장음표시 사용
I The insertis of δε certaini mines the Sentence leSA
3 tiυτός ἐστιν ὁ fili u the constructio an assimilatus hopasSage to v. 30: and ther SS. Ahe tho assimilatio in
30. 5 The transpositio of εγώ omitte by ς gives emphasis
to tho Baptist' sulf humiliation. In ali these cases the changesto BN to A is much more intelligibi than the change Dominto N. What could induce a copyis to mi δε, to change εστηκεν int στηκει, to create disserence belWeen this passage and τη. 15, 30 to eaken the Baptist' humiliis The inferendo is that B have tho arde readin and A the derive or corrupted reading. The followin table contain evidetice polatin in thesam direction:
lines of emtua Critiolam, a hori, clear, an intereStin State-ment of the ni facta in a very inexpenSiVe manuia ere, ori Scrivenes Introduction to the Criticis of N. P., o in Vol. I. of Alford' Gree Testament, illi found informatio respect-ing the les important MSS. sometime cited in his volume.
Os the earliust known commenta , that os Heracleo se Α.D. Ib0 , oesy quotations preservelli Orige remain. O Origen'som commentar c. A.D. 225-23b oni portion remain. Ostho res commentator of the Durth centu , Theodoriis of Heraclea and Didymus os leaeandria very tile has comedomito a. ut e havera Chrysostom' 88 Homilies o the
o great patristio interpreter of S. JOh endes. The Catena Aitrea o Thomas Aquinas c. A.D. 250 Waspublishod in an Englisti sor at Oxford, 84I 45. It consistis of chain os commenta selected rom Gree and Latin authors. Unfortunatet Thomas Aquinas a the victim os rerious somers, nud a considerable number of the quotations Dom early
O modern ominentarios hos o Cornelius . Lapido Vander Stosin an Maldonatu in the Sixtectith centur and of Lampo in the eighteent must e mentioned. The ast hasbeen a troasur of informatio sor man more recent,riters.
Leserencus to Winer in thi volume are to Moulton' edition 1877.