장음표시 사용
vhere in the sense that at V laces of the ma risuri SNnu taneouSIF mere are OintS. I i. g. the give imagnitude has been divide at iis centre, it cannot also b divide at a po intimmedia j-nex toriis Centre : for there is no su Cli potnt Onthe ther and the imagnitude naight have been divide at apoin immedia IF-n f to iis Centre ans ad os au iis Centre fora poliat might have been talcen here, instea Os at the Centre.
IT' ΙΟ-Ι2. ε . . . σύνθεσις. For is trivere divisibi e throti gh and
through, then, is it hie divisibi at iis centre, it vili e mulsib le
talces place in What is continuous' in contrast to the Change by vhicla a Uing dissocialed into discrete pari or a discrete pluralit associaled to orna a thing. τὸ δὲ διαφέρci, vherea in ac there is a dissere iace'. thereare t xv kind of Cla ange both of vhicla may be calle change in What is continuous'. these, i change in the constitutive
this is a brachylog for υφθαρτα καὶ ἄφθαρτα δυσφθαρτα γίνεται. Association ' an 'dissociation are o γένεσις and φθορά, but dissociation ' may facilitate or asten, an association ' nayretard, γενεσις and φθορά.17 28-29. o. . . . βραδύτερον. AS ue hali earn present ly
The proper sense κυρίως, ' 33 is the unquali fied sense ἄπλῶς). Is here is substantia Change, i. e. Da nexu substance'
or it position, ve ad a. quali sication to the em say it
exi Stentiat question is an inquir in to the eing of the in as
naean ei ther i that whicli is in thema ost generat and indeteriminate SenSe-a sense Whicli includes an an ali of the Categori es, vithout spe ibin wHcri si that whicli cis in the sense of One of the Categories a sense Whicli is determine e g. S substantiat 'or quantitative ' being, vithout furtiae specification os the se of substantia or quantitative ein amrnae d. ThUS Oh IVOuid affarna τι στιν ἄπλω os a naan in sense i is
os the doctrine solae Thy sic leaves it as et uncertain What exacti ilae resupposed basis os substantia. γένεσις S, and indeed vhether inere an be Acoei os a substance at all-as Aristotie
ilia Aristoti xvrote ει γαρ τόδε τι γίνεται. 17' 27-28. O . . . ν; καὶ ὁ is explanator O τόδε, and μηδ' ὁν