The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류





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has Atronisaith and is commended. d hat dissiculi is here in supposing tWo omeWhat similarmiraeles Christ' miracles ere signs; thse Were vehicles orconvenn the spiritual trutiis hioli Christ eam to each. II acis ulmos certain He osten repeate the Same instructive Sayings may Hemo somelimes have repente the fame instructive acta Here, thereforo, as in the eas of the cloansing of the Templo ii 13-17ὶ, it suom Wis est o elisus that S. Joh aud the Synoptista scord

The or no bocomes a coNFL1cribetW00 Christ and the Jows: 'sor a Christ reveat Himseli more fully the opposition stW00 Himand the resin part becomes more intonsse; and the fuller revelationwhic excites the atred finis opponent serves also to sis thodiseipies Soma turn bach other aro strengthenod in their aith by at the se and sar. The Evangelis hom time to time potnis out the opposite regulis 1 Christ ' Work Vi 60 71, Vii. 40 52 iX. 13 1, X. 19, 21, 39-42, t. 45-57. Three mi aete formiris scintho constiet tho saling of the impotent man v.), of the manaornbliud ir.), and the aisingit Lazarus xij. Thus far se avo ad the announeoment of tho Gospol to thomorid, and the reception it is destius to me et illi, set forti, in laur typica instances Nathanael, the uiteleg Israelite, tres religious aceordin to th light allowed 1m Nicodemus, tho leamedecelesiastic stasse in the Scripturos, ut ignorant of the cis olf-ment of religion the Samaritan wonian immorat inclis an schis- mattea in religion, ut simplo in sar an readii convinced and the ova ossciat, ea in alth, ut progressita graduallyrio a fullconviction. Bullas et there is litile evidencum hosti Illyrio Christ, although tho Evangelis proparos a forcit i. 11, ii 18 20 sit. 18, 19, 26, iv. 44ὶ. Encelariti, howevor, hostilii tomim is manifesto in ever Chapter of this division. Wo elements ars place in hostia est contrast throughout the Messiati's clearo manifestationis His ergo and ork, and th gromin animosit of thorae s in consequene oscit. The oppositio is strongo in Judaea than else-Wherea Strongestis ad at Jerusalem. In Galile the abando Him, in Jerusalem the compas His death. Wo miracles for the introduction to tW grsat diseourges: two miraeles illustrat two disco Aes. Tho heallaxat Bethesda and tho foediti of th 5000 load todisco se in hic Christ is et fori a the Soure and the Supportos Ue v. vi. . honino is si fori a the orire o Truth a