Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum liber primus et selecta quædam capita

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q. Rem J referred by om tu res populi Romani; 4ware that thematiate is remo te in time, an has osten been reat ed. Other refer rem toperscribere res populi Romani a th in that has long since an Doste been

done. Others, again, refer rem to Factum SH speroe Pretium, etc. as

observecit is an id an common custom among riter dicere Se operoe pretium facturos, ach ne writer belle vingae hali surpas his predecessors ei ther in matteris style.'8. Pro virili parte by ome understoc a pro viribui, to the ulmostos, abili ty' hut virilis pars o portio a cla phrase, Signibin that portion o an in heri tande distributed viridim, hicli felicio ac of the heirs, and liene was sed for Share,' participation, in generes. alia I also have done my hare hornem par in recording the eXploiis, etc. 9. Scriptorum turbίJ any of Whom re fierward nam ed by Lim i ut hardi an thin remains of them excepi a partis Polybius in Greeh. IS. Magnitudine laboret In the fame sense Liv lib. vii. c. 29. has magnitudo qum viae sustinetur, speahing of the Roman empite SoHorace Odes I. ix. . describes the ood laden With snowas laborantes iand Ovid Mel. i. 296. applies the sume or to Atlas supportici the

22. Ante conditam condendamve 'be re the cit Was egu to ebulli, o the design os uildiniit a formes by Romulus. Condendam here refers to the time of the transactions that gave occasion to the bulldingo it as, age 5 I, linem 2 principia condendi hujus operis reser to hat precede the bullding of the temple there polien f, after it a designedio beauili, aridaefore it Was actuali begun. S. Ei J his conjunction, as et a que is osten Sed by iv to con-4.

neci two Ords o claus es, of hiel the alter is meret eXplanator of tho former, an means the fame hing Thus ad eos referre auctores here Shows liat is meanti consecrare origineS. S. Ea D that, sueti, O great.'8. MihiJ is no without fore here, intima ting the author' oK Opinion, and conne ting this sente nee illi the preceding These and similariat



d. tio of very one, etc. Mihi, tibi, etc. are seldomo neve mere Xpletives, ut serve a leas to give livetines to the discourse.

12. Desistentes sinhing. This figure, ahen rom a uilding the Dundations of hicli are graduali si ving way, is sollowed ut in magis magisque lapsi sint, incline more an more, and ire principites, Talia ead

22. Nec in quam cinitatemJ for ecfuit clostas in quam. 29. Initio, ruiεnum ei A pleonasm, hicli figure is common inito. Potitis- libentius, in the ex sentence, furnish another eXample of it. 5. 3. Mobora initia erram BDenallage sor forum initia rerum Thisfigure, also, bound in Livyci . g. page , line 2, ad justi cursum amnis for ad justum cursum; p. 12. l. o. violati hospitiisaeuus, o violatum hospitii foedus.7 T. Dorso i. e. ab situ urbis porrecto in dorso, scilicet montis. 35. Secundum Deorum opes i. e. IUS Deorum imperium. qI. Forte quίdam divinutis asci forte quίdam divincl,lae δεία τινιτυχη, an Xpression Ound more than ne in Plutarch. Some ould infert antefore divinitus, hich would thusae contras texit mih forte. 42. Iusti. See note pageta line I S. S. O. Hoc . The Lupercal continue to e celebrate in the time of Livy. 26. Quem, i reserring t Pana. 29. Ultroy in the sense of proeterea, inSuper. q2. Eouem pervenili arri vexat the fame liope, a Faustulus. Somela ebdem readia demum. 9 IS. Agmine Virgil also ises agmen 'heri rapeahing of Only tWO, moving together Illi duo a iguesy agmine certo Laocoonta petunt V Eueid, ii. 212. 27. Templa For an account of the rites of Augury, se Adam 'sRoman Antiquities, finding the subjecis Augures an Templa by means Ofth 'Latin Index ' at the end of the volume.

SI. Tempore- princepto Quod tempore praecepissent seu prius habuis-Sent augurium, regnum trahebant ad Se et ducem suum, Remum sibi vindicabant bus imperii. 32. AltercationeI, Observe the gradation, altercatio, ira, coe S. 89. Muniit Habitationi aptum commodumque fecit, aedificiis moenibusque instruxit. . Ea hic vis est verbi munire. VI 0. 22. Miraculo literarum Namque iterarum Sum e Graeci secumferens Italos docuerat.

