The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


reason he oughi liis Way, in a bemar' gare, to Thessab Iuliere the cum vim per med in his character hecompares the nce beggari an nou rici philosophersan rhetoricians Pandeletus also is spolcen os as a personos insaInous character, a sycophant, a busybody, and a loveros litigation. e vas introduce in soni of the ieces os


mus , antiquated. 936. - .... ἐδίδασκες ν'hat et et u ere accustomed toteata men Offorme Emes. Observe the orce of the in1- perfeci. A the were abolitri comerio Nour so the possession of the oung man, ille Chorias intercedes an pro- poses indisten to thei argumenta in alteritate succession anarrangement vlaich the combatanis accederio. 950. νωμοτυποις μερίμναις NOEOndammering Studies, studies thici hammer ut philosophica an poetica conception8. 955. Νυν .... σοφίας, Noti come the perrilou crisis,

eum, qui hanc orationem sine admiratione legere, qui si legerit, de viri virtute veraque nobilitate etiam tum dubitans, poetae amore non inflammatus ejus comoediariam legendarum et ediscendariam cupidine non incensus, abire ac


194 N O TE S.

discedere potest, eum inquam equidem non omni solum

sensu omnique ratione cassum, sed morum perversorum

amatorem adeo esse dudico. Nullum unquam poetam nee majorem nec sanctiorem fuisse luam nostrum Aristophanem ex hac oratione discimus.'962. σωφροσύνη, temperance, in iis mos extende simimcation αιτία του κρατεῖν των πιθυμιῶν, καὶ ουπο μηδ*ιὰς δονης δουλωσθαι ἀλλα κοσμίως γ.' Diog. Lilieri. - νενόμι-

964. εις κιθαριση , to tae schos of the ha Flayer Thetur great branches of ancient Greel educatio suere In ISic an gymnasucs. The reat influence attribuis to theserme an refining an elevatin the mimicis testisse to in many passage of Greel literature Pindar' languam is express an strong ponoli potnt. The subjec is Inostfuli discussed by Plato, specialia in the Republic Theimportanc os music in ille educationis in Greelis, is generali underetood It vas emplaye to essec severa pudiposes. Farst, o oothe an mollis the fiercenes of the nationa citaracter, an prepare the way so the lessons of the poets, bicli, delivere amid the oundingis melodious Strings, When ille oul vas rapi an elevated by harnaony, by the excitement of numbers by the magi of the weetest sociations too a firm holdisponoli mind, and generalbretesne it during life Secondly, it nable the citigens gracesullyrio persorni thei par in the amusement os sociallise, ver person laeing in his tum calle upo at entertainnient to in or play po the lyre. Thirisy, it Was neceAsar to enabi them to dola in the sacre choruses, renderedisequent by the piet of the state, an sor ine due persori ance in id age of many ossices of religion the sacerdotia character belonin more or es t ali ille citigens os Athens Fourthly, a niues of the learning of a Greeh vas martiat, an designe to fit hin sor defendinitiis count , he require Sonae knowledge of music thai in the sela


Greelis, in the Classical Studies, 4p. 315, 354. Th. vliolo subjectis gymnastic is learnedi expoundedi, Kraus in his Gymnasti und Agonistit de Hellenen,


196 NOTES.

Aristophanes has test is a picture, dashed os miti his usual grotesque vigor, os a troomos Attic ad marching on


acco ngly thei teacher an gymnasiarcha hecked vitii stripes the lightest exhibitionis stubbomnes or indocili . St. Jolin Vol. I. pp. 167 169. 967. his line contain therant,omis of tW old poems. - Παλλάδα περσεπολιν δεινάν cis the beginning os a sonibyLaniprocles the son os idon, an ancient Athenia poetione tanga a it is preserve by the scholiast in t vo

πορόν τι βόαμα, is sal by chie scholiast to beri endromineos the poenas os Cyclias, a poetis Hermione A single Wor more, λύρας, is ali oscit that is preserve l.

