Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


Contrari et plays no par in the transformation os me si implebo lies'. t is a pit stat Aristolle id not here illustrate Donathe Contrarieties of Hot Coae and Dry Moist, on ivlai Cla the transformation depend s. Perhaps the reason is that ire, though it shOt-dry IS primarit hol: and arili, though it is dry-cold is primarit dry Cf. I 33-6). Hence arth and ire are not

tisserent O is it in sanae, since meravis the wohil not

Whateve it natur may be seta underlyin mena, i the sanae : biit iis actua bein is no the sanie.'The naiter of Earili, Air, ire, and Vater, Conceived sinapi asthat whicli undergoes transformation l. e. πρώτη λη), mesariae'. ut it exist oni in iis variotis insorinations and the infornaed n alter, Whicli is e. g. Aisi is different fron the inson ne J- matter Whichicis ater. The familia Aristotelian fornaula. εστι μὲν τυ αυτό, τὸ δ' εἶναι ου τὸ

αὐτό is sexto expressitato an mare materialty potentially, or abstracti considered identical, ut 'sornaally' actuassy, or



πάθη provide certain condition are nil filled, vhicli Aristolle specifies in naediately is Alteration. ut it is no here explained


properi applies ni t Change of thos qualitie whi Ch a re theobJects of the sive Special senses, i. e. me qualities vlaicli constitute the contra eties of ouch, Vision Hearing Taste, and meli CL also 'ci I 8 Io). SuCh qualities are Classe in me Calegories

ἀλλοιωσις, provides a that the Substance, viai Cia is Changin iis πάθη, 5 perceptibia an persi sis unal tere through the Change, an d b inat the ontrary' interia aediate ' πάθη in question the potes of in change are predicabie directi os the persisting



the se est Con tes-tO-be ut of the bl ood, no the blood ut of theseed'. e suggest that Aristolle is reserring to the Conanaon thotigia erroneous ibelle semen in utero transnautari in sanguinena, i. e. in enalbryonen qui Sanguineus esse videtur'. I9J I8-2I. μάλιστα . . . ἀναίσθητον. Since the popular dentifica


ἀνθρωπου δε μουσικO . . . γενεσις και φθορά.



ΩΟ 8. περὶ . . . εἰπεῖν λοιπόν the referenc is to me planis

The processes hi therio Considere& γενεσις and φθορά, ἀλλοίωσις γocCur in ali sublunar naturaliodies. ut gro ulla and dina inution, as here desined cf. Ioh34-21 29ὶ, are the Ivo COImplementarysorrn o a proces vhicli is Confine to the μφυλα. V Should thereire expectri sin thena discusse in Aristolle 's realises onlivingolaings. An he oes in factoreat a of ood, and thelbo si organs involve in assimilation, nutrition an gro vili in the de ParI. Anim. b os in organs os reproductio in the de Gen. Anim . and chos the oui a the eicient cause of nutrition, gro vi la, an reproduction in the de Anima. Moreover, there areground sor illinicingula at he oote-or at lea Stilanned-a special


that τρέφεται, . e. stat vhicla the foui emplo is a the instrumentis nutrition, o diges an assinat late the ood.2Ο 9-Io. καὶ πῶς . . . φθινόντων, . e. xve have to explain thegenera Character of the processe of gro vili an dini inution via ereve the occur Cf. I4 2 18 25-27.




of κίνησις ἡ κατα τόπον, and αυξησις και φθίσις a me ther.2Ο 27 - 34. περι . . . αυξησις. I has been Suggeste Lutat the

μεγέθους. Aristolle expresses only one os it two possibi meanings here vir that gro vili is a process, in Whi Ch σωμα καὶ μεγεθος



result frona a naalter ac tua II incorporea a=ld de id fit uturi, though potentiali imagnitude an ibod, . An the nain objectos thoe ensiain tiscussio, is no negative aliis description os

τον ἀμφοτέρω ς; SC τὴν αυλσιν γιγνεσθαι, CL ' 32). τουτου 'o IJ SC το ἐκ δυνάμει μει μεγέθορος καὶ σώματος, 'ελεχεία δ' ἰσωμάτου καὶ ἀμεγέθους γίνεσθαι σῶμα και μεγεθος.