장음표시 사용
CAROLUS FOLSΟΜ, A. M. Academiae Harvardianae olim Bibliothecarius.
Whereos theyclaim res proprietors, in the word solio rein g, toreit - Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum Liber Primus et Selecta quaedam Capita Curavit Notulisque instruxit Carolus Folsom, A. M., Academiae Harvardianae olim Bibliochecarius. -In conformi tyto the actis tho Congressis the nitet States, entillud, in ac so the nco ur age mentis learn in g, by securing the Opies of mases, charis, an books to the authors and proprie tors offuch copiis during the times heroin montioned und ulgorio anaci, entilled, an actisupplementarni an act, ent illed, an ac for the encouragement of learning by securing the coptes Os maps, charis, an books to the authors and proprietorsis sueti copies during th times there in mentioned nn exton din thohenest thereos to the aris os designing engraving, uni etching historical undit herprinis.
particula reseretice to thos Colleges and igher Schoois, in hich the rst ive Bootis have hi therio forme apari os the course of Latin studies. The editor, byliis experience as an instructer in Haruar University, was texto Obsorve that the volume in common Se thoughi contain some of the fines passage of this riter, is et in great pari uia intereStin t yolan Students. Tosuch, an os the de talis, hi chlare neceSSar to the completenes of the Roman annals prove eariSome rom heir
similarity, is no frona their antis importa iace. And to Saynothingis the injustice done to the authora tali in arbitrarii tho rst vo book of a Histor os infinite variety, and consisting, sae roterit, os ni east one hundred and ortybook srom thirty-five os hic h-we stili ave a choice), justice is thus ardi renderedo thoSe ho ma neverhave an opportunityo re ad more os the orti than is comprehende in their early tu dies, Or hos re ad in os thewholo ma depend oti the impreSSion gi ven by this pari. Unti ho ad principali made his election, the editor Was unable to learn that an book havin the Same Objeci,
η Linitis pro Prima Classe Gymnasiorum Scholarumque Latinarum ita eaeeerptus, i intra Anni Spatium proelegi possit, et simul Historia in Conneaeione eum Fide Ingenio, Stiloque Livii gustentur. x M. MARTINO FRIDER. SoERGEL Gymnasii Martine Brunsvicensis
vi PREFACE. Os these the earlier on dous no exto nil styond the irsit etve books, is Without notus, and ther is is sar romboing prepared, ith oviosi judgmen a the ther, hichi accompani ed by notes, generali in Latin, ut Sometimes in German. Al the extracis in the lateron a re tot s undalso in the present volume, esides ther Whicli the purpOSe os the electiora seu med equali to require. The
propriet os giving the Firs Book ontiro illi obviolis toail Who considerio osten the subjectis it is alluded o both
in ancient and modern literaturo hile, illi rogard to theremainder of the volume the worid has been too longagreed asto hat are masterpi esses, to leave an do ubi abolit the abSoluto excellen ce of the particula passage ChoSen, o mi Chhesitation in preserring them to any other inferior ni tothese. The editor has endeau ured to avo the volume romthe appe arance os unconnected ragments by givin entire
Rectore et Soc Reg. Teut . Ott Memb. Lemgovia Θ, ITTI. 12m O. pp. 296. This a re prirate in I 784, and a se eo nil volume was ad ded, embra in the last twenty-three books. Se Inde Editionum in the Bipon edition.J T. Lini Patavini Historiarum Libera et Selecta quondam Capita. Scholis oguntinensibus adornavit JOHANN. CASPARUS MuLLER, Litterarum Humaniorum in Academia Μ0guntina Piofessor. Oguntiae,1780 12mo. p. 570. Thus Epitonia by ome, vi thesilite reagon o ever, have been attribute to Livyhimself biit, hoever a thei aut hor the bear a classica stam p and are modet os ille Lindis compo Attion to whie haberbelong. Laboring unde the dium os avita bestia, a the substitute prili fuit History the probabie occasion of the neglige nee vitii vhichthat waskepi, and thus of thelo μου os the greater partis it illis abstra et is sometimes spolien os contemptuoiastyri ut Gravina De Instauratione Studiorum does noti est latera recommend the stud os the Epito me Liviana to Oian persons, ut quae longe simplicior et candidior sit Flori et Veliri libris, resque exprimat propriis et convenientibus verbis, absque suco et argutiis.