The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


volente an inis receperatnt for the Vulgate' voluerunt recipere. Hθελον λαβεῖν αυτόν here sesem to contrast mitti θελεν παρελθεῖν αὐτο ς in


meaning in connexion it the ae tua circumstances, an it troalsosssntia lyi spiritual salities With hieti no externa aet, a sueti,


ducasti, bellove and thou has caton, 'givo tho sum os tho thought in luminous and prognant senteneo. But, oithemthoriand ther cana no doubi that tho truth whichis pressented in iis absoluto for in these discourges is presente in aspecilio ac an in a conerset for in tho Hol Communion and et furtho that tho Hol Communion is the divinet appotnte means Wheret, men a realis tho truth. Norma thors o an dissiculoto any one ho ucknowledges a divine sitnes in tho ordinancos of tho Church, an ternat correspondone in tho paris of tho ne counge of God in bolievin that tho Lord, hilo posthin intolligibi to thoso Who hoard Him a th time gavo by anticipatio a commenta , Sot Speah in the Sacrament Whichmo astorWarus institutud. euher's

i ἐχορτάσθητε, ere sed a toti fodder Lulie XV. 16, vi 21 Rev. xlx. 21 inclinurus to thiis so Mati. V. 6, xiv. 20 an parallois Mais vii 2 inclin us to thin not. Quam multi non quaerunt esum, nisi ut illis faciat bene secundum tempua... Viae quaeritur Jesus propter Jesum S. Augustine . 27. ἐργάζεσθε. ore, not labour, to Lee u the comauxion ithou 28-30. The k00Ρ ha in o the ord Work. The meaning Workfor is rare ἐργ. χρήματα, Herod. I. 24. Omp. WhΟSoever

Mandere qui panem jubet in sudore diurnum Non dabit aeternas absque labore dapes.


thontidato siti. 33 Christis th true giver of the ood that abidoth 1 by direct tostimon in the Scripturos. 2 by the fame in tho voles Dommeavon nimis Baptism, 3 by indirect testimon in His miraelos

and Messianie Oct.28. τί ποιῶμεν ... What must se do v. o that o may to rhy

πιστεύειν εἰ o the use the ea πιστεύειν σοι See o i. 12ὶ πιστεύειν

τιν Oeeuriiv. 21, V. 24, 38 46, xiv. 11 comp. ii 22 iv. 50 it sangno more than to selisve a man ' Statomenis, as distinet rom rustingin his person and Charaeter.

manna a in the trues sensearead out of heaven. τον ἄρτον. .. τον ἀληθινεν Emphatio repetitio of the artiolo thebi ea out of heaven the rue brpad; true in the sens os real and peesset, a complet realisation 1 What it professes toae Ee on . . The manna as Onlyn typo, and thereior imperieci. Note the changesrom ἔδωκεν to δίδωσιν God is continua lingiving tho true bread it lano give atine time and thenio more, lihe the manna. 33. ὁ καταβαίνων. That Bleti comet down Jesus has notostidentisiod Himssit,ithritis Broad, hic is stili impersonal, and lienee


tho pressent participio contrastis. 41. Thoro is a clear se prone to

liks the prayormiis humble bellover: a in iv. 11, 15, 19, Sila mouidbsistior so on iv. 11ὶ Not that the requestris ironical, tho mocking prayer of the sceptio. Rather tris tho Aelfis potitionis hos whoso bellus and aspirations aro lo . in the Samaritan moman iv. 15 thonthiis that this onderivi laod is at an rate orth having. Hesed them yesterday, and the ara hungo again He speah os read that abidoth, and it illa molirio obtaincit But thola nimido of abissing is a suppi constantly πάντοτε ropea ted like tho manna; an sor his tho as in good aith. hondo not Asbolicus in HispoWer, ut in His mission. 35 50. Identiscationi the Spiritu a Breaxisit Christ. 35. ἐγώ εἰμι. Comp. v. 41, 48, 51 the pronou is ver emphaticas in iv. 56. A in v. 30, 6 passos Domiho hird person to thosirst These idontification ars haraetoristio 1 this Gospei Christ


hee an proieci, T. 28. Quale intus illud est, unde non aitur foras 'Magnum penetrale et dulae secretum S. Augustine).38. τι Καταβ. Beeausera a come dom. Four timos in his disco s Christ declare His descent Do heaven; v. 38, 50 51,

ἀναστήσω. ere, Stili more a Sit thau in v. 39, αναστήσω may


Whie Wa a mere instrument; ὀίων referario it nature not merely

broad heu partaken o by the belleVer. The primar reserenue thorciore icto Christ' propitiator death; the secondar referene is