39. Potitii linarii.J See Adam's Roman Antiquities.

11 9. Hobitu Habitus est hic qualitas et forma corporis eXterna ultus ac plendor, qui ad ornandam insigniter personam quomodocutique perti


18. Munitionibus i. e. indisciis ac muris See note p. 9. l. 39. 19. υὰm nil id quod tum hominum eratJ Elegantly for quὰm ad proesentem hominum multitudinem.

2O. VtinaJ Vanum est id quod plus habet in specie quam in re. 2q. Locum, Ῥυ - estJ This passage, i Whicli there are vario us


NOTES. 270

readings, is obscure, an has been interprete in different Ways. Some. 11. Placin a comma after septus, explain ita this paraphrase Qui nunc Septus est, et ita situs, tit qui a Capitolio in eun descendere velint, ad utrumque latus lucum habent. Or, placin a comma after descendentibus, the Sense illae, Qui nunc septus est, ne quis in eum descendat, et Inter uos Lueo appellatur. his lat ter mean ing, ac ordin to hiel the word Inter Du0 Lucos are considered as ne prope name, is confirme by Dionysius os Halicarnassus, ho, in his account of the fame Subseet, ab S, that heptae Nas called μεριοι, δυά, δουμων, hici, is equivalento Inter uos Lucos ' The Pas of the wo Groves. Doering gives stili another interpretation, hiel, , he thinhs, rees the passage ro ali dissiculi a Qui nunc eorum causί, qui de illo in planitiem descendunt, ab utrἄque parte interdu0 lucos septus est o mi nunc homines per viam, inter du0 lucos

septam, deScendunt.

27. Roboris I Construe his ord after primum. 28. Corisdium- viri bus parat i. e. vires consilio temperare studet. SOHorace Odes III. v. 65.) Vis consili Xpers mole ruit sua. VSO. Soli centum ob personam, gravitatem, prudenti m. Si Patres Patres dicebantur, quoniam a plebe tanquam patre Venerandi plebs vero ab iis tanquam a patribus tutanda erat. Hinc etiam ab hac appellatione patrocinium et patrocinari descendunt. VSO. Violati hospitii foedusi Violati for violatum See note p. 5. l. 3. 12.

SI Fas, Ideni Fas refertur ad Deum, cujus solenne visuri On- Venissent scies refertur ad Romanos, quibus credidissent Sabini. VI 2. Nomen used by Livsso populus, much in the Same anas e se 13. nomination D seci, he we speata of the Luthera denomination, etc. 34. Per occasionem ac solitudinem i. e. per occasionem solitudinis, op- P0rtun per solitudinem. 2. Nomina darent Nomen dare, in referetice to a colony the r , Or 14. tbe navy, signis es 4 enlist.'2O. Tameth refers to the precedin sentence 'meritas it may, et iste. 4 I. Primores the front rarita correspondi nito the Gree προμαχους. q2. Princeps i. e. PrimuS. 2I. Ne otum liberum progensemJ for nepotes and liberos, simplyri the 15. genitives havingiere the fore of explanator epithetS. 22. Inter vos Similar changes froni the thir person to therars and seeond Do oblique o direct disco urge, ascit is called, and the contra , aremo uncommon in the best ancient,riters. In Englisti it is necessa to give notice of the change by sat thoe, O Some uel PhraSe.

I cuna ut bellum facereb Occupant refers to priusquam Are 16. he refland with them in ahin War occupare, ' to anticipater is again

USed, p. SO. l. I. 22. Locis circa densa obsita virgulta obscuris Scareely an passage in Liv has more pii ZZle commentator tha this. Some regarit it a corrupi, though ancient optes, both manuscript and printed agre in the ead- in above giVen. O those ho conside the ex as ound some thin densa is sed adverbiallyrior densessas in Virgil, Georgics, ii 275. Deus sere , an qual-ifies obsita r sonae Aedens and obsita buth agrem illi virgulta, and interpret obsitat adsita adjacenti andiorne rite ob sita S tW WOrd' either


