The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


Divine doctrine cannotae recogn1Sed a Suen.


COmp. X. 20, and also Mati. i. 18, here the sam is quot dis saidos the apti: t. In both asses extraordinar conduet is Suppo sed tobe videtice of insanity, and the insanit is attributexto demoniadal POSSCSSion, the κακοδαιμονg of the Greelis. In viii. 48 the fame remar is made, ut in a muc mors hostile spirit, and there Christ SWer the charge. Here, here it is the mere ignorant rejoinde of perploxed multitude me talios no nolle of the interruption. 21. v ἔρ ἐπ I id ne corte tho healin a Bothesda, histh He reminus them excited th astonishment and indignationis ali,not of the uter Only, as sing rought o the Sabbath. 'Eν, single ork in contrast o frequent circumcision o the Sabbath, or possibi to the any orks hic excite comparativel Etllu

v. 18, an See n X. 35.


VII. 32. NOTAS. 175


ὐπάγω. The voluntarinus o His dyiniis implied in tho Word ses


ἐρχέσθω. See o v. 30. The conjecture referene to the custo ofpo in mater at the east o Tabernaclesci probabi correct Onal Seven days ater asarought Do the oo of Siloam and ouredint a silver asinin th Woster fide of the altari burni offering, a ceremon no mentioned in o. T. Apparentib/ this a no done On

27 viii. 123 ix. 39, xiii. 8, 10 12-17 Mar X. 15, 16, 23, 24, c.).

The ouring of the water ould se Auggestive nough, Speciali ascit repreSented the water rom tho ock 1 Cor. X. 4). In Euch cases thereis no neexsor the analog toae completo, an in the present caserit movi ad potat to the efferetico that it a no complete. Mere


us Christin typisied by tho Brage Serpent iii 14 and tho anna


untd Christ mas perseeted.

an possibi violon stivision ix. 16, X. 19 1 Cor. i. 10, ii 25;comp. et xiv. 4, xiii T. In N. T. it is nevor sed in the modern sens os a separation froni the Chiarch, ut o parties in tho Church. In tho Synoptist it is sed vi incit origina sense of physical Severing a Worse rent is made; Mati ix. 16 Marcii. 21.