Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


L and F in the margin read συντιθεμένων κατὰ πλάτος, WhiCh



addition os a scribe, via mi sui uterstoo Aristolle' critici sim sboth here an in the de Caelo l. C.

is divisibi through and through i. e. the dental f indivisi ble


I6'a5-IG. εἴ τις . . . δυνατόν. The lenia of iii livisibi imagni ludes is equivalent to in thesis that a bod i. e. a magnitude)is divisitae through and through . ut his thesis, is interpresed tismou care I quasi cation, lea l. as verahal see to the abstir stythat the constituents of bod a re ei ther potnis' or nothingi' o that there is noth in in the bod hi Cla scapes in division, i. e. that the vla oleiod is Consuale in the dividings.

provide that, is x actuali is o be ona es F, the 'being of is no eo ipso destroyed i. e. provide that 3 is no incona patibi e

vitii sonte eatur Constitutive of the essentia natur O X. So, a bod i πάντη διαιρετόν i. q. δυνατὸν πάντη διαιρεθηναιὶ, provide that, is in lac this ultrough and through ' division talces plaCe, noth in incoimpatitae vitii me essentia natur os 'body'reSulis. ut a xv shal See, the body's dissolutio into pol nis vovi result i. e. t would folio visa a bod consist of potnis'. vhicli is incompati ble vitii the essentiat natur of body'. encea bod is no δυνατὸν πάi/τη διαιρεθῆναι in the prope Sen Se s



The laesis thus interprete is, in laci, rnaintaine by Aristotiehinaseis. Aristolle develope liis conception o δυναμις and δυνατo in the stilas l. l. c. a the result os a ControverS With the Megarians: See, on the whole subjeci, Iater' artici in the

16 25. M . . . διαιρετόν, vherea ex hypothesi the ody vas


The explanator Clause καὶ ἀμεγέθη λων συγκειται ha disturbe lthe natura state naent of the alternatives Aristolle Iegan villa the intention os urit in it vili et ther Consis of oint or os nothings'. uti adde to the sirs alternative me explanatoryclause i. e. iis Constituent xvit be 'γέθη ' and then, reat ingulis Clauseras init vere me nain talenient of the sirs alternative, state the seCon alternative in a Correspondin grana naati Calforrn Thus the esieci is the fame ascis he had unite ' στιγμαὶ

Οπότε . . . το παν). V Can See his si frona me ac that whenthe laod was divide in t two riniore paris, the whole i. e. thesum of the no v separate paris iva no a bit Simalle or bigger than trivas besore in division 'II-33 διαιρεθέντος . . . πρότερον .

lias been divide through and throti gh, ve are est vim potnis Ornothings i. e. the bod has been dissolve into constituenis' vhici neve could Constitute t. ut it naight be urged that, though nothiniis est xv laeta the orough and through division is Over, et in the proces of the dividin somethin evades me division and that this formething suffice to constitute theorigina body It is suggested rst 34-hM that me soni ething ' vhicla evades me division is itfel a 'body' like a udust and when ilia Suggestion is disposed os, it is suggeste neXI ha 8)that the original od was 'formed or qualisieci potnis, and that in forni or quality goes ut in the dividing This Suggestion also is ho vito be impossibie.




the division an ιδός τι χωριστον η πάθοςGOC OUt. Besore procee ling, it villi as vel to explain certain technicalterin Vi Z. φεξης, ἄπτόμενον, ἐχόμενον, συνεχες), WhOS In Can-

i The videst terna ἐφεξης. It applies heneve there is series vitia a farsimae imber an αρχή and an orde os Succession , provide that there is noth in of the sanae hin συγγενέςhas the

spatia relation to series os lines parallel o a give line')



Spurious B ut although it is disticuli to se exacti ho v it Connecis vitti vhat has one besore, it is undout tedi genuine an it Contain a nexu an ina portant ob)ection 13-14 to theuiex inat a μέγεθος poliat o ContaCis laus quali fied'. I I divide a plece of Wood into Ko, and then ut the paristogether again the result is a single piece of Woodi me sanae magnitude a before. The sanae principi applieS, a What everpoin I divide the od. et iis suppose, men that I have divide it at ali potnis at orace i. e. through and throu h and fur is to ther again. It is no v a naa nitude, an Mone : and et,

vhicli it quali fies via potnis can be separate storii ne nother



16l 28 34 ἀλλ ... συγκρίσει. his reproduces the experiential

an dissociation inapi a limit to the body's divisibili ty and byuntes the associaled an dissocialed 'latonas vere invisibis,