Ploutarchou Nikias. Life of Nicias; with introd., notes and lexicon by Hubert A. Holden

발행: 1887년

분량: 315페이지


분류: 미분류


κατὰ μὰν τἄλλα μέρη τῆς γραφῆς πλείστην πρόνοιαν εἶχε ζ ἀληθείας ' ἐν δ ταῖς Ἀγαθοκλέους πράξεσι τα πολλὰ κατέψευσται του δυνάστου δια τὴν προς αυτ ον ἐχθράν. φυγαδευθεὶς γαρ υπ' Ἀγαθοκλέους ἐκ τη Σικελία ζῶντα μὲν ἀμύνασθαι τον δυνάστην uxω υσε, τέλευτησαντα δε δια τη ιστορία ἐβλασφήμησει εἰς δ αἰωνα. καθι λου γαρ ταῖς προύπαρχούσαις τω βασιλεῖ τούτ* κακίαι ἄλλα πολλὰ παρ' ἐαυτο προσθεὶς ὁ συγγραφεύς τὰς ἐν εὐημερέα dφαιρούμενος αυτου, τὰ δ' ὰποτεύξεις, ου τὰ δι' αυτον μόνον γενομένα αλλὰ καὶ τα ς δια τύχην, μεταφέρων εἰ τον μηδὸν ἐξαμαρτιντα, γενομένου ἐὀμάλογουμένω αὐτου στρατηγικου ἐν κατὰ την ἐπίνοιαν, δραστικου δὸxαὶ τεθαρρηκότος κατὰ την ἐν τοῖς κινδύνοις εὐτολμίαν Ου διαλείπει παρ' ἔλην την ἱστορίαν ἀποκαλων αυτὀν ἄνανδρον καὶ δειλιν κτλ. o Polyb.

XII 15 Themistor of Justinus is supposed to be based upo that

y Potna. XI et 3 Τίμαιος μείζω ποιεῖ Τιμολέοντα των ἐπιφανεστάτων θεων Cic. s. ad div. IV Ia et write os ingentarans peditatum Timoleonti a Timaeo aut ab Herodoto Then autocli. νὴ Casaub ad Diogen Laert. p. II 7 Diod. Sic. V I Τίμαιος

μὲν οἶν μεγίστην πρόνοιαν πεποιημένος τm των χρόνων κριβεία καὶ

της πολυπειρία πεφροντικώς, δια τὰς καίρους καὶ μακρὰς ἐπιτιμήσεις Ἐπιτίμαιος ὐπό τινων νομάσθη Strati P. 49 A ὐπὸ ἁγνοοῖντά φησιν 'Αρτεμίδωρος τον Ταυρομενίτην ἐμαιον, και αλλως βάσκανον ἔντα καὶ συκοφάντην διὰ καὶ E. πιτίμαιον κληθηναι λέγειν κτλ.XII et ὀ γαρ τὰ συγκρίσεις ποιουμεν os dνέκαθεν των φόρων προς τοὐς βασιλεῖ τοὐς ἐν Λακεδαίμονι καὶ τοὐς ἄρχοντας τους Ἀθήνησι καὶ τὰς ἱερείας τὰς ἐν Αργει παραβαλλων πρὸς τους 'Oλυμπιονίκας, καὶ τὰς αμαρτία των πόλεων περὶ τὰ ἀναγραφὰς τὰς τούτων ἐξελέγχων παρὰ τρίμηνον ἐχούσας το διάφορον, ἴτός ἐστι scit. Lm me s. his nodoubi vas the sui ec of his vork λυμπιονικα or, as Suidas terms


ordinate authotity villa Thucydides '' Wherea no particular Value is assigne to the Statenient of Timaeo S. The importance of lae remaining authorities is muchstigiater, and theres ore a brie surve of them ivit sustice.

λ' NM. c. Thus h stignanti se thim in Such terin a. θρασύν,ευχερη, προπετη, σοφιστην ὀψιμαθη, γαστρίμαργον, φαρτυτην, ἐπὶ στομα φεριμενον ἐν πασιν, an says that, after having vasted his patrimony, ae ἐπὶ τ φαρμακοπωλειν ἐλθεῖν, and o πολυτίμητον

ἰατρεῖον ἀρτίως ἀποκεκλεικότα ... εἰς πασαν αὐχην καὶ σκνη εμπεπηδη

in an ανθρωπος αγύρτης ἐπὶ δικαστηρίου ριφολογων, συ γραφεύς δὲ κοινων πράξεων καὶ προστάτη ιστορίας ἀληθινὰς οὐδ' ἄν αὐτὸς ἐν αὐτ διανοηθηναι, μητι γε δη καὶ γράφειν τολμησα τοιουτον δοκεῖ).M M . c. I9, 5 c. I, 2 C. , 5 c. 9, 5; z. 28, 4



