[H kain diathk]; The New Testament; with English notes, critical, philological, and explanatory

발행: 1931년

분량: 439페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


κά ενεργῶν δυνάμεις εν μῖν, ἐξ εργων νόμου, φεξ ἄκου

πίστεως, ουτοί εἰσιν υἱοὶ Aβραάμ. I bi δουσα δ η γραφη τι εὐπίστεως δικαιοῖ τα ἔθWὐ Θεος, προευηγγελλ



σατο τῶ 'Aβραὰμ ' τι νευλογηθησονται ἐν σοὶ πάντα τὰ θνη. si στε οἱ εὐπίστεως ευλογουνται συν τω πιστῶ

10 Aβραάμ. ' σοι γαρ ξ εργων νόμου εἰσὶν, ὁπο κατάραν

εἰσί γεγραπται γαρ 'Eπικατάρατος πας ς υ εμμενε ενπασι τοι γεγραμμενοις εν ω Θιβλιο του νόμου του ποιησαι

τιν ε πίστεως, ἀλλ' o ποιησας αυτὰ ἄνθρωπος ζησεται νδ αυτοις. Aριστος ημας θηγορασε ε της καταρας του

νόμου. γενόμενος υπερ ημῶν κατάρα γεγραπται γαρ, l4 'Eπικατάρατος πῶς ο κρεμάμενος επὶ ξυλου I9α εις τὰ


10. Oreo γὰρ ἐξ ἔργων νόμου ἰσὶν, υπὸ

justi feci by the luto in the right of God u

An the luto is no offaith. The Lia, hasno regard io, nor is it a matter os salui Leae non est eisdei. In lege non νι--ritur', an credas, sed an tu agas. Se notea Acts xiii 38 39. Ἀλλ' . . . but . . . SUP-ply λέγει ὁ ποιήσας . . . lae rule os ille Lia v, and Iulia it rescribos, is, Heralia doththem i. e. liat perfecti observes vliat is require 1 the Laxv, shul live in or laytheim. E L evit. xviii. 5.13. 4. ριστὶ s ημα εξηγόρασεν . . . Christraath redeenie us . Climst: paid thesprice so our res denaption to God the Father, t wlion Our lives vere sorseited under liecurse of the L axv, by be in himself niada

accursed os God in the prope sense i


την παγγελίαν του Πνευματος λάβωμεν διὰ τυ πίστεως. 'Aδελφοὶ, κατὰ ανθρωπον λεγm ομως ἀνθρωπου κεκυρω- 5μεκην διαθηκην ουδεὶς ἀθετεῖ V επιδιατάσσεται INVA IGἈβραὰμ ερρηθησαν αἱ παγγελίαι, καὶ τω σπερματι αυτου.

Oυ ἄγει, Καὶ τοῖς σπερμασιν, ως επὶ που ἄν, ἀλλ ως εφ' ενος, Καὶ τω σπερματί σου, ς εστιαριστός. ' ουτ 17 δε λεγω, διαθηκη προκεκυρωμεν Ο πο ου Θεου εἰς μιστον υ μετὰ ἔτη τετρακόσια καὶ τριάκοντα γεγονως νόμος

ἔργων νόμου, and ille Ollier tibi satili, o ἐκ

πίστεως, Spolce of aliove Ver. 9. 10 activo distinci se eris ron Abratiana fortitere Mag

I7. Τετρακόσια και τριακοντα . . . Our

sub che, as the promise of the Spirat through

tians, ilia even a covenant i et veen IUD,

ὁμῶs, linili modo, exenipli causa, Phenni libi ratified, could notri e di sannulied OrtiaVe any nexu conditions added tocit, ithout the explici consent os ali parties. Ἐπιδιατάσσομαι, horti επὶ osten denotin additioni cona poSition insit per an διατάσσομαι



l ου ἄκυροῖ, εἰς το καταργησαι την παγγελία ' ι γαρε νόμου κληρονομια, ου ετ εξ επαγγελίας ' τω δεl Ἀβραὰμ δι επαγγελίας κεχάρισται o Θεός. ' λουν ονόμος ων παραβάσεων χάριν προσετεθη ἔχρις λελθητο σπερμα, Ἐπηγγελται, διαταγεὶς δι αγγελων ε χειρὶ

