Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis anglorum

발행: 1881년

분량: 531페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


rendere inoperative at the time of the invasionis Italy by Theodoric AD 455 . Caecilius Decius ave re courae to the mater in thenelobourhood o Rome, and the eestablishment os these immensemarahes Was ne of the many disaster Whic resulte stom the attacha

I SERVVS SERVORUM DEPanitie now like pontifex maximus,' papa,' apostolica sedes, confined by usam to the Roma see. It was

ultima leue iugum christi portantium famula , he balsas laber an Doto i Ia I 3 seruus seruorum dei).

et mand xiii 6 7.

W84 35 PRINCIPIS APOSTOLORVM c Mend. - IN PASCHA CELEBRANDUM 'sor the celebration o Easter. Beda is strict in his use of cases; another riter of the age might mean et D in the celebrationis Easter.' , I I QUI T. . . SIC DOCTRΙΝΑ ΕΟRV a light anacoluthon; the strici construction Ouid e quorum, ut. . . munaeum, Sic doctrina corda inlus me, whos leachin enliotens bellevera minci, a the

enim celebrare debemus sanctum pascha nisi secundum apostolicam 35 et canonicam fidem, ut in toto orbe celebratur a Christiana plebe, iden Secundum apostolicam regulam CCCXVIII patrum so Nicaea et computum sanctorum Cyrilli et Dionysii. nam in toto terrarum orbe sic Christi una columba, hoc est ecclesia immaculata, sanctum P chaeresurrectionis diem celebrat. nam Victoris raster Victorii regulam


Paschae sedes apostolica non adprobauit, ideo nec sequitur dispositionem eius pro Pascha.

isor inem a fit person to consecrate, an promise to en his o unomine to them. Probabi he ook advantage of the deat of Wighard and of nearly ali his compan to read the matte in his o- Way.'Lingar I 60 cites Io episcosum quem petierant an Mara To end Benedici a charge by the ope that aditam reuersus doctorem ei ueritatis quem sedula quaesierat adduceret Honorius brios Rome II I 8 allows consecration os an ab in Englandis a special

uesset an Vesimenta, anctorum etiam a stolorum ac mari Mm m

reliquiis uero sancti Caesarii, sicut se istis, fer Nndem emisarium umerabilem episcosum sancti ali uestrae direximin. o Patria AAS I Μa II 573 c Io n I 5 and Columba Adamnan k ΙΙ .For a store of relics an a numerous lis of miracles rought ythem se an monast Rolis series Ira seqvwhere an account is Ven 3Oos the dies sanctarum reliquiarum at eWke ursis 6 LAURENTI there M an orator of t Laurence in thedormitor os Bede' monastery for aurator martes a. PANCRATII Jac a Voragine te aur 76 7 34 3 3Grasse. Gre Tur formario 29. Et Pancras suffere martyrdom 35 in the Diocletian persecutio 3 4 A D. - CONIUGI VESTRAE Eanfleda co53, who having been reared sto insanc inment, tot mel be called the spiritua claughter of


I AFTER Suidhelm' death, Sigheri an Sebbi .ere ings ver me λα ast Saxons Sigheri,it his eople, during the great pestilence, sorino Christianit an set u in ido temples nee more in thei province Sebbi homoer continue in the true aith. In consequence of this apostas hin Vulfheri sent bisho Iaruman tors reces theseopte to the fiat o Christ, an his reachin mas o successsul that in heathen temples an altare mere ali destro and the Christia churches pene again and the eopte rejoice to consessthe nam os Christ.



Ρ86 et VIAM IusTITIAE probabi this expression is derive homa Petri et I .here the Vulgate has these Word os a simila lapse homine fiath: melis enim erasinis non commouere uiam iustitiae, quam με arnisionem mereorsum conager L. 23 DESTRUCTIS FANIS ARIS. II 3 end. V Iair G orys so ordere Mellitus to prinkle thecides temples With hol materand converi them to Christia use.


