Philodemus: On methods of inference: a study in ancient empiricism

발행: 1941년

분량: 221페이지


분류: 미분류


Ph. E. M. LXIV, 16. Ph. E. M. LXIV. 16.


Here Philoclenius is again discussin mental perceptioris, rentin tiae problem of the truthis in ages.' his fragiment apparenti deals vitia the application os naeniat perception to knowle 'ge about the go 'S.


The systenis of philosopla basemon the niethodolog of theenapiraca sciences didiso appea tanti the Hellenistic emocl. The foremos of these vas the Epicurean philosophy, aulaiClastreSSed a thoroughgoin enapirical aetho in opposition to the rationalisti approach of the Stoics. The Enipiraca Scep


leit ut probabilities and the Caresul stud os perceptionS


a boui the Cure of that diSea Se . Experien C is knowledge of particulars xvhil art S knowledge of the universal: et knowledge of the universa is derivo from the de te Trination offirmitarities in a una ber of particular cases.' In the opics Amstolle describes the niethodis deravin the universa froni the particular a the observation of the Sinai lar an he asseris that this aetho is Sesti in inductive arguimentes, in hypothetica syllogignis ivliere inferen C i naucle frona ne grota P fol)jecis to the objecis that a re si imitar, an even in the fornaulation o definitions μῆIn Spite of such talenient a these, Amstolle cloe notiornaui te his ivn scientificiae thod in puret enapioCal tern)S. He say that Science requires the Se O both rea Son and erception, an oni onc cloe he indicate that perception is the ultinia te est.' In the absenCe of rationa explanation