장음표시 사용
37. ὁ πεμψας See o i. 33 κεῖνος, se on l. 18, iii 32. Noto thochange Dominoris to perfeci The ather hic sent Me one for allat tho Instarnation m at borne retines sior a long time past, audis stillioin so of Me For the conjunctions se Winer, p. 613. oύτε φωνὴν .τ.λ. These ord are a reproach; horolore thsero cana no allusion a suggeste in tho margin to the Baptismi tho Transfiguration. The Transfiguration ad not et talion lacu, and vor is i an os Christ ' hearser could have ear the voico romheaven at the Baptism. Morsovser, is that particular Utteraneo ero meant, φωνὴν Would have ad the artistis. Nor an here se anyroferone to the theophanies, o symbolica Vision o God in o. T.
57. ζήσει sor ζήσεται. The ut emi ζάω oecur 20 times in . T. Ini quotations fro LXX. ζήσομαι is used 4 times in . John v. 25, vi. 57, 58, xiv. 19 ζήσω is Sed S also probabi in vi. 51. ζήσεται
63. λελάληκα sor λαλῶ, it ad the oldeS MSS. versions aud
As in chstp. v. Christ is set orth a tho Sotire of Libo, o in his chapter Horis Esit sortii a th Suppor of Lise. In tho ne the mainide is tho Son' relation to the Father, in the thor it is the Son's
1. μετὰ ταὐτα. Se On v. 1. How long aster e cannot teli but istho Das in v. 1 is righti conj0cture to e urim, this ossi beabout a monili later in the fame ear, hie is probabi A. D. 29. But S. Joh is no caresul to mar the precis intorvatasitW00 the Variou Scenes hic he ivos s. Comp. the indefinite transitions hom tho Flast assove to Nicodemus ii 23, iii 1; ro Nicodemus to tho Baptist ' discourso, iii 22, 25 sim that to the Seene a Sychar, iV. 1-4; e., c. Tho chronolo cis oubiles correet, ut it is notclear chronolognis not What S. Joh carecto giveras. The historical connexion ith What precedes isto the Samo in the laur accounts. Hero it is in connoxion illi ho miracles a Bothesda an probablyastor thoisat of th Baptist in S. Mattho it is in connexion iththo deat of tho Baptisti in . Mar an S. Luk it is aster thorasath of tho Baptist 'ut in connoxio vitii the sturn os tho