장음표시 사용
Voydee began to crater in the Naner of a Banheli, eXceed-1ng the Psice of any other used in great Seasons. Besore the Voydee came in Five Score Couple, Eartes, Barons, and Knighis, over and besides Squiers, having Collers and Chainsos Gould every each of them throughout, bearing the oneof them a Spice Plate, the other a Cuppe, bes de Yeomen of the Guard that followed them with Potis of Wine to filithe Cuppes. The Spice Plates were furn istaed in the mosthounteous Manner utilli Spices after the Man.:er os a Voydee; and the Cuppes mere replenis hed with Wine, and univcrsallythroughout . the said Hali distribu ted. The Number of thesaid Spice illates and Cuppes utere goodly and ma rveylOUS, and 3 et the mole to be wondred, for that the Cupboard was nothing touched, but stood compleat garni med and filled, 1eemingly not orae diminis hed. Thus this goodly Multitudeos Elates and Gentiis, refrestaed with the bounteous Plentyos Spices and wines at their Commoditie and Leas ure, concluded this present Frid e, and departed to thela Resis.
the Ladbe Maisti esse of Spaine: Then nexi the Lord of Dei bye, and by him a Ladye of Spaine. The Viaeene sat te at the Tabie standing at the sed 's Feet, Wh1ch . 3ias in the ut per End of the Chamber, and whichwas tiae. Table of most Reputation os ali the d abies in the
an Arbour, in goodly Manner and Proportion, Wherein mereTwel Ve Lordes, Unightes, and Men of Honor dis ui sed an drichly beseene. This Arbour Was so pro perly biough , thalat sucii Tyme as it came before the Ling, it Mis turn edround a bout in the set ting of it downe ; so that the in g, the Queene, and ali the States mi hi see and belloid throughlythe Proportion thereos. In the set ting do vile of this Arbo urthe Gate thereos was turned to the Linge and ti e Queene. Then came o ut thereos flandry LOriis, i ni his, and Menos IHonour, dis uised, Who by thenaseives for a long Space lautaced divers and sondry Daunces, and then stood a fide. Then the Trumpets blew up, and ther illi came in a good lyPageant, made round after the Fastaton os a Lant horne, casto at With many proper and good ly indo es fenestred with sine La 'pari Whereia Rere more than au Hundred great
Apparcit ita at hath bene u sed . This Lanthoi ne vias madeos io filae Sthi fili, and so many Lights were in it, that these I ad yes might perfeci ly appea re and be known through thesaid Lant horne. Aster that this Lanthorne vias brought and set right before the Ling and the Queene, these TWelve dis ui sed I ad yes came out and davnced by them selves in right good ly Manner divers and many Daunces a great Space.
at together a great Space. In the Tyme of davncing, the Eartes, Barops, and Knighis, to the Number of Threescore
pone other Thing but their Harnes s and Armour. Uppon the Twesilaye, ali the nobie and valiant Knighis of Warre, Chalen ers and Descndors; had Respite and re- pc,sed the in cives, and the other Nobles and Ellatos solacedand data iaced in their Hower and Chambers ali that stimu
his Highnes, and by the Oversight of the Constabie and
Jud ges, were tharpe Speares brought unto them by their Servitors. First, the Duke and the Lord Mai quis rani together egerly and with great Courage, although in greati Jeopardye and Feare of their Lives, and brat e divers Speares
S.peares, 3 et they forced thenaseives so much, and so litile Favour Was used amongsst them, that s me Tyme both Parties of them Nere borne to the Ground both Horse and Mati. Aster these nobi e Challengers and Defenders had thus vali antly attempted each other in the Potnts of Justi audrunning with sharpe Speares, that they turneyed willi Swordes. First, the Duke and the L. Marquesse, and after that the Earie of Essex and the Duke's Brother, vilio so
SNordes ruere stroken out of their Uandes: Some times both Horse and Man enclined to the Earth. Thus ali the Five Couples of Lordes and Knighis turneyed fuit eger and vallantly, so that their Deedes of Armes in thos e Feates vero mort hy great Prab se, and in Memory to be recommended.
