Homer's Iliad, books xix-xxiv

발행: 1899년

분량: 469페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



ΤΗIs edition o Books ix. xxiv. of the iaci folioWs the fame generat plan a themther volumes of the series to hic it bolongs. cordinito this plan the reading of the Dindorf-Ηenige edition, Leipetig 1884, have been adopte throughout, it a se unim- portant changes in punctuation. The commenta cis based upon that of the Ameis-Ηentet 'hird)edition Leipetig 1896. Litti has been omitte except the occasiones orificat notes, hic have been transferre to the Appendix. I seem undosir lerio confuse the learne Wit conflicting VieWs, and the earnes student illisoon discove that man interestingquestion are treate in the Appendicatone. The commenta hasbeen much enlarge is addition fro Various Ources, Speciallyfrom the editions os Faesi-Franke, a Roche, and eas, and fromthe editor's Wn collections. The parallel passages rom Homerhave been quoto in fuit, and many illustrative citations have been added chiev fro Vergil, ut also fromither riters includin a considerable number fro the old estament.

Introduction, containing a summary of Aome of the more important

phases of the irae criticism. In tho Metrical Appondi the America editor has attempte to supply the hie deficiencyrior

erica use of the Ameis-Ηentet editio by givinginarie state-ment of certain characteristic o Homeri Verse-structure, based usO an exhaustive examinationis the portionis th Iliad Whieli is


included in his volume. 0 hopes that the facts collecte and the principies state may assis the student to obtain olea and definitoview of the important subjecta discussed. The editor' thank are due o rofessor Henigerio permissionto mahe se of the meis-Ηentet edition, and speciali to rofessor Seymour for many stimulatin and helpiui Auggestions andassistance OneVer hind.


I INTRODUCTION.A. The origi of the μηνιε. The pestilence, the quarret, and the withdrawalis Achilles. B. The dream of Agamemnon. e test the Delingis the arm by propositi that the return to thei homes. The armin os the host, and the catalogue os forces. . The truce, and the duel between Μenelaus andiaris. II. THE IRAT DAY' FIGHTING, CHIEFL FAVORABLE TO THE


O. Zeus aWahes Apollo inspires Hector ith resti courage and the r jans press pon the hips. . Achilles consent that Patroclus hali ake par in the batile. The Trojans ars drisen ac to thei city, ut atroclus is lain by Hector. . enslaus distinguishes himself in the stragglsove the od of atroclus. . Achilles decides o Vonge his friend. But his armor, hich had been orni Patroclus is no in the possessionos Hector A the equest o Thetis, Hephaestus Orges ne armini AchilleS.


Se m Scilicet.


Μηνιδος ἀπόρρησις.

riemem armor is presentet to Achilles, an hecis publici reconcito Min Agamemnon. The lamenta os Achilles an Briseisive Patroclus follom, and the preparations forbatile. The io in da os batile, the inenly event of the actionis the whole Nioed, egi iere. Iras. The nem armor is res declio Achilli . 1 Firs hal verse a in I forine second cf. Oceanum interea surgens Aurora reliquit Verg. Aeri. i. 1. - Ηώ f ΕωsJ the god-clem es dam, VergiPS Aurora. μέν morrelative it δέ 3 to emph siet the simultaneit of the actions expressed by the imperfectiώρνυτ and

ημος δ' ηριγένεια φάνη μδοδάκτυλος Ηώs 228 twent times in the O Mevi,

ηέλιος δ' ἀνόρουσε . . . D' ἀθανάτοισι φαεί- Τho Grookinoxameter prefixo to tho textis in foveratio tin his edition ars from the Palatine Antholais found in 1606 in the libraryis in Elector Palatino at Hellelbergin, a collectionis epigram an ahori pieces of est age of Greeli literature, compiled by Constantinus Cephalas bout 920 A.D. The versos are thoro ix. 385ὶ ascribed to Stephanus Grammaticus.


η δ ες ηας ἴκανε θεου πάρα δωρα φέρουσα. ρε δε ΙΠατρόκλω περικείμενον ν φίλον υἱον λ κλαίοντα λιγέως πολεες δ' ἀμφ' αὐτον ἐταίροι μυρονθ ri δ' ἐν τοῖσι παρίστατο δια θεάων,

νοι καὶ θνητοῖσι βροτοῖσιν γ 1 ff. - Εο

νάτοισι ἀθανάτοisy therarat syllabie, thoum originalty hori alpha pris live), is in his mor regulari long,

vince the three in ome casea lauri Successive inor syllabim offendo tho Gree ear Demosthenes, in his speeches, arefuli Moide three or

apite of the presence of a main os puncination elaeWhere in the verse. Heretheia mane ἀθανάτοισι contrasta themor before in caesura mit the mordbefore the lose of the line. - The

The deliser of the armcto Achilles Was a favoriis subject in later Greskari. Thetis is ne represente asaide by the other ereida C ins descriptionis the Chest o Cypael

Νηρ δα τε γαρ ἐπὶ των συνωρίδων να- ῶναι, καὶ Θέτιν ἁ πλα λαμβάνειν παρα Ηφαιστου. καὶ δ καὶ ἄλλως τὰ πλα διδoos inre oos πόδας ἐστὶν

Μυρμιδινες Πάτροκλον ἀνεστενάχοντο

δὲ λιγέως x 201. - κλαίοντα for the


Θεκνον εμον, τουτον μεν ἐάσομεν χνυμεινοί περ

κεῖσθαι, ἐπεὶ δη πρωτα θεων ό τι δαμάσθη 10 iri δ' ΙΗφαίστοι παρα κλυτα τευχεα δε καλὰ μάλ', or υ πώ τις ἀνὴρ μοισι φόρησεν.''ως αρα φωνησασα θεα κατα τευχε ε κεν

πρόσθεν Ἀχιλληος τα δ' ἀνεβραχε δαιδαλα πάντα. Μυρμιδόνας δ' ἄρα πάντας ελε τρόμος, Ουδε τις ετ

Here the hie paus is in masc. caesura in the ourth oot since πάρα cannoti separate laom it noun. 11. μισι appropriate ni foreuiram, S es, and shieli, the more important paris of the panoply. The loca use of the dat is common in Homer, speciali Wit nouna signify- in paris of the ody. . 145, 3. Here the caesura in the fourthdoot is in more naturalis account of thostrong diaeresis after inerarat. - Thohiatu or οὐ is permisHibi since thoelision of the final Vowel nota tendato fuse ino tW Word into one. 4 9 e.