It placing a comma aster circὰ thus locis circὰ densa ob sita virgulta ob3curis, Or, Without a comma, construin ascis, ob circi densa sita virgulta Tothos of the bove modes in hicli obsita is ritiei as one ord, it is objected that incit: usual sense of set thieli illi, overgrown or COVeredwith, it always agrees illi the thing overed, and not illi that hicli coVersci thus loca obsita virgultis is a prope expression, ut Ot so virgulta Ob- Sita locis fortia texi suppose locis toto understood after obsita): hile the interpretationis obsita by adjacentia is no warrante by a single Xample. It has also been objected that the construction, hicli occurs in the aboVemodes, of two adjectives bes rei ne substantive, is harsh and unusual butexamples suffcient to justis this are found in Livy, as ei as Other authorS, C. g. curuli regia Sella, Speciosus ultimus dies, etc.

Those ho hin the ex corrupi are no es at varian e illi acti theras O the anne of restoriniit. ne readin proposed is locis circὰ den3o obsito virgulto obscuris, nother, dense obsit virgulto, both of hicli areopen to the objection, mentione above os applying obsito to the ron Objecty another, partem militum locis circ denso obsitis virgulto obScuram. fourth reform the passage by leaving ut obsita, as a glos sor eXplana tota reord in the margin of the manu script which by accident came into the ext whil a fifth, and the happies emendation o ait, is by Heinsius, locis circὰ denso obsitis virgulto cic obScuris. This note, hicli is hi est a mere abstrae of the accumulate annotations o the passage in Drahenborch's edition o Liv omittin a longarra O citations and the ames of a multitude of critios), is here placedbefore the ouia Studentis a specimen of the sortis apparatus 'hieli accompanies a copiolas variorum edition o an ancient classic. Drahenborei mentions the opinion o a learne frien os his that thecommon reading may be defended, and thes hole dissiculi done Way byconsiderin virgultpas a feminine nou of the irs deciension in the ablative caSe, and dens as agreein With it But the ni authorit he cites forvirgulta in this forinis Lutatius o Lactantius, a grammaria of the fourtheentvry, and to im Draheriborch ill allo no eight against the sage of Livy, who uniformi in ther places has this nou in the neuter, the onlysorna, it is aid, in hielicit is sed by the earlier and pure writers Bai-Iey ho Never, in his supplemen to the Lexicon o Forcellinus, cites Columella a using virgultas in the accusative Columelltas authorit could notbe et asi de ora the fame ground ; ut the scis no found in ali good editions.1 S. S. Gravis - auctor Quamvis Proculus Julius rem magnam, et quae

vix dem inventura videbatur, nunciaret, erat tamen auctor graviS, i. e. nuncius multae auctoritatis, cui populus nuncianti credebat. V Levis auctor in an opposite sense, coupled With nec satis idus, is also used by tW lib. V. o. 15.



posthumous ame. Is quinae retained penetrare postiisset a b sup iniplied or, Aing eaecivisset agre mili fama, Gronovius' explanation maybe received Quae tanta tum temporis alicui poterat contingere nominissama, inter populos dissociabiles et proXima quaeque ignorantes, ut ob eam Volaretur ex Magna Graecia in Sabinos ad discendi cupidum 3 et si contigis-Set fama, quo eadem sermonis commercio, quum nullum esset, id effecisset 3'Famam eleganter dicit eae ire eum qui ob famam evocatur. 55. Augur ad loenam, etc. J See Adam's Rom. Antiq. unde Augures. 7. Eam J sc urbem in pleonastic repetition after a parenthetica clause. - . . IO JanuniJ i. e. Iani templum.

II. Argiletum Avicus, ' districi, or ward os Rome, divide intosummum and imum, by the cit wali, the formeriein within and the lalteris thout. 27. In duodecim menses descrubit annum The solar ear, as meaSured by the revolutio of the earth round the sun o by the apparent revolutio of the sun abolit the arth i. e. annus, qui solstitiali circumagitur orbe) con