Defendors out againe at the Gate in to the Ling 's Street, nigh uiato the Sanctuary. In the meane Season, while both these Compavies of noble Warriors and Knighis ruere absentand harneysing of them et ves, there was brought in to the Fictile a certaine Barrier, the whicli Nas seti overthwart the
cellent Number of Commons that were somewhat tonchedand spolien Os in the fit st Daye of Justs, were now also in their fores id Stages, and the Windou es and Batti emenis right plenti fuli and bravely filled. Incontinent the et rum- petis of the Chaleragers blewe Dp tanto the Field, encompassing the sanae once or twice about ora Horsback. In right pleas ant Manner, and without tarrying, came out ofWestminster Hali, for the Chalen ger's Partie, a good lyCompany of Gentiemen and Men of Honor, right wellhorsed and beseene, avaunsing after a coiarageous Guise their Horses, which were decked and garni med with Spangi es, Belles, and divors other Devices, after the meetest Famion that halli bene u sed . Aster them came a goodly Chaire os Cloth of Gould, di amne With flaruer mar velous Beast S The two fitast were great Lyons, one of them Redd and the other
The Five Noblemen, to wit, the L. Marquis, th Earte, the Lorde, and the Knighis, ali in compleat Harneis, rode about the said Charre, Two on the one Side and Two ora theother, and the L. Marquesse diremy behinde. Thus theyconvayed the reliearsed Charre unio the Place of their Entrance, there abiding the Defendors comming. So fortunate hath our Real me of England ever been bellovideri, that whais ever Chalenge of Armes liath been made therein in any Wise by Straungers or Aliens, ili'an inere thereos liath
of our Reatine and Nation, where fore uiato this present
Sanctuary, a goodly Company of Gentiemen and Men ofΗon nor uppon their Coursers, right richly beseene and arrayed, as it was bes ore expi essed, in the partie of the Chalengers. Aster them followed ymmediately the Enachors of the Feates of Warre, and the Defenders in this Belial se. First, Sit Rowland Knighis, Sir George Herberi, the Lord Barners, the Lord ΙHenry of Buckingliam, and the Duke of Bucking ham, ali on Hor ache in compleat Harneis, and the Horses trapped after a fuli goodly Manner. Thus they compassed the Field round abolit, and did their Obedience bifore the ing's Highnes fuit curteoui ly, and so resorted to the Place
Ρleas ure. This nobie Rurining at the Large thus ended, there were Swordes for the Tourneye deli vered tanto the Duke of Buckingliam and uiato the Lord Marquesse, and
os the satu Hall. There Nepe siit ting uppon certaine SteppQSand Benches on the Sides of the sirsh Mountainc os Colour Greene Xii. fresae Lordes, Unighis, and Men Os Honor, moti .seemely and seravngely dis uised, mali ing great and siucet Melody with n uscat Instruments of much Hermony, as 4 abors and Taboreuis, Lutes, Harpes, and Recordei s. In the smali Hilles uppon the Sides of the redit Alo uni or Roche were xii. dis ui ed Ladies, and one in the Toppe arrab ed after the Manner of the Princes . of Spaine ; ali thei se fresia appareited Lad s and V, o nen of Honor, having like Instruments of Music eias Claricords, Dulsymers, Claricimbalis, and suchother. Each of them, as Weli the Lordes dis ui sed in their Mountaine, as the Ladyes in theirs, ii sed, occUpied, and played uppon the Instruments ali the Waye comming from
righteous and bounteous Curtesie tanto every each of them,as the Brutte and Fame went, and was knowen of their
the Asternoone, the Ling Uighnes sped with a right plea antCompanye of Gentiles and Estates, through his good lyGardens unio his Gallery uppon the Walles, the Whicli Gardens mere apparet ted pleas antly for his nighnes alid