968. Ἐντειναμενους την ἁρμονίαν. Hamonia utentes intensa et mascula, non vero molli et fracta.' uster se


κιθάραν, - συντόν- ου' της παλαια αρμονίας - ἀνεμμενης, ως οἱ νεοι πενόησαν. Schol. 970. βωμολοχωσαιτ, Dorn βωμολόχος, philesi ras ori annas ita etymolog indicates, applied to persona rho Ioiteredat,out aliars, to pich umor be in remnant of the sacrifice foro meat; sten, to person Who ere ready to play the bustoon for the ahem araneat accordis to Passo v the verbras here sed villi resereno to the degenerate musico the age of Aristophanes, phicli ha departe Dor ita ancient simple an earnes character, an no v murted the applause of the multitude by every hin es artifice. Translate this and the solio vincline, II any one of them played ost

ραπης vas ne of the educator of the nilnd. - τον μηρον. - προβαλεσθαι, iraetenta tunica vel praetento cin=lo, Detnora obtegere.' Brunck. 'τ τεστιν, evκοσμίως καθεσθηναι,


μ συμ ρησα, ἀντὶ του συγχέαι την κόνιν,, μη σημεῖον η τυπον ἀπολειπεσθαι ταῖς καθεδραις ἐν γαρ ψάμμο λεωποτάτη εrvμνάζοντο κατεφων δε τον τόπον οπου ἐκαθεζοντο, δα μη σημεῖον της βης εαυτῶν καταλείφειαν τοῖς ἐρασταῖς παρεγίνοντο γαλ

984 985. Ἀρχαῖα .... B φονίων Theruns veris Assicologus contains expression os the strongest contemptrior ut opinions of his opponent . e stimatiges them a too old, musty, antivaateri an antediluvian, to b hel in amoment' respectes Da man os sense. Λιπολι- , Don Λα- πόλια the nam os a very ancient east hel in honor os

δεος Πολιευς, - ώFolia iis, uasa is, antipwaMed. τεττίγων ἀνάμεστα, fusi os grassia pers. The most ancient Athenia

Ilvore Miden grasshopper in their hair, as emblenis of their clain to the character of aborigines inhabitant os ste land. Cecides vas an vi dithyrambic poei, mentioned, it is sald,


against iis laver command vas a person Ilamed Thaialon, vlio, at the east of the πιυς Πολιενς, observing a Steer ea, in the sacre πόπανον noli altar took up an axe und


ἐμάροπε ανδρες Αθροαῖοι, τον οὐ της πάντων ἐλευθερίας

και σαππίας κίνδυνον ἀράμενοι Ου μα τους ἐν Μαραθῶνι προκινδυνεύσαντα των προγόνων, καὶ τους ἐν Πλαταιαῖς παραταξαμενους, και τους ἐν Σαλαμῖνι ναυμαχησαντας, . . L987. ἐν ἱματίοις . . . . ἐντετυλίχθαι, to M Wra edis in iasH-Ttia These amenis vere not vom by e oung in the earlier an simple days of Actens. 988 989. 'sὸστε .... ριτογενείης The allusion here isto a procession Mooungonen during the ea Panathenaicsestival When hos tal in pari incit per allo vexto veartheir Rrins It Was noliis occasio that Harmodius and

Aristogeiton attempte to la Hippias and Hipparchus, an attemptrili histor of Whicla salven by Thucyssides VI. 57. It would seem that in omne times, 4 had been ine customao proieci the breastini Wit the Ahield in the da of Aristophanes, let it sussice to say that he hiel rapas applied ais to the covering of the la per paris.' itcheli.

A Juvenes armati, qui pompam prosequebantur, erant, nudi brachiis et cruribus, sago brevi induti et antiquitus clypeis Pectus tegebant, non inseriores partes, quod nunc fiebat praVO Pudor e cubus expertes erant proavi innocentes. D

ristea inadem, nec pudet eum, saltantem in sesto Pali dis cum amis, ad tegendum Veretrum uti clypeo; quum

enim clypeus sit gestamen Palladis, ipsa dea vita, raed

cor assicitur, cum ejus arina ita dehonestantur.'