장음표시 사용
35 has nothingo do vim the cistinction et dimin substantial
explanationi me perpetuit of γένεσις depend primarii on thernateria an efficient causes but Arristotie' account of me efficient cause B. o includes a Consideratio of the Endio variis vlaici iis acti viij is directed, i. e. of the final ause of γε ινεσις, UiZ the eternat Conservationis the species o formi of the
Phlysici P. Vst . that there is no actua Infinite. Infinite is alway Masredi Cate e g. Os bo iv, O number, Ptinae). It expresses the possibilit e g. o divid in a give sinite bo ly, or os addin to gi ven finite numiber, ad nsnctum. But his possibilit canne ver be Completet reali ge& inere vili neve actuali be an infinite pluralit os pari or finitS.
Io 6 9 - 33. Aristolle there recogniges potentia infinite cin
nt agnitude ad insinuum, sine mere remo indivisibi imagnitudes. An is, e g. havin divide a give magnitude by progressive bisections, ou talce the SUCCeSSiVe lalves', o get an endlessty lina inishin series of fractions j l l . . . Whicli vili never
men uould Correspondo an infinitet miminis hin series os fractions. Unsortunately lao vever, thi ingenious suggestio sorsolving the disticuli is negatived by the facis. Translate so that we hould aveo suppos that there isoni one cin o Cona ing-to-lbe in the vortit:-vi Z. One Whichneve satis, hecauserit is such that on acti successive occasion
Aristotie' solution os the disticuli a to laox perpetua γένεσις is
substance and the φθορά of another, is thus in respectoo πρώτηυλη the substitution os ne positive forni or another positive forna. ut each of these positive loles ' of the proces has also a negative Side: and Strictboseati , it is the negative ide
relevant in the antecedent is no the positive forni hicla laesul stratum in fac possesses no iis bella Ina er),' ut it στέρησις of Ai-i. e. the ac that the si stratum vithout', and et is by natur Capable fisCquiring the forin flair Air, in laci,
the nditio sine i non of thei 'beini and thei perpetuit i. e. it is thei adequale niateria CaUSO'. ὁμοίως ' 26 natist be talcen losely Vith περὶ ἔκαστον τῶν οντων CL 'ci 4 2 35 26 . Aristolle professes, in accordance vitia his origina progrananae, to thave State the Imateria Cause of γενεσις and φθορά in thei genera character, a fine occur in ali existingthings allice'. In the ex sentence, τὰ μὲν ... τα δ' - 28 are Contraste Ivith μοίως . . . ντων and πἀσιν 'a 7). O the nexi problena ari Se precis ely ecause linguistic sage distingui Shesbet veen the o/cσι of Soni things and that of thers, although as Aristolle has naaintained these processes exhibit the sanae genera Character unifornat, in ali hings.
In the present passage Aristolle endeavotir to account sor his apparent Conflictis lingit istic sage villi ais theor, He begins
I8 35 - ' I. καθάπερ . . . τα δ' υ. The distinction ascis clears na the contexi is no ibet veen Substance and the renaaining Categori es, hi ut et veen terans signi syin positive reais and
terans vitii a negative signification As here implo, ed thedistinctio is Pythagorean se nex note . But cf. ' 18b 1 - 18ὶ Aristolle hinaseis adopis a modi sie forna o it to justis thedistinctiora os appellation and emaps this is vli he Saysπολλάκις διορίζομεν. Apparently καθάπερ is an S vered by δια τοῖτο. The construction is irregular, O say the east, an I have Otbeen albi toran an parallel. 18 6 7 ῶσπερ . . . γῆν. ACCOrdin t Burnet' punctuation, vhicla I laave adopte a o me xvhole mos probabie, Parimenides says that the things into vhicla Change talces placerare tivo ' λέγει δυο, C. τὰ ις α μεταβάλλει τὸ μεταβάλλον an he asseris that theseri vo vig. ethat is and wlat is nos, are ire an Eartia . Aristolle ascribes his vi ex to Parmenides in naan other Places
This delance of the distinction o appellation is accepte by
Aristolle ina sel a s ound ACcordin to his o vn theory thethings in time universe re grade in mei realit S a to Ornia cind of hierarchy Their degre of realit is deter ine by
peopte identis the real vitia the ferrestibis, and the imperceptia le
se Alexander quote by Philoponos an ' 8 27 I9 22.