The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


XI. 29. NOPES. 24 i

den the doctrine, and the harisees ad to resor to ores tradition to maintaincit sti on Mar xii. 18; et xxiii. ). ut fro Dan. xii. and 2 Mae vii. 9, 14, 23, 36, XL. 3, 4, a belle in a resurreetion ofth good as an inauguratio of the Messiati's lagdom a very


ενεβριμήσατο τ τ νεύματι. I Uremuit piritu; e a angerest, or

os evit, a death, .. Whiel, vas hero heWn unde circumstanees of the

Marii xiv. 34, it is His ψυχή that is troublud, at tho thought oi impend-

in suffering Comp. X. 24.


ἐτάραξεν λυτόν Turbavit se ipsum Ee uoublest Himself. Not amere periphraSi for ἐταράχθη, turbatus est xiii. 21). He allowed His


have returnsed rom the grave. Lazarus malles no revelation a toth ungesen orid. The tradition about hi hau Do historio valus :


Whenis a deposed by Vitellius. Annas in spite of his depositionWas stili regarde as in ome gens high-priest xviii. 13 Lis iii 2; Acts iv. 6ὶ possibi a president of the Sanhedrin Aet v. 21, 27 vii.


44 50.

Wo havs Dot sussicioni dat for harmonigin this latior portio ofS John it the Synoptigis. In the largo aps teita eae thoro is plent of room for at that is peculiarito the thers. S. John' planis procis and consistent bubone more me hau a blan oi undosin odoxioni se introductor note to chap. i. an on vi. J. TUAchaptor form at Onc a conclusion to tho or an Conctio an an introduction to the as Sion. 1 36 THE JUDGMEN O MEN.