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Siones. Mercure Francois 's Wordis, Vesiue d 'une grande Robe de Toille d 'Argent en Broderi e d 'Or toute cou verte de Dyamanis, ayant une Couroire Ducale is fur la teste fati de Pierreries. '' And the Pamphlet printed in that Year assures
a Calling this Coronet a Ducal one must be a Mistahe; for, exclusive ofwhat Stow and the Pamphlet abo ve-mentioned telis us, it is evident that Princesses and other great Ladies of the Blood Royal at the Time of their Assarii ages wo1 e Coloneis or Crowns. Os ali Distinctions non e are more 'istbly adapted and universally understood to represent or signisy What is intended by them, than those whicli are known by the Habiis and externals rnamenis; especialty when the particular Reassens of thς Appropriations offuch Marks are evident. There are severat such Particularities in this Description; and first, as to the Crown, wherein there Will be no Occasion torun bach to the Custom of the Jews, the Romans, and of the Primitive Christians, by ali whom Crowns inere ii sed upon these occasions, it bet nil my only Desigia in this Place to produce Instances of the Daughters of the Crown, or the near Relations of the Κings and Oeens of En and , wearin Crowns on the Celebration of their Nuptials. On the Mari iugo of Adeleydis, or Alice, Daughter of the ilien Marquis of Monis errat, and Nie e to thethen Queen os Englan b, with Alberi the Grear, Duhe of Bruns ich, whichMarriage was celebrated at London in the Quindenes of Easter 1263, is this EntPy in Rot. Pal. 4 Hen. IJΙ. P. a. M. 3. Pro Garianda aurea a Opus Mar se Neptis Legis, qriam Dux Brunsviuhi duos tirus est. The Word Garianda here sIgnifes a Crown, not a Garland ; for in that Age the Word Garianda was attribu ted even to the Croum woria by that Ring, as we find in AIat. Paras, P. 36. Where sp hing of Henry III. he sayS, Coronula aurea,
triti a iii r GaIlanda tiacitur, rede nitus. In Lib. Garderobae, as E. I. Di Custodia Rem. Regis. Pro una magna Eubetia et una magna Amerat da
Four Bishopps in their Habiis, and the superior Degrees of the Nobili ty, the Provinciat Κings proceed ing before thegreat ossicers of State. Then Garier. Then the Fari os Arundeli carrying the Sword of State. The Κing in a most sumptuous blacla Suit with a Diamond in his Hai. Then
Μantectu rotat, is c. portant une Coronne a l'Imperiale. Mart. Franc Tom. II. P. sa. Eligabeth Daughter of the Emperor Μaximilian the I Id.
Vox the Μanner os cruwning Brides in the Eastern Churches, ste Selden's Uxor Hebraica, and Zimmermanni Analecta, P, .si, λα
placed, the Lorti and Councellors of the Κing, and the Lords and Counsellors of the Palatine took their Seats on thelest Hand of the Chapel. The Ladies of Honour took theother Side of the Seats. The young Lords and Genilemenos Honour, and younge Ladies and Bride omen, with thenecessary Attendanis iapon the Κing and the Queen, stood allhelow upon the favement. It is remari able, that by the extraordinary Care of the Eari os Suffolii Lord Chamberlain, the Chapet was so kepi, as not one Person but of hIonourand great Place carne in m it. The Ceremontes in the Chasel on tbe Elector Palatine's Marriago.
