장음표시 사용
τεύσητε to void apparent repetition With LX against A; N has
phor rathser than a parabis. It, arserio fuerit an aeeurate name eshocida oblige to ad bach upon the wide term allegory. 'This, and the parallel passage in hap. XV. the ni instances of allegor in tho Gospeis. The talis in the Fourth Gospei th plaeo whic parabies hol mitti ths Synoptigis. The Synoptistes have noallegorie distinet rom parabies. The fourth Evangelis has no parabies as a specia formo allegory. What ars eri infer Do thisi The parabies certaini are original and genuine Does it fosso that the allegorie are not si in se noties, first that alon sit the changs of form thser is a certain change of subjeet The parabies generali turn round theground conceptionis the Lingdom of heaven. They domo enlargeo tho relation hic it Uing 0ars to the separate members Though th roya dimit os th Son is indidsentali putrio ard theret nothing hie express se so logei and directi the persona relationo the Messia to the omni uniti o belle vers collectivet an individuassy, a these two allegories hom S. Jo . Thela form Seem in anospecta manne suile to thei subject-matter, hie is a fixed permanent an simple relation notis histor o successive States Theformis the allegorie is at least appropriare.
1. μὴ αμ v. hi doubie affirmation, peculia to this Go spel
se on l. 52ὶ, neve oecur at the eginning of a discourse, ut either in continuation to introduce som deo truth, o in reply. his verso is no exception There is no rea be een the hapters,
δέδωκα ἐνώ res σου θύραν νευομενην. orither early adaptations ot
εἰσερχθμενος εἰσέρχεται εἰς την ζων os οὐκ ἴση ετερας τῆς σώζειν δυνα
bu this in torm0diato clauso ill appl to illis figure, incliningtoward the secon one. In orde to malis the Strongos possibio antithosis to the thios, Christ introduces, no a hepherd, but Himself,