19 - χάριν ἐτέθη Rγ. et ἐπεγγελται

spiro evangelica writers to expres the Hebre vierith M laicia denotes a covenant

Axριs o . . . illi . . . i. e. it vas i continue

mediator os that couenant. 20. D δὲ μεσίτης . . . ἐστιν ' ores mediator is no a mediator of one; ut God is

to adit is, xv shalliseo, is v consider, that viiliout it, iis argunient of 430 years' distance ould iave been deficient iidhardi conclusive For is both the parties concerne in illo promise had transacte byMoses ilio 1mediator a thsy miglit, is nono but the natio os ille Israelites laad been concerne in the proritis mado God toAbraham), ille Imight , mutua consent

have altere o set a Si de ille forme pronii Se, as vel soli hundred ear a Dur daFSaster. hat, hici hinderexit vas, iliat at Moses naediation a Mount Sinai, God. vlio, fas butine of thi parties to the promise, Was present; aut the ther party, Abraham's seed, consistin os Israelites and Gentiles Ogether, vas notollere Moses transacte so the nation os the Israolite salones ille other nations ivere notiorice edin tiae covenant made a Mount Sinai, asthen vere in ille promise madest Abratianaan liis spod, vilici theresor could no bedi sannulied vitii culcitiei consent sor iliat


Mη γενοιτο. E γαρ δοθη νόμος ο δυνάμενος ζωοποιησαι,

οντως αν εὐνόμου τὶ η δικαιοσύνη. Aλλὰ συνεκλεισε 22η γραφη τα πάντα υπο ἁμαρτίαν, ἴνα η παγγελία εὐπ -τεως Ιη σου ριστου δοθη τοῖς πιστευουσι. Πρ του δε 23ελθεῖν την πίστιν, ὁπο νόμον φρουρουμεθα συγκεκλεισμενοι εἰς την μελ λουσαν πίστιν ἀποκαλυφθηναι si στεου 44μος παιδαγωγος μων γεγονε εις ριστον ἴνα ε πίστεως

δικαιωθωμεν Ἐλθουσηλ δε της πίστεως, οὐκετι ὁπ6 25 παιδαγωγον σμεν. ' Πάντες γαρ υἱοὶ Θεο εστ διὰ της G

i ecause os transgressions and in in hando through the intervention os a modiator, indicates a tisagreemento et v, een the two parties. Becauseol1e 1rcumstance of a mediator interposin belwee tvvo parties in a covenant, is an evidence at ille parties ire a variancs vitii acti ollier. Amediator is no a mediator Osine, but ne

tho Lia xv, theraposite mee is his by Sabrin g, iliat luscis inipossibi ; sor God is one, i. e.

sinners. Εἰ ἐδόθη . . . ζωοποιησαι . . .

could iure ginen life . . . Se notesci Oi a. vii. 9. 10. an tali. 23.22. Ἀλλὰ συνέκλεισεν η γραφὴ . . . 7να. . . Dii the Seripture huth onolude ullunder in that . . . Se note a B Oua Ti. 30 32. Πάντα sc τὰ εθνη i. e. exv and Gentiles. ΠίστεωHἹησοῖ se note a Maricxi. 22. AH Scripture tholus an declarestitat bosors Christ ali nations vere under the dominion ossin. 23-25. Πρὶ του δε ἐλθεῖν τὸὶ πίστιν . . . But Vore fuit cum . . . St. Paul in his passage, and in like manne belo v lv. 1 5. declares the supersession of the eivisti Liaxv, considere as a reli ous dispensation, the offect of vhich Nero to tali place in another lila, villa respective to the Jeius theniselves God also ullo parcione 1 the

Messiati, o vned by then to emessialitheir righteousness. Φρουρέω, ror φρουρὰ, custoclia, is properib to guard, and metaphoricali to 3 eserve; ience utSo φρου- ρέῖσθαι, to e reserved υπὶ νόμον. . . ὰποκαλυφθηναι, or συ κεκλεισμένοι φρουρουμεθα ει . . . legibus Mosaibis ut 9eeri resernati sui nus in tenipus, quo revelanduerat doctrina tristiana Sonae interpretit', obstringi, subjectum esse, O a tori enearly synonymou villi συγκλείεσθαι legi Mosaico obstriet tenebantur Παιδαγωγis ημῶν γεγονεν, was u schoolutaster isto Lai serve as a pedagogue to instruct the Church in the introductory lessons os religiou knowledge by many burdenso in res trainis, imposed viti much salutar severity that Christ an his salvatio migiit