a The Rea n of this hiack Colour might be the late Death of PrinceArlitur, for that Colour, and not purple, was the real Mourning Habit of
Vestry, and put on their ricli Copes, and came to the Communion Tabie, Where they stood illi the Anthem was ended, and then they ascended the Haulpas or Throne, Where these Two great Princes Were married by the Arch-bi inop of Cantet bury, in ali Potnis according to the Book of Common Prayer. The Prince Palatine speaking the Wordsos Μarriage in Englisti after the Archbishop. The Κing's Majesty gave the Bride. Wlaen the Archbismop had ended the Benediction God thes ather, God the Son, &c. the Choir sang the fame Benedictionin an Anthem made nem for that Pur posse by Doctor Bull. The Anthem ended, the Archbissiop and the Dean descendedfrom the Throne: The Bri degroom and Bride sol lowing them, kneeled bes ore the Communion Tabie, While the Versicles and Prayers were sung by the Archbistaop, andanswered by the Choir, which being ended, another Psalm
with the Congratulations of the Lords there present; and then divers of these Lords brought out of the Vestry Howls With Wine, Ippocrag, and Wafers: Aster lasting the Wafers an Health was began to the Prosperity of the Assarriage out os a great gold Bowl by the Prince Palatine, and aris,ered by the Princesse, and others present in their Order. This being ended they departed in the same Manner asthey came, save that the Bride was led back hom the Chapelby the Duke of Lenox and the Eari os Nottingliam Lord
Charies and the Eari os Northampton. The Κing and Quoen, leaving the Bride and Bridegroom in the Great Chamber, Kent to their privy Lod gings ; and the Bride and Bridegroom proceeded to dine in State in the new Banquet tingΗouse with the Prince, the Ambasia dors of France, Venice, and the States, Count Henry, and ali the Lords and Ladies vilio hau been attendant on the Marriage.
Direditora, took into Consideration the Preparations and Ceremontes to be used at the Celebration of the Marriage of
the illustrio ius Prince Willistin, boria Prince of Orange and Count of Nassati, onely Son of the most illustrious Princes rederick-Henry, by the Grace of God Prince of Orange and Count of Nassau, Rc. Mith the excellent Princesse Lady Vary et dest Daughter of the most pulina sit and mosteXcellent Prince Charies. by the Grace of God ing of Great Britatu, France, and Ireland , Descnder of the Falth, &C. Their Lord thips, after due Deli heration, having advi sed vith Dr. Wren, Bishop of Ely and Dean of his Majesty's Chapell, touching the Ceremony to be performed there, asalso with the Κings of Arms a bour other Solemnities formerly used upon like Occastions, repatred unio his Majesty, xnd by their Lord stati ps Advice it was then resolved that the
Returia,' and other important Astairs then in Agitation, many Solemnities used in former Times were Omitted -, and theres ore the Celebration of these Nuptialis mere with the more
mand re patred unto the Bri degroom at Arundeli Hoti se, and there informed his Higlincise what he was to say and what toido at the Celebration of the Marri age, leaving with Mons euride Nar tot his Highnesse Governour, and Monsi eur Rivel his
'utoi, our Liturgy, both in Englici and Freuch, to the
A. B. C. D. Rails of the Altar. E. F. G. Rails of the Haulipas. Both Sldes of this Degree or Haulpas mere rayled about Two Foot Sig Inches in Heigili, with Lysis on both Sides at the upper End, for the bet ter Coliventency of his Majestyand the Embasadors going to repose themselves, at suci, Time as the Bride and Bridegroom utere to kneel before the Altar or Communion Table. The Floor of this Degree or Haulpas Was covered with xx ery fair Turkey Carpet, und over that, in the middie Pari, with Four sinali Carpetis, and the Rayis thereos with richcloth of Gold Bawdeliin : this, and the Traverses hereastermentioned, being furnis et by the Care of Mr. Clementicynardessey, Yeoman of the removing Wardrobe : Aiad aeli tile be re the Proceding was made in to the Chapeli, thegi eat Ossering Carpet was spread frona the Foot of the Degree or Haulpas almost down to the lower End of the
hereos in regard they ascended into the Closet, there to hearthe Sermon and Divine Service. On the Oulside of the Septum or Rayis of the Communion Table, twixi the said Traverse and the u er End of the Chappell, were Four Stoois placed, set in Breast with Cumions, for the Embasilidors of the States Generat of the United Provinces) to repose on, at sucii Time as hisi Majest y remained in his Traverse. tr. Peter Newton, his Majesty's et dest Genti eman Usher