ΙΝ thesea 66 AD, distinguished by the eclipse and the pestilence,

archbisho Deusdedit die an on the fame mont an dandied Lalso Erconberct hinnos Κent. The throne a received is Ecgberct hisson, an he in conjunctio miti Osuiu, in os Northumbria sent an Angle name Uighard presbyter os great leaming, to Rome to e consecrate archbishop. ut Vighard an nearly ali his companions ere carried offh a plague besore he couldae consecratta The popero Vitalia fought caretullyrior a fit manu sen tot archbisho in Enyland His choice iret sellis a leamed abbat name Hadrian, a native of Africa hutae excused himself, unworthyi s hio a charge, and

suggeste that a certain mon name AndreW shouldie appotnted. eho ever Was too infirm. Aster somelime Hadrian proposed so the pope'si acceptance Theodore a mon leame in Gree an Latin, a native os Tarsus in Cilicia, ut the livine a Rome. The ope ordaine him firs subdeacon, and then, hen his hiar a soriaram n that he might receive the circula tonsure o the crow of the heta, hic Was the Roma som, he was consecrate his iop, an starte sor Britat in a company Wit Hadrian stom hom the ope had require a promise


ID PESTILENTIA pa P SEDULVS the pope Mem to have spare no Pin toget agood man, butine eem quite o have alien i sorarante that when Wighard was dead he was a liberint choos a succeSSOr. et HIRIDAN ita codex Mori sed codices primaevae auctori a Statis in hac uoce disserunt alii enim habent Niridano et quidem recte. locus est iuxta Montem Cassinum Smith). - NEAPOLI CAMPANIAE pso I I . a G construction, common

in Plin ea XVIa 7 in Cam nia Italiae. HADRIANVS AA S, Jan. Wit the character oven finis leamin es Anastasius o Leo II in 3 QBaronius 83 uir eloquentissimus, in diuinis scripturis sussicienter

instructus, Graeca Latinaque lingua eruditus, cantilena et psalmodia praecipuus et in earum sensibus subtilissima exercitatione limatus, lingua quoque scholasticus eloquendi maiori lectione polita.

THEODORUS Mara a uero para a uolietis, ne Iemlarius ob untibus levario melimosa delirum fruem comprimu areret, inito consilio elerit de suis quem riuanias archiepiscopum mirieret, Theodorum mitialis et saeculari simul et ecclesiastica philosophia praeditum


uirum et hoc in utraque lingua Graeca scilicet et Latina, dato ei torum et consiliarare uiro aeque strenuissimo ac prudentissimo Adriano abbase. Benedic Bisco also stom homine tradition, id passinadulterate to Beda mas induce to retum home Wit Theodore, cui uel tuo perone uel ibidem oranti pariter interpres existere posset reductor Se his penitentia inmaddan-Stubbs III. abillon A SS

15 et ToNDI Ionas uita Eustasii ret Μigne LXXXVII ros I t charge against Columban's disciple e uis comam taure tondi., 27 TONSURAM PIO Leto n. a La n. Ceolfrid in his lettertomeston in of the icis v aiktreat at large of the tonsure sinet I I 3 se S hortor in ecclesiasticam re Christianae dei contruam haberea curetis. True, in apostles Were not albinaven alike nor has the catholicchum one only formis tonsure Iob let his hiaram in prosperity, shaved itifr in his troubles Ioseph more his hiar long in prison, shmedit osson his discharge. The difference of tonsure does nochurvinose hohave a pure sest in God and love to thei neio ur; espra me catholicia e satherchadiso controvers about it, as about Easteri theriaith; stillissali tonsures found in the inurch or in mankind I may justi in that weshould embrace non more tha that om n his head to hom the Lord sat Tu es erus inould detest non more than his to hom Peterinid Thy mone peris With thee.' mor are, inom in coronam nly3orior in reason, that Peter mas sorahom butiecause Peter a s inomin memor of the Loes' passion representin the crom os horns; by this tonsure e declare ipso etiam frontispicio in readines to bearmockeries soriuriordys sine and our hope of the crom hic he has promised to them that love him. referum tonsuram eam quam maxum35 su AMuisse Simonem, quis ramo Melium non statim cum ipsa maria Himo deserie me merito exsusta adspectus At iret ficti it looks like acrom, but Mao solio. it to the neta, decuriatam eam quam e uidererinisas inuenias coronam. Such a habit bellis Simoniacis et non Chri tianis, in Will mis the crown evertasting. mo that ali illae rejected


