim of tho Seconii uni War. It was composed of the thro hundredani fift centuriae montionsed in 25, forinsed by dividing
35 The comiti centuriata ent through simila formalitios. The eopte ero arran ged eaeli centur to iself, a round tho sides of tho Campus Martius, a large pace ein lustunoeoupiod in the uentre. The eventy centuries of the fit si and wealthius uias east tot to seu hiel, should votufirst centuria praerogativa), and the result oscit voto asas announoed Theti the rem aining centuries of tho rst
44 The principat magistratos, illi ho datos on hiuli thoirothoes ere urented and thro u open to the PlebeianS, reshown in the foliori in table
b Without imperium Censor, tribune, aedile,
ν Minor havin the right to alie alie auspices
misboliavior in ossiue a Soon a thoi ternis Xpired. Henuem magistrat eould e electe to Successive terms of tho fame mee.
Roman s ambition the ighest magistracy. The consulsWere Wo in number, and ere eleutod severa monilis bufor thei term egari, usuali in uly, ut the recise dat was figod by the senato They ere the ordinar pre-sid in ossicors of tho senatu, direutod iis doliberations and executed iis ordors. The too precede ne ove nil other magistrate in Summon in the senate and comiti centuriata, 5 and prosido livor tho alteriody at thoiluetioni ali curulo magistrates They us: atly ook turn in actingis head ositio administration, aut tali in preeodenuo for a monili, b0ginning illi the oldor. Dur in his monili paeli consul Was alwavs attende in Publi in t etve Lictores, no