sist of 65l days neglecting od minutes and seconds, hiel the calendaro Numa also disregarded. The lunar ea is 5 days, eing made po I revolutions of the oon about the earth or 2 months) each consisting of 29 days quia tricenos dies singulis mensibus luna non eviet. Thereis, then, a differetice of II days etWeen a sola and a lunar ear. Supposing there re the sun and oon to et ut frona the Same pol ni in the heavens, hen the sun ad returned to that oint or meta the oon, having finishedes complete revolutions Nould nowae performin thera Sth, and would require 11 day to arriverat theloint hom hich sh set out withthe sun. Thus the lunar year,ouldie constanti fallinglehind the solar, and

thenaines of the monilis, or portions of the lunaryear, ould Ceas toae associaled with the severat seasons, a these dependis the Stin, i. e. the solaryear. Toae , theresore, the luna years adjusted to the solar, O thali early the fame monilis stiali alwaysae in the fame easons, it is necessar Domtime to timerio intercalatem inseri intercalare interponere a Ceribi number of days in the calendar of the lunar ears This Liv inform us that Numa did, intercalarissius mensibus interponendis in such a way that at theend of 24 years he had insertexdays enough to amount to the dissererice be- twoen that number of sola and of lunar ears plenis annorum omnium spatiis , So that the sun an Inoon ere again together at that oint of tho heaven or of the sun's path at whicli his series of years began, and sola time again agreex th lunar at this poliat ut dies congruerent ad metam eamdem solis, unde orsi essent . his interva between ne agreementis solarWith lunar time, and another, is calle a cycle. Num is satyto have made


20. 3. Nefestos dies fastosque For the origi and meaning of these term S,see Adam' Roman Antiquities, unde ProetoreS.

21. 5. Salios Se Roman Antiquities, unde Salii and Antae.

20. Susciperenter atque curarenter Suscipere prodigium est, judicareeVentum quendam Xtraordinarium esse, pro prodigi habendum, id est, prore, per quam ii aliquid indicare vellent hominibus. Non enim quivis eventu eXtraordinarius prodigium erat. At curare vel procurare prodigium idem S ac viare, Seu ea facere, quae pertinent ad expiationem alicujus pi-aeuli et ad placanda numina, quorum ira animadvertitur ex prodigio. 27. Prorim - metti J Fides scilicet et jusjurandum in regenda civitate primum qua8 locum, metus vero legum et poenarum Secundum Vel prorimum locu in habebat. Sq. Eae opaco specusoris Se note p. I9. l. I 8.

37. Soli Fidei Some critie rejec soli rom the texi and tho se hoheemit, explaincit in different ways, among hicli are, I Faith alone Whereas the grove a dedicatexto themuses Oinlly. 2. Et soli Fidei, prae caeteris Dii Deabusque omnibus, quia, ut ante dictum est, jurejurando et de imprimis civitatem regendam censebat, solenne instituit, i. e. aera solenni et singulari quodam more celebranda instituit. 22. O. Auctores Se note p. 18. l. 2.23. 7. 0r3um se poenas Xpetere, ab ipso capite, ab ipSO rege. VIO. Ducit ' Ducit absolute ponitur pro eaeercitum ducit. V19. Cluilium se Supplendum hic dicentem, vel proe feferre, quod Statim


24. I. Fecialis For an explanation of tho term used in the account Sthis eremony, consuli Roman Antiquities, artici Feciales. 2I. Fit aliis ver agrees illi pater patratuS. 26. Vtique Que is here a copulative and as.'2o. 5. Publicum Sed is undet sto odie re this ord, an ellipsis frequently used by Liv in simila constructionS. II. AncepsJ i. e. utrimque facta. 26. q. Immaturo inseasonable.'27. 19. numJ i. e. instabile. SO. Ad confluentes se amnes, Anienem et Tiberim. 41. Esse se coepit, hicli in historica writings is commoni tuae suppliedasfore an infinitive sed without a finite verbisXpressed. 28. 11. Coloni additi Romanis Ghen a Roman colon was established atan place the origines inhabitant of that place ere osten alien in asa part oscit, a Was the case illi the colon at Fiden P. 29. O. CivitatemJ i. e. us civitatis, accordin to a frequent se of the

term a

28. Legum humanarumJ i. e. sensus quo regi debent homines, humanitatis. 30. 2. Raptim, quibus, etc. yso raptim iis, quin quisque poterat flerre, elatis the relative quibus eleganti agreein With the antecedent in case, after the Gree idiom, though erre regularly go vern the aecusative. 19. Templum The curia a s calle beeaus it was consecrates augury Thus Cicero calis the senate-hous templum publici con1ilii. 41. occupat - transire Se note p. 16. l. Iq. 31. II. Vocem, etc.J se monentem, ut, etc.