who have this tonsure, is by ait an good Works thensavour catholi e

reaim inould accepi the tonsure so sui os reason. Ionae an eura omnes in coronam ministri auaris a monachi. Ecgberct Nouo themonlisis Iona to the Roman usam in respecti Easter an in tonsure vis et immutaui piis ac sedulis exhorsationibus inueserasam tuam emad rionem parentum eorum, de quisus apostolicum tuum lices proferre semmonem, quod aemulationem dei habebant sed non secundum scientiam, Iscatholicoque illos a que a stolico more cetismationem ... aeri ae sollemn nitatis subriora coronae perpetis a reperiscuit. V I97 8 S monachica sit tonsura coronatus anon uita uth II DI 26s os Stevenson' Beda II postquam semirutis Christi iurum tonsuraeque Petri formam in modum coronae spineae caput Christi in et o genti S. . . Susceperat. Almost the fame ordii Eddius 6 pr. JAlcvinlde diuinis ossiciis et s. 37 end Μignem Iet 33Α. 1 et 38 Aldhelm in his lette to eruntius in Iasse's Boniface e I pp3647 4 alis a lenn os the obstinac os the Britons in defendin thei nationes tonsure, that os Simon agus, and rejecting that of St Peter capitula se caninibem siD'Acher spici Ix shc 6 de tonsura Britonum .here Gildas is cited

quorum tonsura aure ad aurem tantum contingebat PATRI-CwS si quis clericus, cuius capilli non sunt tonsi Romano more, debet excommunicari cs Labbe con III 3 78 Patricii concisan 6 . The re an secon Mordere or ages saris fiant hae ne tonsure 3 hom ea to ear', and one Easter aster the emat equinox, o theo thmoon' Ο'Conor rermi sc II 162-5ὶ Germanus ab os Constanti


is the head. M that os Simon agus the Irish made by cultinnamay the halarimm theopper par of the orctea in the figure of a halse m n, Wit the convex fide besore' Roch). a stat of Si aut thatos Theodore and the Greelis, se note in I a83. Us048 PAVLI Germanus Μigne CVIII 396 the haring the 2 whole in is in imitatio of Iames the brother of God and of the aposue aut ' Marriotis 86x atramnus contra Graecorum opposita ivra Lxx aeta igne eleris qui barbam quidem nutrientes ature caput penitus capillis omni ex parte nudant. In therision Deo I rat Peter is adronm ut clericus, Si aut has a longas Mard. - et VII KAL AP et6 ar 668. hic hyme organ' table was Passio Sunday therath in Lent. 4 VI KAL IVN et Man a ARHELM agi 668 s insera that Artes helonged tomeustria 3 and was it capital For Theodore passed unmolested through arseille, .hic helonge to Childerio in o Austrasia, ut a delaine at Artes by Ebroin, Mor of the palacerio Clotiare III hinnos Neustria in Burgundy. PID IOHANNI Gallia Christ Us et Stoenson).3s ,3 COPIA PERGENDI the fovereims of Gau and thei chies minister claime the right to arrest any travellerario hos reason sor passing throuo thei comtry thermicti conceive an objection. 'hen Wilfrid in 678 Am ment to Rome a message mas sent to Theodori then


.it in assistanc os Ebrinus, prepare to arres the traveller, uth a misi e hic the made concemin his name, he was abla toescape them. PILLEBRINVS a persecutor of the chum Eddius 24-27 3 32.

ctarier just named ac Burgundosarus, in Chiasti nomine, ac si peccator, episcopus'. si illon' index Faro. His sione cossin a seen in 1 5Μabillon's dus in the churin os a monaste mea Meaux, and his relica in a inrine pon in altar XVI 19ὶ He wasi osmeaux 6a 672. His life by a successor, iidegar in abillonis S Ben II 58αBaronius 6I G3. M DORVM Eddius 54. 59. II ECGBERCTO Ia I et 7 PETIERANT Osuiu and Ecgberctis aci

8 a et n. Is VENTAVI Quentae vicus, e village de a Cantae in Ponthieu Picardy at the out of the Canche, oppositeataplas, Ism fout o Bovi ne Here are the ruin os the monaster of Sesosse Iodocus . Wilfrid Eddius etsi rosse to this port so Boniface in seti sWillibal uita Boni classe, here uenta ich, and therive Cuenta . ill iis destructio by the ormans iura et it mas agreat place of commerce Charies the Great gave Al in the monasteryos St Iosse, to enatae him to entertia piloims o tradere from his nativeland Lingarda 188 . 3 IMPERATORI Le Constantine Pogonatus Who in Septemberinisaea succeeded his sather Constans II. This year also on the deathes Clotiare III, Ebrota had mised Childeri to the monarch in opposition to his Nother Theodorici a STATIM Mara Benedic Biscop accompanted Theodore stom 35 Rome when in entereo on his see Benedici undertook iso t. years, aster hic he went again to Rome the govemment of St Peterlamonaster' of which Hadrian was astematas abbata Hadrian remia d hiud Ii8yso that he occupie two Darcon the way bet em Rome