장음표시 사용
134, ne v ed.JWhen, hos tever, ve turi in the Gospe of Jolan . seel in vati in his Evangelis foris a trace of the pascha supper, as aucta, in connectio 3vithouro in a. stat timo Jolin narrates indeo 1 chap. 13 ou Lior 1's astnaea With his discipies; vhicholae attendant alid subsequent circumstanceaslios to have been e same vitii that Milicii the ollier Evangelista describoas in Passover Upon jus stat pollit, in leod Jolin is silent but iroin iliis
sileno the insereno can neve bo iglitsuli dra vii liut this ast ineat was notio assover an more than Otin's similar sileuco in respecto tho Lor 1's suppe Warrant in conclusion laatis suci rite vas ver instituted. Jolin, in ali admit, roto his Gospellas a supplemen to the iners and lience, in speiacingit thia last meat, lamnari ates ut suci circumstances a laad notbeen tuli se sortii lay the other Evangelisis Heloes no describe his meatas laeing thio assover, o malce an mention of the Eucharist liecause this lita been done in botliis es, in the mos explicit manner, by Matthe v, Mari and Lulce. In thi Way the disseretice of the two reporis of the fame occasionIs satisfactorii accounte Vlar.
1 T in fame effect it is satil, is in circiamstance, stat on ino dano in
B Johia 18 28, αλλ' ἔνα φάγωσι - πάσχα, ae p. 247, Lotiis paM eas perhaps the strongest os ali. o bring out manci 4o ever, the inserenco that o the da of the crucifixion the pascha suppe had not et been eaten, the expression φαγεῖν - πάσχα must be talcen in tho limite sense, to eat hepastata supper aud illis, it is asstrined is the truo an oni usage of thophraso elao vliere in the em Testament This las assertio is correctu or,besides tho present instance, the expression φαγειν το πάσχα occur Onlyrave
pascha supper. But it by o means lieno fossovis, vi ere the phras is used generintly and Without the mentionis an restrictive circumstances that liere
Asio cinere is nothinii in circumstances nor in the contexi os olin 184 28, in limit the meaning of το πάσχα in iiself eister to tho paschal tam or
in Jolin 18 28 vas trula the pascha supper, and vas notriae talce place unti tho evening alter the da of the crucifixion, then his deflementis a dayeould have been no barrio thei parialcingit it ior at evening the weroclean. Diei semiple, steretore, in orde to vel Munded, could have had referen inlyrio in Khagigali or pascha sacrifices offeret during thes sanie
It is important in bear in min uaaa Jolin Noto later uia themther Evan- lisis, aiter tho destructior o Jerusalem, and that a distiliguishes tho Jesus' in a peculiar Way de isti institutions had, in his yes, been emptiedo stela significance ani value Andremis. There are iner indicationa, Oven in his se of geo raphica teruis, of his position to ardola Je s. Heno iv may expeci litui in bocles exac in his referetices in the Passoverrites an have a rigiat in interpret his lang'age accordinHy.J C Jolin I : 14 ῆν δε παρασκευη οὐ πάσχα, se p. 247, C. Oe ilai παρασκευή reser, as usual to the Je visi Sabbath, Whicli actuany occurre the nexi das o do cit here reser to thorars da, of th sestival of the Passover per se, and a distin et fron the Sabbath Z It is ni o the alter supposition that the passage can be made in Ma Wayrio conssici illi the testimon o theother EvangelistS. The Greel Word παρασκευmis elis here found five times in the e v est
horo defined ille phraso in question, he si ould probabj have Vrii temon this sviae: h δε παρασκευη του πάσχα, ο ἐστι προσάββατον του πάσχα, that is uae paschal day the da os preparationi fors tabbaia vlaici occurre i during the pa estiat 1 uvat. An further, in in oni Otho tWo instances vliere botin usus the Word παρασκε , hae applieari in this very fame lanes ou Lor 1' crucifi ion, an in his vor sanie sense of the voelesy παρασκε , prece ling the
ing ἐ-m ior isti machia supperi a signification vllicli is ut lare Mora;