The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


814. υτο .... μενεις. The sester has returned minthe sophisis school, an has evidently been tol lin an gry parte villa in dand son. In in murse of the dialogue, he niesces excellent se of the sublime instruoetion he has received. The ne v alli, Miat' is evidenti suggested by his recent intercourse W1in the claud- philosopher the μετεωροφενακες. 816. Ω δαιμόνιε. The oun malis eatly amaze atine alteration in his faster' appe ance, vi homo vias thephilosophic look - ste pale face, ille bare stet, and thephrontistic cloah - τι χρημα πάσχεις, 'hait is the nauer


830. Μηλιος, este Melian This vas a teri os reproach, parti on politica grounds, the Athenim bearing a liatred against themelians, an parti l ecatis Diagoras, a notedasteist v iis a native of melos. itcheli, however, thinhatha, the allusion here is to leucippus, fron vitiose philosophica doctrines the Dinos of the Socrati school vas


have νου turnia stat as, here have so placed M, Maliove rendered, What have o done Ois' iners in teuci in πεφω this vord, laesides oster meanings, simi sto keep, is o servanis, AlaVes; to cultisate, as of hala; and in ste passive voice it omelimes describes conditionis situation, as in indipus Tyrannus, μιας τρεφε προ νυκτός, thouar in one nigM, Or, thou artisur unde by perpetua ni t. Itoloes not seein orceri to deduce froIn these meaning onesultable to the present passage supposing the expression tolae applied in a ather ludicrotis o cantinisi silio by theyOung man, - here have ou been Fing mur ah ashe would have asked ' Vtiere lime ou been heeping your horae 3 an perhaps this ver idea ita running in his headat the time. 859. ' σπερ .... ἀπώλεσα, Lethe Peribiles, dos them oncte emergency. The allusion here icto a fac in the lis os Pericles, phao in rendering an account of his administrationos the public revenue, et do v an item o te talenta μένηλωμενων εἰς το δεον, eaependedipo whoet was Uanted ';

ἀπώλεσα sor ἀνήλωσα. 863. G .... Ἐλιαστικόν The ver frat Heliasti obola


inei sees rom κωλακρεται. Politica Antiquities of Greece, p. 265. The nam Heliae is connected tith the Dori ἁλία, anassembri also illi ἀλις an ἁλίζεσθαι not With λως, asis sonietimes stated. Eacli estigen received as his se an obolus a V veitich. vas after vard increased to three oboli. 865. i. ... ἀχθεσει. The oung man has finali madeu his mindri mn biat he telis his fallier very gravel that he the saliter Will be fori for it goone or later. 869. Kαι .... νθάδε, notis erienced in the hanmin tristit here, instea o me is no tinctured viti theteachings of the school. κρεμαθρῶν is here used in allusion to the rs appe ance of Socrates suspende in a bashe so the Socratic insimactions. 870. υτο . . . . e. The repl os Phidippides is ut-tere in ara miri draulin Way, in he puras pon the


188 NOTES.

among the commentators Michel sus, To unde stan the aiant os Socrates, ve Inusi revertato the omnis


888. Προς πάντα τα δίκα, Mairtut ali lega righta. Diopoet novi in duces the two opposite principies, - the trueand false reasoning - a persons, eaeli maintaining in thosello ving dialogue his o vn fide os iste question. Thereos evidenti a change in the spirit an temper os the drama fron this timerior vard. ii poet i ecomes more emtest, an grapples more closely rilli the vices os sto age agiansi ivllicli te arrang. As to ille manne In vilich ines personised principies, the Dicaeologus an ine Micoloms, are represented different opinion are held by the critim. Vieland following the hin os an old scholias SuP Ses the vrere represente agri vo game-cocks, figlitingsrona lupo vicher ages; but stere seem to bera sufficient proof of the poet' havin playe of so vhimsica an extravaganeta Themavit of the dialogue is inconsistentvrith sues a supposition. Bergier says, - Hic dam per prosopopoeiam introducuntur duo λόrοι, alter ustus, qui et major, seu superior dicitur, quo disserimus de rebus ustis, et justam causam defendimus atque iste agit virum modos- tum, Verecundum, honestatis observantem et antiquis moribus praeditum alter injustus, qui et minor, seu inferior dieb