Certain. A reatis περ βασιλείας of his is hiote byΡlutarch in me in Vm emisto dies C. 25, I, and ne nni θικά in that o Teri les, and hecis again pol en O a aman O great multiplicit of cnowled e in the fAId ades. The orat ollae prose ivriter beside ineSe, quote by Plutarcia, are hilochoros an Auto-kleides. The referen e in in Case of the ornaer C. 23, 5), V hora osten ite by lutarch, is noto his 'Aτθίας, me vork by umici laecis best known but o histreatis on Divination ' περ μαντικρο); of the alter and of his Exegoti da- vhicla seem to have been a vork Ontiae interpretation finiens litti or nothiniis Idno It is possibi that Plutarch may have consulted the writings also o Ephoros and The O POMPOS, Pon vlaoni lae dependii soni of his ther Lives of erminent Greelcs, but there is no evidence vlaether e id soor not acheloes notiaention either of them Thesea voltistorians of the Murtia centur B. C. vere both brought upin the schoo of ISolcrates, but vere radicali different in character Ephoros in his 3o book of ἱστορια trealedo the histor of the Hellenes an barbarians besore the



imigratio of the Heral leidae uinto ille lege of Perinthos in B. C. 34O. Heri a Caresul Scholar, Iulios Chronicies of the Mundation o cities, id constitutions and such-lihemaver vere generali esteemed raster than an historian, Capable of dee insigiat into the causes and relations of evenis. The compilation o Diodoros Siculus vas lites based pon his history. Theo-PomPOS-Who va a partiSan of the aristocratic factioni his native to vn Chios and live sor a long time in exile, lihe his great predecessor devoted his teisure anda considerable part of his ample fortune OWard pro-Curing CCurate information o me evenis vllicli lae Chronicled, and although incomparata inferior o Thucydides, an to subjective a ter, nevertheleSSille os of his historical vorkS-the συνταξεις Ἐλληνικῶν, in I a Books stomotae batile of ΚynoSSernario inimos nidos B. C. 411-B. C. 394), an me Φιλιπιτικά in et 8 Books s ne of themiost o be regrette in reelcliterature. I he wrote at ali abolit licias an his times, it mus have been in ne of the digression in his Philippica-a miscellaneous compilation ivithout Imethod or unit os purpose the tenti Book of vhicla contained an account of the early histor of Attica, and of the old Athenia statesmen, amongst ther of he-




457 56455

Tlaedast aristoci alic element in the Atheni constitution remove by the curtati mentos the influe iace of the Areopagos inetransferen ce of it Iudicia functions tollae popular tribunal S. Institutionis paymen os the uror. μισθος δικασπικός C.

The ρεσπεία os Aescthylus perforanecl. The navalio ver of the Aeginetans anni hi late by the Athenians. Deseat of the Corint dans by Myronillsis Thuc. I Io5

Deat his Aeschylus. JThe batile of enophyta, in xvhicli the

Boeotian vere de aled by the Athe nians the result of vhicli vas that theriilin aristocrati part a Thebes vagoverthrown, an iis place talcen by the denaocratic vho conclude an alli ance




Renexuat of the Nar vitii Persia. Double Victor of the Athenians at Salaniis in Κypros, after ine death of Κimon Peace of allias Thuhydides be comes theleader of the aristota ali Parinat AthenS C. , note . Rene valis hostilities bet veen Amens and Sparta throughalae Sacre War. The Lacedaena onians Inalce an expeditionto Centra Greece to restore the oracle toine possession of the Delphians, Domwhon it ad been wreste by the ho-kians. The lalter vere put in possesSion again by an Athenia force unde Peri-kles C. 2, 2 . Deseat of the Athenians atmoroneia by the Boeotians, ullo abando the Athenianalliance. Ad the o vns os Boeotia givenumto the aristocraticaliarty. Revolt of Euboea an Megara froni the Athenia adiance. Invasion o Aria Caby the Peloponnesians unde the Spartan

Ostracismos Thulcydides c. 1, 5 . Peri Hes


Th. fir si para ὁ δεκαετὴς πόλεμος huc. 35 or Archidamian war to thepe ac os Nilcias C. , 7 B. C. 43I- Sit m se of Plataeae by ine Thebans early in April. Firs Invasio nos Attica by the Peloponnesians urule the Spartan Iccing Archidamos in June. The inhabitant of Attica transfer thenaseives and their goodssor aset to Atheni C. G, 3 . Retallator expeditions of the stentans: ine malae descents noli Peloponnese an in territor of the OpuntianoM-krians, expel the einetans Dona theirisland C. , 63 and invade the Megaria Si egem Potidae Continueci. Seco Lyear of the war. Se conci Invasionis Attica in M, y. O uti reali os the plagiae at Athens C. G, 3 Navat expedition o Perilalsis against Epidauros, Argolis etc. he ook an destroye Prasiae in I alconia C. , a). Prosecution and finem Perilites, whorior a Shori titiae is deprive of his office AStratego. c. G, I) Fallis Potidaea Thirci ear of the war. Si ege of Plataeae.

