장음표시 사용
there is gro ulla ortina inution has veli, depend upon vhether theliving thin is able to assi initate more or only ess Mod than is require t repat me vastem it tissues.
flux of matter, uSt a Water, Continuassyoni Xed in greater and greater quantity vitia vine, in the en malces me vine vater and
μ . The question is Ot vhether Earili, Air, Fire, and ater exis
e g. Ernped Olcle ima intainees CL ' 15 4-8). It villi convenient at this poliat to restate Aristolle' doctrine of the si imple bodies a constituting the physical universe. In roughoulline, a the reade Wili rei nermiber CL Introd. Io), that doctrineis a solio usQ-The physica universe is divide into the III per
Cosmos o heavens, and the O ver Cosmos o Sublunar Worid. The Uppe Cosi nos consist entiret of the Aether. The L. O ver Cosimos is a series o concentri sphem: ca strata The o vest os these stra a-the Centra region both of the sublunar, Cori and of the whole universe-is Earth. The neXt Irarimn inamediatet surroun sing Earth, is Vater. At iniimediatet enuelops Vater: and the upperi nos stratum, nam ematet surroundin Air, is ire. This ough utline imus no v be Supplenaente an CorreCted. For though it is an accurate sun rnar os Aristolle' doctrine as thatis state in many passages, it totali j neglect another nos important si de of his ea hing and by that imission it suggest theerroneous te v that the physica universe, as e Conceives it is
stati arran germent os quieSCent Strata.
si Not nauch nee tit presentie aid vitii regar to the III per
Cosnaos see, for a stille account, e g. 36 14 b Io). I hie Aether, Whicli constitute it, is nything ut quiescent on the Contrary, it S ternalty-revolving. ut there is no intercliangebet veen the Aether and the si impleto dies os the Lo ver Cosnaos. The Aether is in no sense dentical vitii, o hinclo Earth, Air, ire,
other exhalation πνευματώδης Ο καπνωδης ἀναθυμίασις, Or Olme-
orde os derivation in me different things to vlaicli it is applied This ima be talcen to tholinos Contactins os ali sti li
by the termis hi Cla are Sal λεγεσθαι συνωνυμ. 0ς, ο λέγεσθαι
ine sitare also in ei τόπος. ut ii me solate quantitative
determinations-me abstracta ivlaici are τὰ μαθηματικά rOPer the objects of imathematica scien Ce have a poSitio relative to us vli ConCeive thena so that w distinguisti e g. the right and
23 6-8. τόπου . . . ἀντικειμένων. The prirnar disterentiation
τὰ τοιαυτα των ἀντικειμέν , P the region os the relatively light