The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


991. καὶ βαλανείων ἀπεχεσθαι, anda Maitarn fron listas.

vi reason rhi ballis are so osten spolien os as deseruingo censure, an a corruptis in manners of the eople, is that instea 1 of being the imple means of health and cleanliness, a the had been in sorine times, the were nos become magnificent sta Nishments resorte to by stoidie and the victous vlio passe ivliole day there, and anade them e cenes of ever species of debauclle . The

modern vorii bagnio aves ita meaning to similar sacis. 995. M. . . . ἀναπλάττειν because νο mean o fore animas of modesty. The passage Is an obscure ne, ndmany Various readings have been suggested. Bothe reada Ora . . . . μελ λεις .... ἀναπλησειν, and talces ἀναπλησειν in

the sarne reading villa the exceptionis μελλεις, and unde stand ποιῶν aster τι, - ing which, ou sit potate Mabeautet O et ur modesty. Boste compares his se of ανα ἡ νειν vitii ui Geman olimachen, Wiacha is somelimes used viti the me ingis to polline But in reading in stotexi seenis to lae thera est an mos poetic There is a passage in Demosthenes, Contra Aristog. 780, vities illustrates the passage and the meaning bove assime to it. Inspearing of the religious seelings vllicla lamede me every- vliere to mise altar an lavit 1 temples to the ods, hoadds, - καὶ Λίκης γε, καὶ μνομίας, και Αἰδους εισὶν ἀπασιν ἀνθρώποις βωμοί, οἱ μεν κάλλιστοι και ἁγιώτατοι ναν τῆ τῆ φυχη κάστου και τῆ φύσει. ' ochadoptaanother reading oτι της ἰδους μελλε τἄγαλμα παλάσσειν,

ruato in Galatea petit asciva puella '


1001. Tola .... βλιτομάμμαν riu sili Maiae the fons os Hippocrates, and he wili calliso Mois. Die sons f

darling, Ettile ninny idiot, and che like.1003. τριβολεκτράπελ fron τρίβολος, a tripla sint, and gometimes the potat of a Ohe, or epigram, an ἐκτράπελος,

Diis is compounded of λίσχρος, ἀντιλογία, and ἐξεπίτρατος.


io the Muses, missi statues of the Graces by Speusippus, a sanctuar o Minerva, an altar os Prometheus the Dot- bringino, o Cupid, os Hercules, and thers. ere Plato, Who possesse a colint -seat calle Cephissia in thoneighborhood, gave his instructions and aster hii ali his solio*vers. AEng vas ste silent sanctuar o Philosopli observe an spare even by sees tili Sylla caused is beauti-sul ro v o plane to te ut doma, and converte intomachines sor var. The Academy, hoWeVer, Wa repatred, and flour1slied illi the time o Julian.' micheli. The μορίαι, o sacre olives, vere the olives in the Academy, derived accordin to the Atti legend fror the olive plante by Athena after lier victor ove riseidon Thenam refers to thei partition rom the orisnal stoch. Ivor 1s vorti sus, the Athenian olives ere thus conceived to b the inspring of ne sacre parent they vere the inspring of the pili os innerva the sanctit of the parent servuixto proieci iis inspring of the parent's sanctit proos even historical vere offered, and as villinglyaccepte by the Athenians Diis monia olive-treo vasburn to the round by the Perstans, hen the took tho Acropolis iis sit vina subsequently visite o the fame asty the re Was then seundo have alio sori Deshsprouis is cubit in height.' Asrio a race in the AcademnΜitchel uul observes, footinace, an almost a laot- sali, in suci a place nia a fidit, perhaps, inrue therinder but it mustra, remembereri that, at ille time the Clauda vas exhibited the Academ Mas a place devoted


to bossib, notrio menta amusemenia The genius a Plato had et to sanctis it a ui si ode os intellectua aues ments.' Die valle of ste Cephissus is sis covered witholive rove, vadis, seu framenta os sculpture ani arcti, tecture mari ita sit of the Academy. 1007. ἀπραγμοσυνης Diaure. To live in the odor of ραγμοσιν at Athena must have been almost a fortunate a dyla in the odor o sanctit in the Papa Church. micheli. The pie ure of doin nothing - the dolae sarniente is not et largoite in Alliens, no any vhere

1008. πλάτανος. Magnam vero loco aucunditatem sa- ciebant platani excelsae cubitorum triginta sex, tuas laudat Plinius.' Britesceri Dicaeologias lases this part of the dialogue by presentingcontrusted pictures of the physical, mores, id intellectualericis of the two opposite systems. II does this in sues a Way asu satirige the public and private vices of the Ain nianseople. The Antimachus mentione in line 1022 pas person osten heri u lo contempi by thae comic vester sorhis lissolutenes and unnatural vices. 1035. ελ- φλησεις, incur lau ter beco ne an obffect σ1051 ιρα- ια λωπά A scholiast pon these vortistus discolarses Ibycus Eays, stat Vulcantiade a gistrio Hercules of a bathi Warn mater, sivm Whicli Ome assim that varu ballis are calle Herculeam laut ollier say that Athena sent up vara ballis sor ercules vlis fatimedWilli his totis Pelsander, sor example, urites, An theblue-ere Athena made so him, a Thermopylae, a Warin balli, noli aliore of the ea.'V Brunc Aays, A lumnatura calidas, θερμῶν ἄτεχνα ρεύματα, Herotidis Munea Vocabant.' Theraiot pring o Thermopylae stili serve the wear traveller, to refresti hin aster a hard lays ride, on a Thessalia steed, ove the mouniuius Therare put also is