190 NOTES.

tiar, jura pervertens, immodestus, impudens, honestatis e pers corniptor uventutis uti duo λόγοι certant inter se, et uterque Vult adolescentem ad se allicere, ut Virtus et Voluptas Herculem apud Xen Mem. 11, 1, 21 se , et Philosophia atque Statuaria Liticianum in ejus Vita, seu Somnio.' r. itchel has sonae Ver elegant remari supon this pari os the druina Aster statinitiis objections tolli supposition os Vietan and the intimatio of the scholiast, he proceeds -'Moxv, sten, it ma be asked, vere me λόγω represented Z Cluat person did the assumes What mastis di thoe vrear 8 It wout be presumptuous, at cliis time os day, to amin an thin positive o suci a potnt; yet in solioWin considerations are submitted to the readeras affording aratron probabili ,hoin the poet ad in his eye in one os these characters, and that once asceri aine there vili be no great dissiculi in condecturin v honi lieintende by the oster. Inae in representative of ste αδικος λόγος is require t repl to the animate description ive os the olde time, and the system os educ tio the puraved the resiuisition is made in the solio ing

Can any one compare iis vivi a verse in one os our au

- and wiin the epithei attached in anotheris his plus isone or avo persons thom Euripides bring sorWard as specimens of the classis person naturali generate by the generat constructionis his driunas, and no seel a strongsuspicio uia by the Adicolom os his scene is meant noother than the bard himself ta a play, incleed os vilichtho almos paramount object pacto expos and bring into


NOTES. 191

eontempt ulla sophistic eloquence an system a chicane Which vere ' vortiin s much miselites in the Atheniancouris of la , vlio a s lihel in occupy a conspicuous place a the poet, Iulio, rom the natur os the speeches for Mnd against Whicli continuali occur in his dramas, vas expressi stigmatized as ποιητης ρηματίων δικανικῶν ' . . . . Generali speahing, no philosophic opinion is, in ste Aristophani comedies, ascribe to Socrates Which is not also attribus e 1 to Eumpides, and the poees lasta raret salis iapon the ne in his respect, rithout a Novi bein at in fame time inflicted on ste oster. Is it theresere, lihely, inat, in adram Iuritie almost so the pumose of brining the nev philosophic opinions besere the Atti public Socrates Aliould occupy so prominent a par in ste piece a lio evidently does, and that his sello v philosophist shout be uiro unwholi into the background 8' The ingenious criti continues his observations and hostis rhy Socrates is madethe obaec os huch ovemhelmin ridicule in the precessing pari, and th in poet assumes o much of gravis in theremiander fit straana. His remaric Me to long to becited here. e inus concludes: It remians ni t ad 1, stat is the Adicologiis os the play be What he has here been supposed to be, ut Dicaeologus of the piece can bem ostertiam the poet Eschylus They both vould appear on thesing in the litotest possibi exterita a Mellis interitat contrast Eschylus in the severe an simple costume os the olde time, of vhicli te is the representative, Euripides triched ut in ali the fine vhici the obe-maheran thecie velle could supplT- Would solio rus a matter


897, 98. δια .... νοητους through rege No eari, pcintinxi in spectatore. 906, 907. τουτὶ .... κακόν, this evi goesim; at is, stemischievous practice of denying the existence of ustice and of the ods A simila expression occur in the vasphl. 1483.

915. Θρασους εὶ πολλου, Iou ari ver impudent. Forthe constructionis the genitive see ait Gr. Gr.. 317. - χαῖος, antipwateri an antedgluvian. 916. φοιτῶν, to sepwemt the chool. 920-924. M . . . . Πανδελετείους. pon these lines He mann observes Sententia his subest haec qui mala ista dicendi artificia et subtiles fallacias doceant, jam multum pecuniae corradere, Vitamque agere lautam et splendidam, olim autem contemptos fuisse et vix habuisse unde victum parerent id ei carpendi Euripidis opportunitatem praebet, udus Telephum, multa subtiliter disputantem, sententias Pandeleteas ex per Vorare dicit.' Τηλεφος ....

φάσκων Samn Viat ou rere Telephus, ct Mysiam Thepoecis here ainiing a bio v ait Euripides, Iulio, in one of his