q. cetera, In the accusative, by a Gree construction, Secundum Or 32. quoad bein understood In ther respectS.'5. Auliquissimunt l. e. primum et gravissimum, optimumfactu. Bythe Same natura figure, πρεσσυτεοον is sed in a Simila sense in Severat Gree authorS.IO. Abiturum i e transilurum. Thus vid Heroid. v. 3. has, 'Sive abeunt studia in moreS. VSS. Iris for Sit eris. Sq. Quicumque se apud eum, quicUmque. 2. Rerum litium, causarmnlgovernedi causί, gratia, or erg0, Under Ora stOOd. S. Gradisit i. e. pactus est, constituit, convenit, referring t a formertreat made in the eigni Tullus.

S. Quiritium governed by populi, as it Would appea fro lines IxandIMon his age. Quirites is ometimes, o ever, ut in apposition illi Populus, the phrases populus Romanus Quirites and populus R0manus et Quisviesaeing also sed For the origi of the term as applied to the Romans, e page I 5, lines 29, etc. S. Ad MurcimJ se redem. . Accordiriguo liny, Murcia is a nam of34. Venus, derived Dom myrtus, hich was acredri her. 8 A planioribus aditu locisDi. e. adversus loca planiora, a quibus di tus ad urbem patebat. V Aditu is a supine here. 33. Ea quo innupsisset i. e. ea, quae per conjugium adepta erat V the conditio into hich sh mari ed. '29. Ambitiose Remar the primitivo melining os ambi io, ac derived DOm ambire, a go bout among the leoplo, conciliatin their favor'; lienee, praetis popular aris in orde to ain influende, to e fond of popularity' and finalty, a love and see distinctio and poWer, in generes.

6. Minorom gentium ' o the second rank. Henco is borrowed the O. appellatio of the subordinate deities Dii minorum gentium.12. Spectacula 'Seat o boaees, hom hich to te the entertain ment. Iq. Impacta, sublicis, etc. Some punctuat thus, et pleraque in altibuS 37. impacta sublicis quum hoererent, and explain impacta by adacta Elisa. I9. Insignem ecere signified, madeanown.'2q. Reges i. e. regem et reginam. S. 32. Materiem Elegantly applied to natura qualities o paris, o befashmned by education. 35. Ad magnin fortunc cultum l. e. ad magnam Ortunam ea, quae decet, dignitate tuendam. VI q. Aran modo for non mod) non. 39. 25. Quia Some crities ould reject this ord Dorn the texi, but it maybe construed thus Sed eos stimulabat et injurice dolor - et quia gravior ultor coedis eae erat, - tum si e praeterea quia videbatur, etc. Et - et comrespondrio ach other in the usual Way the member of the sentenee et quia, etc. Servin a the nominative to stimulabat Understood.

17 Ad Iovis Statoris Se note p. Sq. l. 3. 40. 28. Tum demum palὰmfactoJ se regem esse mortuum, the neuter parti-



40 ciseleinglut in the ablative absolute with partis a sentende instendi a nouΠ,

B is Ot uncommon in ur author This may be rendered, VI havin attengili transpired that the hing was dea d.' ut let ille observed that to tran- η'ire cantem sed illi propriet oni in the sense of to escapedro Secrecyto notice '; though ignorant o caretes writer somelimes emplo it Smeret Synonymous With uo appen, come o pass, disregarding the peculia force of the term .di. S. Periclitaretur should mahe tria os ' i accordin to the primata Sensem periculu=n triat,' iXperiment.'7. Censum Census, in modern sage, has droppexit primar importis valvati0n o property, and a registering of the whole eopte distributedint classes o undeLon this valvation and nos means a simple enumerationo the inhabitant os a country, in classes foundeLon other circum StaneeS.I2. Centum muliun, governed by censum.12. Eris i. e. assium αδ S. 13. Centurias here sed for an indefinite number, Without regar totis primitive meaning a derived hom centum. 39. Quibus i. e. et vidum attritibulo sunt, se equitibus, quoepe riderent in ann0s singulos bina milita ceris, quibus se binis millibus, equos alerent equites. Non autem sic intelligendum est, quasi a singulis viduis haec bina millia data essent, sed omnes viduae tributum conferebant, e quo Singulis equitibus bina millia dabantur.' Some propose, instead of quibus to eadqus, in the sense of ut ita, o qua ratione. 43. 6. Ferre se. rogationem, Whicli is frequently thus understoo after


