장음표시 사용
The earlier mus osten contain poeirn Seei Delisle roulein des moris duax in XV siMe aris I 866, an his de monument palέographique concemant 1'usam de prie pou les moris in biblioth de recole deschartes se et III 36 seq. M ichois o precator o mortuar resis,
1 consequence, he was canin asin truant. At his unerat, hen the primi pronounce the customar anima eius requiescat in face, at the oula,
is a AMBULARE SOLITUS n. IV 3 pr. Eddius 8quadam die sancto Ustiis equi anuis fervenu ad Maria incia episco- rarus sui, baptizandi inique et cum manus impositione con mandi populos. a P 46 P EQVAE it sem probabie rom the gende os his ordthat in tradition hic represent the isto a playing in his ans ero the wores mare' and Μary oves the correct version os thestory the forme portio os,hic playin ordiis oven in the Saxon myran innu. See Himen Polychroni Vos. 25 Ia VENATV Sharon umera III 4s 56.
OCCISSOm occiso. II ILLO thither, 'to Kent. OG I ACCESSIT sor a simila request made tora Columba by tWomen Who ere initin different waysin the sanie da se Adam uit Columba I uenimus ab eo simia unanimes postulantis isse dominosostulans impetrare pressinum crastina die uentum sibi dari diuersa emi a turis uia aso I SERENITAS of the effecta os inintly pinyers in producing calm easter in sto sint sea see Adam uit Columba II and a. ALIQUID m quicquam. DE OLEO de Phulle.
Me sane quod reuuli miraculum non quolibet auctore, sed uno eorum qui interfuerunt narrante cornoui, uitae uidelicet uenerabilis monacho
et rab ero eiusdem monasterii sLindisfamel Cyne mundo, qui urimis late elium lovaeuuatis et uitae gratia iam notus exsistit. 35
no sar hom Bebba urgh here M a churin an a momas aloining provide so the bisho who used his and similis lodius in his visit throuo the province Whenae clied he was teming against a Wooden pro Which aloined the wallis the church. e was buried in Undissame in the cemeter of the brethren, ut his remain Were aste matas remove to the right fide os the altaris the large in chiuili 3 there Finan, also rom Hii, was his successor. When a seW years aster his deat the villam here he die&wasium down by Penda, the pro against hic the lino ha leaned was in consumed. It was also similari preservin Whenis accident the villam an churin mere again destroyed by fire Aster his the woo was place Mihin the 35 chure so the adoratio of the worshippen, n miracles have been wrought both in the spodianda splinter conveyed stom this Wood. Beda relates these miraeses as a me historia thoughae cannot presse Aedan or his Persistence in the erroneous time o observing
P 61 7 VAE GENTIS AUCTORITATE p 6 1 3 os Aedan pascha
contra morem eorum qui ipsum miserant facere non Potuiti
A BOUT his time Sigberct, roster of Earpuald was in of theo East Angles. e had Men an exile in Gaul, here e Mbaptised, and he introducerinto his hi dom inch schoes and teachemas he had Men in his exile. me mas assiste in this by bisho Felix. a Aster a time he resigne his hiredom to a kinsman Ecgri an entereda monaster of his own uildi . e . arouot hom his retirementio enc ram the arm When Penda in o mercia mas arring on Eas Anglia, but both he an Ecgri .ere lain in the batile, Sigbercthavin carrie no eam With him. Aster them Anna ecame inga in Eas Anglia, and was in the en flain by the fame Penda. PILII ARPHLDvM II 15 thesether Reduald had been baptised ingent, ut relapse into heathenistiti. Earpuald was induced by EdWinto embrace Christianit Wit his hole provincen hichaowever, aster the mutae o Earpuald by the pagan Ricberct, remained in error sor3 three ears, tili Sigberct is fer omnia Christianissimus aeque doctio mus whocta live in Gaul Grin his rother' reigninae me hinnand by hel es Felix firet is of Dun ch, mon bacchis province totheriaith. Felix a b Iet years, and was succeede by homas, is years, an hesis Berctgils o Boniface. An three mere consecratea 35 b Honorius, ho die a Sept 6sa III avi. hus the latest date sorSigberct's accession is 63 I. Se martyres Angi et Sept. martyrol Gau
sus scholas quoque Humarum oportunis loris instituens barbariem oriris Is sensim comita e Latina informabas. 62 COGNAT the relatio hi belwee Ecgri an Sigberctis not more accuratet defined. PARTEM EIUSDEM REGNI I9 n. IIxl et subremias. INTRARET MONASTERIVM so Caeduallas II Det m. cfi Ioi 2
rem Cantuariorum in coniugio copula Ia est. Mura is sanes Acthel main Galata in Brissensi monasterio abbarissa faria est tertia sancta Aethe aeri a prius ori umbrorum exina e post Euensis extitis abbatissa. νιarsa sancta Mi buri Husdem monasteria sanctimoniailis erat femina.