26 27. Πάντε ... Ill . . . bollisexus and Gentiles. ιοὶ, sons, tales Wia Sunt, i. e.

adulti, in ripiunt bonis putemus frui, solio


' υκ ενι δουλος, οὐδε ελευθερος ' υπιενι αρσεν και

29 θηλυ ' πάντες γὰρ μεῖς ει εστ ενἈριστω γ σου ' Eι δε υμεῖς ριστου ἄρα του Aβρααμ σπερμα εστε, καὶ κατεπαγγελία κληρονόμοι. Kες δ' . . 1 εγω δε εο οσον χρόνον ο κληρονόμος νηπιός εστιν, οὐδε διαφερε δουλου, κυριος πάντων ων υπο

επιτρόπους εστ καὶ οἰκονόμους, ἄχρι πιι προθεσμίας του

29 καὶ

Aposti argues in the beginninios ille noxi Cliapter An every one iliat is baptizedint Christ' profession is perfecti his, an is admitte 1 to ille fuit 1ivilego s

1. 2. Λεγ δ . . . otio I Sal . . . See note above isi. 23 25. The postis in iliis cli apte continues the Same argu naent,stio in the Superior Xcellence an Dee domissae evers, a bove the state in vilichthen vere unde ille Gue lie re proves the Galatiatis sor no adhering rini t thobe iter dispeii sation Osalae Gospel Andilioniae illustrates the difforenc belvveen lietis dispensations os ille Lax and Gospelas figurati vel represented by Sarali and Hagar, ait dolie two branches of Abrahant 'sposteri . 'Ων, though h be, i. e. thoughlis laus a legat right to ille inlieritance, tet viail lie is a iiiinor, hecis no more capaeseo entering pon o naanagingratis estate, than a servant. Accordiu to chleusner ἐπίτροπoscis a guardian appo inted by the Iba v or the magistrate, an οἰκονόμοs ne

dian, tutor pupilli, qui rei fuimularemi durinistrat, atque ejus educationi proeest. Οικονόμος, probably unde ille inspectioniss


χεῖα του κόσμου με δεδουλωμενοι ' τε Α λθ in

πληρωμα του χρόνου, ξαπεστειλεν ο εο τον Υἱον αυτου, γενόμενον εχ γυναικος γενόμενον πο νόμον, ' γυα ιυς

υ πο νόμον ξαγοράση, ἴνα την υἱοθεσίαν ἀπολάβωμεν.

που αυτου εἰς τὰς καρδίας μῆν κράζον, 'Aββα, ο Πατηρ.

Infra ver. 9. v. 1. Col. H. 8. 20. Hel . ix. 10. Gen. xlix. 10. Dan. ix. 24. Eph. i. 10. Gen. iii. 15. Isa vii. 14. ati. i. 23. Luhei. 27. Jolin i 14. Supra ui I 3. 26. Joh i. 2. Eph. i. 5. 7. it. H. Id. et . ix. 12. 1 Pet. i. 18. 19. Itona. v. 5. viii. 15.

Πaenis, στοχεῖα πῖρ, δωρ, γῆ-αhρ, Pet. iii 10 Στοιχεῖα at non ille Greelis tele in Scripture, and an bo a id os noperson but Christ ' Paulus grammaticis istis, V abis Tertullian silentium imponit, inquiens, misit Deus si iuui Suum faetum eae muliere. Numquid per mulie1em vel in niulierenti Hoc quiderii inoressisis, quod faeti ni potid dicit quam natiun Faetum

autem dicendo, et Cerbum caro factum est, consignavit; et carnis veritatem ex virgine factam asseveravit. V Υπο νόμον, unde thelaw, i. e. the Mosaic a v. Νόμον nar-

per rimances, nclo receive iis into participatio os ille promise made to thra

is algo applied to letters an irili ei cliarac Abba, Father. Ille sanae argumontis pro ters. Metaphoricali it signisse tho rudiment o sim beginnirig o any thing, as Heli. v. I 2. I signisses also si rude undi perfec elements of hutnan knou ledge and heres δεδουλωμένοι ὁπὶ τ στοιχεῖα του κόσμου is sat os lietaeivs, xla accordingio oppius : Iudoei ante conversionen ad religionem Christiuna1 dieuntur obstricti vixisse re gione vilatea, longe imperfectiore illὰ religione tristiand Andier. 9.

the origina proniis os a Redeeiner. hested os a Co=nun is an expression inparat . r. est.