44. I. Patris imagoJ i. e. nobilitas tua. See Adam' Roman Antiquities, unde Nobiles. 0 λ IS. Regis criminibusJ i. e. criminando regem. 2Ο. Esset Se ipsis. 21. Ultima i. e. infm4. 46. 13. Dianium i. e. templum seu sacellum Dianin aster the rein manne of using Hρακλειον sor the Temple o Hercules. etc. 47. 15. Et timilio A pleonastic repetition. See note p. O. l. 7. 32. Quod se imperium. Et is understood after crediderint. JU. 5. Novantem res 'Plottingi attempting a revolution 1 correspondingto the Greeli νεωτεριζοντα. 23. Secretum Di. e. SEParatum.

Ultima Tarquinius Romanae gentis habebat Regna vir injustus, fortis ad arma tamen. Compare illi Livy's account of the Tarquin s that gi vena Ovid in his Fasti, book ii line 685-852.28. Degenero tum l. e. nisi id, quod in aliis ab eo degeneratum esset; 'his degenerae in ther respects.' iocis fondis using the participi in the neuter geri de substantively, in this way, hen it denotes the cause of any thing Thus, tentatum, ' an attempt'; pronuntiiatum ' a proclamation.' Gl. 7. Iuaeta atque i. e. mquc C. SI Inter principia condendi See note p. 3. l. 22.52. 5. FabioJ i. o. Fabius Pictor the historian See p. 2. l. 24. 9. Et nullius, etc. yse et non caesuperaturam fundamenta nullius ope-


ris, Chomm quidem operum magnis entire, i. e. operum magnificorum quae 5 2. nune sunt. ther regard utillius as agreeing illi magniscentimus more than Suffcient for the mos magnificent oundatio even o our modern edisces.'I8. Dacamque mariniam J This,as egura by Tarquinius Priscus see p. 38. l. IT.), and after the lapse scibo utri Nenty- ur centuri es, a portiono it et re main entire, ne of the mos stri in monuments of the magnificence of ancient Rome, and of the superiority in ome respectS, of the architectures of thos early ages, ver that os modern times It is a su terranean canal, arched a the toriandauill of hewn stones hept together bytheir Wn eight Without coment, ea licitone being rom si ora De long and

Do 2 tora thich. Thes mouth of this drain, here it enter the Tiber, is Stili in good preservation, and is visibi when the rive is low. The horeon eaeli side oscit is faced with a solid ali morti stan o Det hic called the Pulchrum tittis , and the arch of the cloaca, as it passes through this

Wall, consist of three courses of stones. The passage, for the distance of more than .cto paces rom the rive is early SO feet igh and about IS Uide bella here enlarged to admit the confluence of the drain s. Themassive Strengili an perfeci eatnes of the asonr are the onder Ofarchitects. The Cloaca Morinia is no longe receptaculum Omnium purgamentorum urbis, ut A the channet through,hicli pus of T severat littiebrook Do the pures and most holesonae pring in ROme. 38. Interfectum agreein With the eares substantive fratrem, ut referrin equali to prim0reS.qI. Eae industri factus ad mutationem stultitiaeJ So Ovid, Brutus erat stulti sapiens imitator.' Se note p. q9. l. 27. 5. Cavato ad idJ i. e. cavato ut esset aurei baculi theca et receptaculum. V 53.59. Spectatissimum Spectatus means 4ried by the application fa est a metals, c. proved by experiment. Id spectatissimum sit, aliat mustbe mos uneXeeptionabie proos.' q. In medio indium Di. e. in the atrium, or central court of the ouse 54. around Whicli ere the various com for particula purposes Se Rom. Antiq. That this branch of housewifer was practi sed in the OUrt, appearSsrom Asconius o Cicero Pro Milone c. 5. Tela exvetere more in atrio


