장음표시 사용
Mossia through implicit bellos in ths Divine promises Winor, p. 426. Mylay is most naturali interprstsed of th Blat o Christ comp. Luke xvii. 22. Theruoris is εἶδεν and ἐχάρη potnt to a definite event. καὶ εἶδεν K. ἐχάρη ver important passago illi rogar to the
a quadrigesimo autem et quinquagesimo anno declinat jam in aetatem seniorem, quam haben Dominus noster docebat, sicut evangelium et Omnes seniores testantur qui in Asia apud Joannem discipulum Domini convenerunt. y eVangelium he probabi means this passago. But
oariter translations Cranmer has, Ere Abraham a born I am, 'porhaps solioWin Erasmus Antequam nasceretur . Ego sum and tho Rhomis has, Bosor that Abraham was made, Lam, folloWing tho Vulgate, Antequam Abraham feret, Ego sum. Se note on ην inci. 1, 6. Lam, denote absolute existeneo, and in his passago ciearly involvos the pre-0xistence an Divinit o Christ, a tho eWA see. Comp. v. 24, 28 ReV. i. 4, 8 and See o v. 24. H Was Would havo been los comprehensiVe, an nee no have meant mors tha that Christ was prior o Abraham. In O. T. e have the Same thought, πρωτου θρη γενηθηναι. .. σὐ εἶ, PS. Q. 2 eii 27. 59. ημα oliv. They ook up tberelare i. o. in consequoneo finis
otho instanes of Christitvin sight to thealiud suo Mati ix. 27 XX. 29; Mar viii. 22.
οὐ νένιπται δατι, πλυνεῖ τα ἱμάτια, καὶ λούσεται τι σῶμα See o Titi.
10. The Washing was probabi par of the means of healin comp. Naaman and was aratronitost of tho many faith.
also stari rom the sim,' ut arriverat an opposite conclusion Thelati dity in contrast it the an 's positivenes is eo characteristio.
29. λελάληκεν. at spoken, i. o. that Moses receivo a revelationeto hic histili re mains. his is a frequent meaning of the pserfeci tenso to Expres the purmanent result os a pastinction Thus h frequentiormula γέγραπται is Strietly it has been uritien, or it stand writton: i. e. t Once Was ritton, and the writin Stili romaius But a ther are