The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


erates receive re deposita on the netio noon, ut on fia


Vere sublected.


216 NOTE S.

a cardom8, την κάρδοπον.

1259. N. noster creditor Amyntas, inives, and justatis inomen his chario brevit dourn and laud cries are

go lita sustere in a traged of Xenocles sonis Cadicinus , he quotation here piat into the mouili es Amyntas bella the fame Whicli, o many houm besore had come pon the ars of the audience in in dee tones of 1266. T . . . . κακόν; ha ham has Tisolemus been v to mur lio votas quote in the precedinclinema have been vered by the tragic character, Tlepolemus; or ste allusio nivie, as micheli supposes, in inerator os Tlepolemus being accidentali hilled by his brother Licymnius, intending onlyrio laeta the lave by vlion Licymnius vas attended sor neglectinitiis aged muster.


1269. καὶ κακῶς πεπραγμι, spemalinas I have been so

stari mu vitia 4mur 'heeis and van. For ine se of μελλω Wiu in fui ins Aee ait Gr. Gr.. 498 d. Schut thintcsine expression refers to the wheel and amo Whicli ivere the occasio of the et trio Amyui id vero comice sic effertur, quasi Amyntas tanquam equus σειραφόρος ipse cu rui alligatus esset.' ut the phraseris probabi ovi a cant expression, lihe ne frequently used by politica nevrspapereditors, When the speiac, in thei stannis an opponent being beaten, horae, sol, and drvsong. Strepsiades novi leaves the scene, and the Chorus predictui troubles that are about to sal upon himi accountis his fraudulent intentions. 1320. Ἱσως . . . . Pota, Perhaps perhaps hs misi Mishctat his omisere dumL That is, hem ill be lihelyrio receive sucti reaiment at the hand of his capegrace son, that ho


218 NOTE S.


Πιττακος ἀλεῖ, μεγάλης πυλπης βασιλεύων.

1382, 1383. Εἰ ἄρο- id Strepsiades reveris to


givas nothing, and you tolli have die grin in a me. 1437. δίκαια. Strepsiades is no* thoroughi convincedo his error, an admit the austice of his punishment laxit

stili in son persist in carryπὶ olat, to a more monstrous

tengin the ne principies an Vie M of dui y lites h lias ac Iutred unde in Socratic instruction. 1440. Σκεψαι .... νώμην, Considet stetiginother philosophica idea Phidippides is mimichiniste philosophicia cant that he has besere liear his fallier using - - γαρ




222 NOTES.


xephon For thesidioni, se ante note in I. 402. 1510. μετρίως, nough.