'I PRAEDECESSOR Sigberct l -rs. OCCISU AD s liber Eliensis DII pisa regni I9, Which, i current, mines his accession 636, 35
I the eignis hin Sigberct Furseus chol mandro Treland cameto the East Angles, an converte muchiseoplea his reaching. Thi man was eiete missi a great ichnes during hic he hehel ans angeli Vision in consequence of whic he made ali spee to buit a monaster on land ove toti by the ing. his mas a Cnobheresburg Anna astematas enriched the monaster by his granis. In themonasteri here e live Furseus as transporte stom the bod indbehel in munienances of the heavent host An on his rec eryro sto his tinnceae tot of the sonu of the angels the hird day aster he was again ahenis a in spirit an in no only the oys os heaven but the torments of the erit spiriis. his account is ali recordedi the book of the lis of Furseus. Beda hoWever inseris one par of the story, and thisine doec cause I it Mems useful. When Furseus as rapi hom his Odyae a biddento loo bac o the worid, and e saW a dar valle an Murrare in the air. What theserares ere the anget explaine to him an somine hecam joine together into an immense flame. Furseus ratemfied a therare cameraea tolim, but was tot by the angel that thea fire hichie had notaindle would no bum im. he anges could pas through the flame, an in themidst,ere demons preparing fierywar against the just. e samevit spirit and just, and the mulsis holymen of his own nation who spakerant him things of wholesome impori. When Furseus mas ea the flame the evi spirit cas against him ne 25 whom the were tormentin in the re, and thereb his houlde and jammere burni. his happene because Furseus had received the garment of this inner henae ted. When Furseus was restored to thebod he ore a visibi mar of the burning and when he relate his
visions, ache was ont so thos who ashed him tota so byaeason os 3 theiriwn troubie consciences even in the oldest eather, he was ashot as in the heat os summer Furseus aster ard hecam an anchoritean in the en retire t Gaul, here he uili a monaster at Latineacum and thereae died. His bod was hepti Erciinuald the patrician rie in the porc of the church which he was uildin a Perrona, 35 tili aster the dedication. The it a place in a tomblaea the abar. His od was again moved fou years after an sound lo e incorrupi. The sui histor os Furseus may be Mund in the book of his lise. P424 DE HIBERNIA VIR in the homil of Aelfricis the greater
em Sum vana gloria . . . sum mendacium etc.
VERBA SUPERFLUA ibi ego sum otiosum uerbum me cursed spirita threaten St Guthlac vini 'Power is ove us to thrustine into in torments of this abyss V oodWins 39. a COGITATIONES Bonis ibi ego uaga cogitatio et inutilis cura, qua te supra modum siue in ecclesia siue ex ra cinxiam occupabas. IN LIBRO DESCRlPTAS I3-Ib. is I DIXI praxi 6 n. II PROFECTUS SPIRITALI sor an account os a simila visionayroeale to Adamna see Reeves Lis os Si Columba introd civit theret is ini Adamna destre to emat in the happy region butae dth voice of his Mardian anget comma in his ou is e replace in the famelodydrom hic itia passed, and that it should relate in the conventions of the lait and clero the reward of heaven and the piansa es hest such a the conducting angeliadaeveale to him. Vis et I ABRENUNTIARE glossary Chrys ad illuminandos catech et Ἀποτάσσομαι - σατανα καὶ τ πομπιν σου καὶ πῆ λατρείρ σου. PIS 1 AcCusATIONES DEFENSIONES V 3.
Who promise to come. Bein aine ho he was, e sal that hewore, hecause of the pride hic he took in discussing sophisms, a cape hemier than a tower, and that he was grievousi tormente mit thefire of purgatory. The master, lighting the punishment, Mum mnem facilem iudicauis; et dixis ei mortuus quod manum exunderes, in facilem
foenam sentiret e mortuus unicam rueram dimisis, quae statim manum magistri fer rauis et a discipulus: 'salis sum totus magister uero ferserri, statim saeculum dimisit et in rans claustrum statim Aia uersus com suis: linquo coax ranis, cra comis uanaque uanis, Ioad logicam pergo quae mortis non timet esu.
tria an punishment so those ho havin deserre consession and amendment, in the ver artici o deat tali refugeri repentance, and So as stom heiodyn who ali neverihelem at the da os doom attain the ingdom os eaven, hecause of thei consession m repentancemen in cleath. I3. 2o' IN CORPORE RESTITUTUS W53 laeti. EXEΜPLIS ET SERΜΟNIBVM et i et n. , I ILLIS SOLVΜΜΟD p 96q32. so Drycthelm in re nans in V 1 sp 197 16 S haec re alia quae ui erat idem uir domini, non omnibus fassim desidiosis ac uitae suae incuriosis referre uolebat; sed illis solum a modo qui uel tormentorum metu perurriti tulisse Maudiorum serennium deleuati profectum pietatis ex eius uerbis flaurire uolebam. , I FRATERNVIDAM SENIOR praest a- . ita Cust xen flare mihi religiosus nostri mo=uasurii sui est ad ostium Muiri staminis, presbur nomine Inguald, qui nunc Ionme gratia senectutis maris corde 3o mundo caelestia quam errena carnalibus contemplatur assectibus, amisso Cudbercto iam tunc episcopo se audisse perhibuit., a SVDAVRRIT V et end Drycthelin Would standri materipto the loin or even nech, repeatin prayers and psalm in inter hewould rea the ice tota this penance and whe any Wondered that 35h could support the cold respondebat ille simplicis', erat namque omo sim Piscinonii ac moderaeae naturae: frigidior em uidi se II SCOTTIAmi et Insula patriam paci a mibernia. AEL ANGLORVM Orientalium ris I.