A harmony of the four Gospels in Greek

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3 135. The se iuence of the transactions during thmsuppe appendi totaVelmon uae folio viii : Tho ing of their uurus a tritile the contention; the

Note, p. 253. 3 136. ho institutionis uio IAEAE' Suppe is place betore the prophecy


26, 32. ut Lulce, liho Jolin, placescit fore iste uent out 22 34, 35.

tu thei narratives.

Liulco' narrative. I the severa accounts aro talcen in thei natura sense,


being questione by the emale porter. - Peter then, accordin to Matine andiarit, retreat in to the passage te in to the street πυλών, προαυλιον), v here horis again questioned, and uiesces his secondieniat Liahe and Jolin domo specii in place. The Evangelisis dister in thei statementa here asto the person si homo questione liini. Harh say the fame maid , παἄίσκη sa quin again πάλιν), and aegan to luestion hina, V. 69; Matthea ha αλλη,

tion accepi three pisodes o dental different particular bein give by the disserent Evangelista The ast occasion vas probabi at in clos of thenight examination bolore Cataphas.J o three dental aro here place together for convenienco, although diu ing


ost ora more generali t.

cases above cite are no examples of the se reserae in The Greel aoristi a dependent clauso has iis usual forcs; but the relation to uio previo clauso mallescit necessar to expressolio tense by the Englisti lupersecti Suci amsage is no a proo that the si reis used the oris in adeading clauso instea of the Huperfeci: The apparent cases are ni such as expres a imi past sact viiliout an relation to omemther iaci previoust metitioned, uisa may have folio e it Here, si here os is the connective, the orist cannot be properi rendered by the Englisti Huperfeci, since oυ denotes sequenm.J


Was common to est the three forins.J3 154. Accordin in Matthes an Maric, boui the malefactor reviled Jωsus 'hile, accordiu in Liulce, on Was penitent. In the sortiter Evangelisis there is here an enallage of number uio plura bein put for the singular. Titis is osten done, ultero in predicate relates stricti in ne subrect vhile yet the writer expresse tho idea neralty ΓΤhis method os explaining thodisserent statemonia is ope to serious objection. The Gospei aro historical books the vriters lio vover the were inspired, ere not omniscient, or indωpendent of iterar method. I seenis far more lihely thatri of them vero notis vare os in fac mentioned by Lulco tha that cliensliould uso the pluralla the singular. his hold good against most os the examples cite by Dr.


ταφας πρόνοιαν ποιουμένων, ωκ' καὶ Ους ε καταδίκης ἀνεσταυρουμενους προ δυν-

33 159 173.


FULI. discussion um this partis the Gospes History, embracingis vie vis ilio mala dimouities in the wayi harmonigin the accounts of thosour Evangelista, Was publislied by iste viathor of these Notes, in tho Bibli Mee Sacra for Februa , 1845, p. 16 sq, o his tho student is referredior a more complete examinationi the subject. For compaci summaries of number of the variolis theories for harmoniginiuio accounts se Andreavs,

Itris no doubi ruo uisa mors es thes apparent difficulties are iound in iliis ahori; portionis the G pel than in almost ali tho est This has it causo in the circumstanc that acti Writer hero follo M an eclecti method, and in cord ovi vehaia appertaine to his o vn particular purpos Or XPerieum. Thus many os in minor and connectin facts have no been preserved an ithe lata are thereiore 7Matinxto malce out a fui and complete harmon os alline accounts Without an occasiona resorio somelli in os typothesis Had. at the facis, ite may Veli rest assured that this pari os the sacred history iud sit ono prove in bo a exact, a consistent, an a comptote, as Mirand


The genera resulis of in investigations pon rhich mare no v entering may bo preseute in the folloWin summary temo tho eventa an circuimstances connecte Wittitur Loris resurrectio an ascension, in the ordor of

thei occurren .

ter iste tonil and n not the bod of the Lord, and are greatly perplexed. At inis timo Mar Magdalene, impresse Wissicilio idea uiat the bod hadbee stolen avraF, leaves the sepulchre and the ther vomen and runs to tho

llieni noti