Nilcia comes to ne front, as an opponentos leon, the repre entative os a ne classis deni agogues c. si, ). Foura libear of the war.

Thiri Invasionis Attica. Ali .estios except Methynana, revolt. ornAthens se unde B. C. 4 oin hilochade os Mytilend in the auturni Thuc. III 2-I93. Fistii ear of the war. Agis succeeds Archidamos ashing os Sparta. Fourali Invasionis Attica. Capitulationis Mytilensi to Paches C. G, et . Capture an destructionis Plataeae by the

PeloponneSi an S.




Six thyear of the war. Re - Dundation o Trachis unde the ame

Se vent hyear of the war.

Fifth invasion o Attica by the Peloponnesian s. O vin toris affair of

lishes inisel a Pylos in essenia c.


ove the entire PeloponneSOS.

nians returia home.

Nisaea talcen by the Athenians C. G, Q. Athenia schemes of M a in central Greece. Attachin Boeotia. Deseat of the Athenians unde Hippolcrates a Delion in ine autumn C. G. 3). Variolic of Brasidas hemiarches o ineThraicia Coast at the invitatio of the Chalicidians and Perclikkaς, hirigi Macedonia Thuc. IV 70) and bring about revolt of Alcanthos and Stageiros, and conquer in the winter Anaphipolis, thecapital os the districi Torone, an Potherto vnsi in Chathidian peninsula. Nintli ear of the war. The Mari das os Eupolis c. et 3 and the Gondsis Aristophanes. JArmistic t et xveen Athens and Sparta soroyear c. s. 5 concitide in Iarch, ncondition nat ach should etain xvhattheu held at iis conclusion Lut this didnotetake effect in Thrace, xv here hostilitiesare continue i, nil Nilcias recaptures Mende, a citros the Pallenia peninsula, Siluat o the promonton Posidion-di

abolit the en d os Marcii vas a sori os halfieace et wee Sparta and thens , Mith the continuance os hostilities M. tween the other Greel States.




an Conquere places C. AO, I). AC- corcsingi Pylos and Κystera vere to bes ive u by the Athenians Panalcton, Amphipolis an Pine res of the Thraicianto vns by thei opponents. Nisaea Onlyto b testato Athens-in compenSation lar


The Peace of Aristophanes an in Mart vasis Eupoli C. Q 5. JDiscontent of the Spartan illies at thepeace-especiali of the Boeotians, Corinthians and Megarians-anc refusa toaccede to it C. Io, ). The Boeotians vere discontente a laavincto give pPanalcton C. 1o, 3 .Fist years alti ance συμμαχία beIween Athensandri paria C. 1o, ). Separate league foraned et veen Corintla, Argos, Mantinea, Elis and the Chalicidi to vns in Thraces Thu C. V 27-3I . The Athenians Nouldio restore Pylos, Sthe falle to recove Panalcton, vhi Ch vas destroyed instea of be ins restoren by the Boeotians and Amphipolis c. Io,

3). ence an allian Ce vas Conclaide in the pring et veen pari a an Thebes. Allcibiades-an opponent of the SpartanS, by vhona heselthina selfhuri in hispridean iambition c. AO, 33-bring about a quadruple colanter alli ance et veen AthenS, Argos Elis, an Mantinea c. 1o 8 . Premature extraditio of the Sparta pri- soner o vin to the politica Ahort-sight-ednes of Nilcias C. Ao, , huc. V 35). Hostilities in Peloponnesos in the summer: Allcibiades vin ove Patrae to the Athenian-Argive league, litis Completing thechain os Attic nil litary Stations froni au- palatos to the Ionia istantis. Var et vee Sparta an Argos Batti eos antinea Argos an Mantinea Cominpelle to conclude a peace an alliauce

vitii Athens rene vex ThuC. V. 82 . Falli Melos it terrator divide among Athenia citi genS. Sicilia Expedition, undertalcen, in spite of the opposition o Nilcias, at the instance of an embaSs Doni the Egestaeans and Leontinians C. 12, 1ὶ, which