Philodemus: On methods of inference: a study in ancient empiricism

발행: 1941년

분량: 221페이지


분류: 미분류


a Bron ius ive theni auuear o b different fron those previousi discussed by Zeno), and o have received a different

y The eelings constitute one of the empirica Criteria of the Epicureaias:

y This passage oinis ut that there is no inconsistenc belween theirian ortalit of the go ' and the mortalit of Vin Creatures in ur X- perienCe, for the natur of each A estahilist,ed by indit Clive inferen se front


88 PHILO DEMUS ON METHOD O INFERENCEων τὶ κJολουθήκαμεν εκθεῖναι τὰς κοινὰς καὶ διηκοίσας κακίας διὰ των λόγων, να και των

υ στερον ἴσως συντε ηJησ ο μενων παραδοθησομενα ε χJωμεν τὰς

κακίας εν με τω Δημητρι'


' In his transitiona para graph Philodemus apologige for ille plan filiis vork. He liopes that it has no been to repetitious, but at hie sanaetinae he ears that it is inconi plete an badi arrange l. He iniselles that this voric vas ivritten a a hancibook for the his of Students. A nexu arrangenaent vili hae followed in the res of the vorte instea Loi giving the individua Stoic arguments and thei refutation, he vili ak up the fundantentat an pervasive error of the Stoi potnt of Vie v. y In his nexu section Philoclenius ires gives Denaetrius account of the sive basi error of the Stoics. his Dermetrius S Denaeimus the Laconi an, an Epicurean Conteniporar o Zeno of Sidon. He is naentione by Sextus PFrrh. M'. . 137 Adv. Math. VIII. 348 X. 219 Diog. I aer. X. 26 Strabo XIV. 20 C. 658). Fragnaents of his xvorks have been oundit Herculaneuna; Cf. Croneri, Kol. 100 f. Vittorio de Falco, L Epicureo Dentetrao Lacone.


20 21 Ph. R. M. LXV, 15.22 23 Ph. P.M. LXIV, 34.


7 This is an application o Epicurean atomism Cf. LbuCret tu IV. 622. yy The folio vin pa Ssage present a notherii SCussion of the fundanaenia terror of in Stoics. Because of the breat in the texi vera not knowwhat Epicurea Philoclenius is follo vin here Philippson suggest thathecis follo vin an ora discussion o Denaetrius ivlii Ch vas more letalleclthan the writtemaCCount gi ven a bove f. Rhein Mus LXIV 1909), 37-38. y In the irs place the Stoic are Aelf- refuting for the iis analogi Calargument to diSCredit analogy e. g. in thei argu naenis abolit indefinite variatio an about unique Cases Cf. alS X. 17-26 XI. 20-23.


λων προσφέρεσθαι παρὰ τους- XXX oas καὶ τὰς τροφὰς καὶ τὰς ἄλλας ὁσασδήποτ', απι των παρ' μῖν φαινομενων βμGμενοι καὶ περὶ κδενων τα παραπλήσια 5 καταξιουντες 5τως προάγουροσι καὶ Oταν se παρ' μῖν στίν τινα μοναχὰ μηδεν εἶναι λέγωσ ι θαυμαστιν εἰ κὰν τοῖς ἁδήλοις στόν τις φύσις των οἶς

σα, την μετάβ ασι ν ὰπ των - μοίων φαίνοντ αι ποιοί, μ ενοι παραπλησίως δε καὶ επὶ τωνα λων ἄστε' ην περικατωτρο-


ωτα πάντα ποιοῖσι τ ὰφανη.

ν των σημείων τε μέν εστιν καὶ ανbμοια ποτε δε και ναντί


adniti A the synthesis of sigras, i inclee 1 he sinoin to Construci

) The seconi fundaniental error of the Stoiciis that the fati to realige


των τοιούτων, ου ἄλλω τρόπω