35. Satιλι sali re i. e. Satisne Alvino se res Is ali,eli 3'7. Eum P See note p. O. l. T. 55. 28. Pari proesidio relicto J Someranderstand pari to impi equali ty iththe number that proceede Dio Rome, and thers to mea ' equa to the define of the place,' 'leavin an aesequat guard a Collatia. But this usso pari is it ho ut ther authori tyn and Gronovius SuggeSis S an emenda tion of the texi, Inde pars proesidio relicti Collatim, ad portas custodibus datis, etc. Pars is actuali found in ne manuSeripi. 29. RegibusJ See note p. 38. l. 4.33. Haud temere esse l. e. rem gravem ene.

KO Tricipitini Spurius Leti retius Tricipitinus, the nam of her ather. 7. SubjicitJ i. o. naturali suggest to ne On therapo t.' O G. 8 PESSimo publico Di. e. maximo reipublico damno Pessimum is hereIS.

used Substantivel for res pessi)na, marinium malum, in the Same manne asbonum and malum in the phrases, bono publico, malo Suo, etc.

I 2. Inviolati templi The asylum operaeda Romulus.



59 SI. Alternis su vicibus.

60 22 Belli materia 4 Not matter in the sensem cause or occasion, Scitos teri means e g. Nec tillum belli civilis proebituros materiam, in PaterculuS, lib. i. c. 2.), but sed metaphoriuali in iis signification of ood or theriue so the supportis fire. In early the fame sense the rench em plo materiel de la guerreri expreS the physical mean o carryingi War, munitions of war,' ' materiat for ar. 'go Gus The ellipsis may be supplied by sibi persuadeant, e legatri

Eos credituros refers to the Tarquiras. Gl. 23. ImmissaJ Soine regard his orsas in the accusative governing corbi bus in the dative, and referring to cum stramento segetem, Sed for egetem et Stramentum, hic, ould regulari require the partici plerio e in the neu ter plural Other malae it agree illi vis in the nominative semini ne magna τὰ hominum immissa, Se in segetem , and conSide corbibus a the instrumentis fudere, in the ablative. 27 Temere i. e. GSu.

62. A. SecundumJ i. e. Statim P0St. 7. Mindiet e me Vindicta in Adam' Roman Antiquities. I 5. Se in the ablative depending on ortum, and referring to the person add resSed me Sinerent hominem ortum e se ipsi perire, etc.

17. Popularem Hinc facile apparet, qui dicti fuerint iri populiares;

nimirum qui populum colebant, causum populi agebant, et ad populi gratiam sibi comparandam omnia faciebant. his active meaniniis no re-tained in ur term popular, hicli, applied to a man, denotes him Oae the-- obfeci, ut nodi necessarii the eeher of public lavor. 2. Salis, etc. This difficuli sentence, ascit here stands seem to admitis

butisne meaning and in orde to that translato, recepto, redacto, O SOme

Sueli participle, must e supplied aster sumptu. The exclusive privilege of seisin Sali, was, ori account of the high price of the commodi ty, ahenaway frona private individuals to hom i ha been farine or et utJ, the hole expense of mahiniit, o mariaging the salt-worksJaein transferrexto the public treastita. i. e. the manufacturin an sellingis it be- in assumed by the go verrament, that it might beat sordesto the peopte at acheaper rate, sine the profit formeri made by the private contractors, orsarmers, no longe forme a par of the rice. But the ex is generali thought to e corrupi, and in publicum omnemn tum is propo sed as an emendation, hicli is sal toae not without theauthorit of some manuscripis. The meaning ould thus e Mahe privilege of vendira sali, ecause it a sol ut an exorbitant price by the ContractorSJ, wa wboli assumed by the overnmentis a matteri publicadministration, and ahen ut of the hand of private persons.'5. Stipendii A laxes called beoaus sirs levied tota soldiers stipend. ST. Servilia D tanquam servos Immemores respicit non ad Ocem,

JG sed ad significationem. I. Ingenti gradu Some interpret this, by great strides. from siderio

fide of the bridge, to prevent any one sorti passing a P ingentes ferre gradus,' in Ovid, certaint has this impori, similarito that of the Homeri phrase

μακρὰ βπά ther explain ita stabili gradu, diductis pedibus etfrmiter