1063. V. ... μάχαιραν Peleus, O this account receivediae Mord. The allusion is to arator o Peleus, accordingio hich Hippolyta, sto vise of Acastus, iungis Iolcos, in


of Wood vas set in the ound and another laid horizontallyacros it, illi lxv disiae liminifram ach end underenes disti a Vesset of water ita placed, and in each of thesea fit braae statue calle μάνης Thos Ivlis vere playing the Maene en leavore 1 to throw vine homo esset intoone of the disties, so that it usi tristi uponite hiead of the statue unde the pater. o vho spisse fine leaat wine Mane the vici ory, and inus no v that he was laetove byhus Inistress A laurii hin is describet by Pollux, theachesiastis Aristophanes, an Maenaeus. The μάνης mas placedipo a pilla like a candelabriam, and the disti ha in ove it must by means os mine projected rom emalet, lae thrown pon it, and thene sali into a basin filled villa pater ivlaici Don this sal gave sorti a soland and lae lio produce the clearest ring Was the victor, and received prietes consistin os eras, calces, and avreetnaeias Theclites objecto be accomplislied in alliae variotis modific tions of the cottabus rus to thro vise pine ut of thegoblet in sues a manne ista it should remain together and nothin be spissed, and uasa it hould produce the pureat an strongest possibi Aound in the place Where it vas uiro m. In Sicil the popularii os stis ganae vas O es, uini houses per buit so the specialis pos os silvingui cottabus in stem. See Dictionar of Greeh an Roman Antiquities, p. 295. 1081. ηττων, literalty les than that is, unde the os

1083. ι .... τιλθῆς his reserario the punishment inflicto on adulterere, vilichris thus describe by uae schobiast: - μ ραφανῖδας λεμβάνοντες καθίεσαν εις τους πρωκτοτς τούτων, καὶ παραταλοντες αυτως τεφραν θερον ἐπεπασσον,

βασάνως ἱκανὰς εργαζόμενοι. '


mari lcs mundis noli spectatore, an recogniges firatone rahe an inen noster, untii, oving up in contest in despiar lie consesses himself conquered, stripsis his hinna leton thro scit ove among 1 stronge par , an desertato tela fide. 1108 ἐπι με θατερα mine fide.

1109. Oῖαν δικιδίοις, suppi στόμωσον την πάθον, Marpen his Iau for smia suris. - τὰ πέραν -- πάθον, and his Otheroaust, instea os eua vi in oster fide. 1113. ωρεῖτε νυν This is addressed by the Chomas to Strepsiades an Phidippides A the go ost , ille Chorus dres the pariling rotas οἶμαι δε &c. to Strepsiades. B soni editors, a Branch and Bothe, these vorda aro sime to Strepsiades But Belcher, Hermann Schlitz, Dindorf, aridiitchel give them aciniae text. Theclines vidites fosso v sorin anoster parabasis, o adctes to e spectators, expressiniste te V of the poet. 1116. ους κριτάς, The ou es that is, the person potnted by the archon to ac a Judges in the theatrical con- tests See Theatre of the Greehs pp. 107, 108.1116. εκ των δικαίων, ustly a frequent constractio osui genitive of an adjective vitii in preposition εκ in egens os an aduere.

1120. ἐπομβρίαν, to muchisa n. 1123. ἐκ του χωρίοm, rom his farin a ave sanin Enylisti, his place meaninitiis estate in in count , his sarm. 1125. σφενδόναις, literatin lings, sed metaphoricatly sor


NOTES. 211

1136. Θεός μοι πρυτανεr. his expression Ius equiv leni in commencin a suit. It Mose ron clam isage, uius explained by Boeckh The Prytaneia both parties vere require t deposit illi the ouri previous to the commencement of a suit, lihe the Sacramentum among the Romans, unies the subuect came villiin the province of a

diaetetes is the laintis neglected his, the ossicer Who introduce the cause quaslied the fuit he wlio tost his cause pia boui the Prytaneia that is his o vn vere sorseited, and lie repaid the sum deposite by the vinning par The amount vas accuratet fixeri accordis to the


haustialiun de Athener, Vol Ι., p. 369, 370 Englis 1 translation, p. 345 seqq. 1146. τοττονι πρῶτον λαβέ, ades tata frat stat is, his baxo ineat, Whicli Strepsiades has laroughi sor Socrates,aceordincto his promise See ante, 668 669.

1167. ον κεῖνος ἀνήρ, Here 'a Nur et n. alie door of the schoes pens, an Phidippides retiarn to the stage, a singula mixturem phrontis and sophist. A the sirst, heis of courso deassi pale, an his nos seem semersor noother purpos buto han allisae ori upon it, excepi