' πιστε υκ ἔτι εἶ δοῖλος, ἀλλ' υἱός ' εἰ δε υἱος, καὶ κληρονόμος Θεο διλαριστου. 'Aλλὰ τότ μεν ου εἰδοτες Θεον, εδουλευσατε τοῖς μη φυσει υσι θεοῖς Νυν δε γνόντες Θεον, μαλλον δε γνω-

σθεντες υπο Θεου πως επιστρεψετε πάλιν επὶ τὰ ασθενηκαὶ πτωχα στοιχεῖα, οἷς πάλιν νωθεν δουλευε ιν ελετε

l0 ' ερας παρατηρεῖσθε, καὶ μηνας, καὶ καιρους, καὶ

eorrespondent ille os imma, or nother, When speat inito the inistres of it. 8. Ἀλλα τότε μὲν . . . Howbeu the . . . i. e. heretosore, in the time os γ Our ea-inon1SIn laesore Four conversion to Chris


τον πειρασμον μου, τον εν τη σαρκί μου, ου εξουθεν σατε

ζηλουσθαι εν καλω πάντοτε, και μη μόνον εν ω παρεῖναί

13. 14. Οἴδατε δε . . . know hou . . . So δι' σθένειαν at note 1 Cor. E. 3. and τὸν πειρασμόν μου . . . note 2 Cor. xli. 7.

Tlio Epistis to the Galatians, ny Paley,sroin the beginning to the End turn in astrat os an gry complain ostili ei desectionsroin the Apostle, an froin tho principies

theria as Our ne, pastors. Ζηλουσιν μαs, vestram benevolentiam capiunt, seu cid vas

paries pertrahere student; Da αὐτob ζηλουτε, ut ipsos doctores Seete nini. Ἐκκλεῖσαι μαs, hic the principalmss. Verss. an editions have, an no ημας, ὰπ ἐμου

ιeremini. I9. Τεκνία μου . . . t Iulle erilare . . .


23 ενα ε της παιδίσκης, καὶ να ε της λευθερας 'Aλλ' με ε της παιδίσκης, κατα σάρκα γεγευν τα ' ὁ δε κ

24 της λευθερας, διὰ της επαγγελίας ' Aτινά εστιν ἀλληγορουμεν ' αὐται γαρ εἰσιν δύο διαθηκαι μία μεν ἄπο 26 ρους Σινα, εἰς δουλείαν γεννῶσα, τις εστὶν Ἀγαρ ' ογὰρ Ἀγαρ Σινα ορο εστὶν εν τη Ἀραβία, συστοιχει δε τη

νυν Ἱερουσαλημ, δουλεύει δε μετὰ των τεκνων αὐτης

2 l. Λεγετε μοι . . . et me . . . lae

22. Γεγραπται γὰρ . . . Foris et written

25 - δουλεύει γαρ Ordinary course of nature, by viritio oscille

promise metui to Abraham. 24-26. Aτινά ἐστιν αλληγορουμενα

Whiel things are an allegory or allier allegorige d. Under the vel os the literat, ille surther contain a spiritualis mystical sense. Ἀλληγορέω, frona ἁλλos and Myoρεω loquor, aliter interpretor quan verba proe se fer uni. Hesycti. ἁλληγορία ἄλλο τὶ παρατὼ κουδμενον ὁποδεικνύουσα. υται γάρ εἰσιν δύο διαθῆκαι, for these are the twocoventinis. The article, sabis p. Midd. is by no ni eans requisite. I lae purpori os tho Apostis' declaration vas only that the

deed, vere tho Mosai and the Christiandispensations is true but fae applicationbeinis obvious M a lestio ili rea ier. δ

beianireac parenti teticalibi tho constructionos illis passage is eas sior these conrenare the wo conenanis the ne Ovenant