Perí hierōsýnēs (De sacerdotio) of St. John Chrysostom

발행: 1906년

분량: 257페이지


분류: 미분류


reviseci Benedictine edition rendere a valvabie servicet scholars by publishin very fuli in accurate collations of three manuscripis, Parisinu 492, Parisinus 799 an cocle Passioneus These collations may be Mundat the en of the farsi complete volumes i.e. Os vol. Isara aurea of the edition. 13. In igne' Patroloma Graeca, Chrysostoin's vorkS CCup Volumes 47 to 64. The de sacerdotio is in volume 48. There is nothing to triclicate M ligit

Benedictine revised edition o I 839 vol. xui, p. iii os Epiuos Nomae Misionis: Dissus edi ionis Soeritia ferunnversa volumina da- tam Mon μα-oniano operi incressibiluer profuis sed quominus ab ipso Iarim


xlviii INTRODUCTIONFainers, vit Latin versions; ut the enterpris dici vi get beyond the volume just mentioned. Dubner telis us that he consulted sor in textis thede sacerdotio Mur manusCripis of these three vere os the tentia Centu , in reinaining manuscript of the

The manuscript used by hina include Parisinus 492aiuliarisinus 799, of whicli fuit collations vere a statedin

firsi part os a projecte edition os in de sacerdotio, consistin os the farsi book vitia an introduction Thiseditiones have not seen There is no op in in British

16. In I 887 Carl Seliniann edite Line de sacerdotio xvitia notes, chiefly of a homileti tendency sor ine se of Roman Catholic Seminari . e made no 11 1ependent investigatio of the manuscripis; but his notes Containa sessi statenient of the readings adopted by the early e litors, and of the manuscript whicli suppori those reaclingS. II. The texi os in present edition is based ona resta furve os old, an on a Cossectionis nauch ne vmateriai. O inis ne v materia the large part vaSamassed durans a visit to aras in December Ι9 vhen

had the opportunityis examining the treasures of the Bibliothhque Nationale. The richnes of that librar in manuscript of the de sacerdotio utili 3 see froni thesollo vincliSt.

The evidenCe vhicli ave posses a to the original


rin os in texi os the de sacerdotio is os three kinds: viz. I manuscripis, a citations ound in alter uriters, and 3 translations into the languas eS.

found at in end of vol iis in Benedictine editionis 1839

For themss. in in Bibliothhquemationale se H. Inoni Invent ire sommatre de manuscrias reo de a Biblio Λωue Nationale Paris I 898. Pina ad that while I have consulte mos of themss. of the IXth to the XIIui cent in stat libra , I have noctia time to examine any of later date.




The manuscript brevic offlationis. 379 A ii Bl ii ): fuit collatio of the pari inat is preserve niant e found in

Bened. via. i.

Aulisque Oxonn par 2 P. sis. I.



O ving, no doubi, o in popularit os in de sariani the consequent muniplication os optes, in lines


In groupra, iis belle than fidis, an Seenis to meto hi the best single ΜS. of the de sac



vhicla osten ive identica reactings. As in previous Volumes of this series, an asterisi is sed to denote the fimi liand of a ΜS. the figure I to denote the CorreCtor's hancl, .g. For Convenience the regulings os Μonisaucon' edition os III 8 have been cite a Vul Π Citations froni the de ac in later uriterS. The soliowin writer quote passages rona the se

Sacerdotio: Anon. - onymus Scriptor Vitae S. Chosostomi later inansso .D. se Savile' edition visi p. 299 lae passage


contain version o pontonsi me de sac. have giventiae reserences by the numerationis onisaucon.


large number of Latin translations os in de sachas been published But the only one Whicla an thro vlis hi noli original Greel teκ is the vetus intem pretatio , o vhicli reserenc has been naade in Connexion illi Benger edition os in treatise ThisanCient version vas known to Benge in an editionput listae soon aster the discover os printing neti herine place nor dat at which it appeare is mentioned


lvi INTRODUCTYOMon the ille-page. It may be observe inato oniter speak of three separate version sine anni et loci notitia: and possibi Benger copy belonge to ne os inese editions. In socine vetus interpretatio vas publishecla Basle, but vit various alterations. nocte editionappeared in Isa a Paris apud Petrum Gremorsum. The value os inis versio by the vetus interpres is consideratae. His id urit has notoet bee macie out: many hol that he was Anianus the Deacon, o Celeda, Iulio defended elagianism : See Jerorne,AE . 43 2.

referenCe. Thaenare arrange accordindito in subjecis of the various sections of the introduction.