A harmony of the four Gospels in Greek

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ia the Evangelist a stricti accurate, and oes no violence to the la usit interpretation. lae account o Liuix seem to recogniZe t vo ai ties iv omen se on4 160), and the various visita thus assume explain most sati factoraly the various staternent respecting the angeli appenrances. Since this is biit one among many theories, the arrangementit ille texi in the Harmon has not been aliered, nor has an materia abrad ment laeen inade in in Notes of r. Robinson. Supplementar remarica have, hOWeve been inserted in accor lance Wiin the vie alven above.J The turther sequence of evenis, consistin cliten o our Loes' appea ancos, presenta comparativel ' ei difficulties. The various manifestations

vitioli the Saviour ni eis lituiseu to his discipies an others, a recorde bythio Evangelista an Paul, may accordini be aretange an enumerate as


as the Englisti versio has it ait the ara sing of the sun. Tho R. V. is still

directi at variance Wia tho lanmage of tho other three Evangelista, and With




πρωτον Μαρία τῆ Μαγ ληm. et the whole oui se of evenis an circumstances holus conclusivel that Jesus ad previousi appeare to the theruromen IV are thereiore compelle I, and that in accordanco vitii good and ordinar usage, to regar πρωτo as ut here not absolutely, ut relativeleth That is to say, Mari narrates three and only three appearances o our Lord; of these three that toruar Magdalene talces place frat, πρῶτον, and that to theassembled discipies the fame evening occursuasi, υσυρον, . 14. Nou in any


Galile alter his rosui rection, uti is sat relatives toruio tuo preco tingv araneis to tho amembled Apostlos 3 167, 16M, and does in no way, esudo tho seu stili earlior appearances, naniely, to Peter in therino at En, anaus in Mary Magdalene, and to the ther vomen Ono es these uia toriar Mag one Jolin himseli relates in fuit. In iis .antho vhiae dissiciny in the eas bolore us vanishea; and the eoa,

Desed a nelther genuino no even nullientio, uae in Mianson' a mentas uti necessary for the intemen is es no authorit exceptis in licating 1ancient tradition Isso preferri rogar the passam as, at ali evenis, authentia, s. e. true in iis statementa, and then to talis v o in ita natural senso. his mula necessitato on placin Mali 28 s, 10, and thos passages necessarily


uio Bitilisthaea Merarior May, 1845, p. 292 M.


yei mosi numerous. e thereiore here talces leave on artha of thos autong

tore. The transcriber substitute&εις, vhicli is more usual Thus textuia critucisui has retiove usis an apparent contradictio bet eo Liulce' stateuieut

in his Notes, argues at orne tength in prove thalaiulco inses the terin Bet, an and Mount of Olives interchangeably, and almost a synonymous.' Thoreceived ea ling seeme io demand this 'ut tho correct texi rendera unneo-essata est suci attempis at reconciliation. The traditiona sit os ino Ascemsion is hosuever, to far iron Bethan to meo the requirenient of Luhela


edies dissiculties havo boen mised respecting the Gospei accounts of ur Lorci' sta on arthi alter the Resurection. It has eve been sserte that Liulco in his osse places the Ascension immediatet alter the Resurrection. But his vriter, more frequently than any of the cher Evangelista, sums up evenis, and then proceed to give turther delatis. His v ord in Acts assumo in correcines of the forine treatise.' The closin sectioni Mariccis ol, Violist a summary, and cannot be proven to impi that there vas a considerat lo intervat laetWeen tho Resurrectio and tho Ascension. Matinex does no mentio the lalter and Jotin's account implies a periodis sonae tength.J

tion in tho Gospei oes not constituto a deviation iron the chronolo icalorder Tiscliendor rejecis 21 25, and liencora is, vii great reluctance, omitte iroin ille Greel textis in Harmona . ther recent criticia editorsretain it se cratical notes . In faci, uris dispute Whether in cit vas added by in first corrector so Tiscliendori or uriue by the origina scribo ovoragainst his possibi omissio an a hini or tvro in sonae scholia, ve nia adduce the testimon o ali extant manuscript an versions together viti no-tices in many ainers, among inem Origen ine mos critica xvriter of early Christia times.J18