The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


Christ' lovo Ormis Monds bring about His o Heath and shomsin voluntarines. v. 8 o His death, as declared X. 18. Expressiongos ass0etio an tendemses abound in the hapter comp. v. 3, 5, 11, 15, 35 36. W havs no roachp tho culminatin potnt of the miraculous aetivit of ur Lord, and a the sam timo the crucia question olthis Go spei tho Baisin os agarus Various objections have been urged against it, and through it against th Fourthiospulis a Whole. The principat objeetions squilae notico Ths are based 1ὶ O the extraordinar character of tho miraclo it seli; 2 o thusilones of the Synoptigis; 3 o the fac that in spitu at is narrate v v. 47-53, o mention is ad os the mirael in tho

1 The extraordinar character of the miraclo is a dissiculi otmodem romth. y tho riters of . . aising th usea magregarde a on tho fame levet Wit Other miraeles, notis somethingquite parturo ait thers. An sursi tho ancient vis is both more reverent an moro philosophica than the modern ne Onlysrom a purei human standpolat an ne miracleae regarded a more Wondersae, .e more dissiculi os performanee, than another. ToOmnipoteno ali miraeles, scindeexat Works, are equat distinctions

siderations g a long a toWard explaining the mystery si The Synoptica Go spela, though three in number, in the mala representoni one tradition, and that a very fragmentar tradition. That fragmentar testimon Ahould omit important facts is uot surprising ; and that out of thr00 riter Who mahem se of this defective evidoncono otis hould in his important instanc have supplied tho deficiency, is no more than Sm prising. ii Th Synoptigis, unti theyrsaol the las Passover, omit almost ali event in or neu Jerusalem :th ministr in Galil00 A thei provinco. The omission of this raisin by them is very Iittis mors strangu than the omissionis thsother aising by olin. Eaeti id Leeps to iis se schemo os



m accuser to mention Euch a dotail. Thero are tho se ho assum that miraeles aro impossibis, and that no amount Osiridence an rende a mirael erodibis. his miraclo istheresore dismissed, and w ars to selisve either that 1 Lagarus asoni apparenti dead, .e that Christ Was an imposior andra Joh adupo or an accomplice or that 2 the paralle of Lagarus and Divos has se transforme into a miraelo; o that 3 tho narrativse is a


ἀλλ' εἰ πέπαυται, κάρτ' αν εὐτυχῶν δοκῶ.




19. εκ τω d. From among the Jews. 'The J0Ws, as usual aroth hostile party among the numerous aequaintances of the sistersmere many of the opponent O Jesus. his visit Was et anotheropportunit for them to belleve.


cis of her aith. Somo hin that thes Word contain no ullusion to the immediate restoration o Lazarus, and that Martha v. 24ὶ understand them rightly More probabi Christ includes the immediate restoration o Lagarus, ut in does no ventur tot SO, and rejecis tho allusion to th fina Resurrectio a poo conSolation. m. οἶδα τι ἀνα- This conviction a probabini advanco favorage sWisti bolitis o tho subject ah O. T. declarations a to