장음표시 사용
14' 24. Ἀσται, C. δυνατον γίνεσθαι.
Accordin to Empedolcles, it vas in conflict bet veen trasean Love vhicla cata sed the separatio of the qualities vlien me disintegrationis thes Spheres fars began Hence velavea N:ghtto inser inat the qualities an bes added an subtracted in thepresent state of the worl l oo, since that conflic is tu going on.
Cona posite violements cs. Introd. cio an is totali, irrelevanthere There i no manuscript authorit sor περὶ των ἄλλων ὁπλῶν
Where the γενεσις os ille physica universe in iis present orderly Constitution is described. God hapes an order the Chaoti Cinateriai, Controlliniit vitii si tires and numbers, an bring in itinio confornalty villa the Intelligibie alteria. In particular, God develops Earth, Air, ire, an Vater into thei present distinctive Character out of thei pre- existin Chaoti rudiment s. EaCla os these bodies, a me vori of God has lashione them, Consist os partiCles vlao se hape is that fine of the regular solid and
itae neuter, an stoin the examples 15 1-6), at Aristolle is accus in his predecessors of neglectingo explain ivery one of the problenas Whicla the subjeCt involves' e. g. μίξις ποιεῖν καὶ πάσχειν, ἀφη an no meret os neglectinxto explain the disserent
of the Cona Pound-the sanie hin seenas disserent an conflictingio different people it is transposed 3 a mali additionalingredient, an appears ulteri other I the transpositio osa single Constituent. For Tragedy an Conaed are otia Coia pose of m sanie et terS.'Tragetly an Conaedy, laough ulteri, Contras ted in thei effecison S, are reatly he Sanae thing ', i. e. Cona posed os lae sanie letters. The constituent a re me sanae : the Change i a Change of tiae tona pound '. Sinailarly the sanae tona S, a Constitutingdisserent percepti ibi things different Cona potands), PreSent Onitici in appearances. The additionis a naal ingredient se. g. os a Single ex atona ima cause the origina Constituent to histthei places and the transpositionis even a single atona involves change of the Compound ' and is thus enough to naalce the vlaole appea entiret different. The illustration frona Tragedy an Conaed, is probably quote frona the tonai sis CL Dieis Elementi/m p. 3). Philo
On the ther and there is Considerat ile obscuri ty in the Atonii sis theory of the secondar, ' qualities of the perceptibi ething colour, ound fax our, tena perat ire, C. anc Consequently in their conception os the la ange os suci qualities, i. e. in the ira Count Os ἀλλοίωσις s. 15h0-io, 23' 34-26''6). The secondary ' qualities, thori h conventional and no reat', have a m a latis is in lae figures the si res, the gro ui in ' and the