장음표시 사용
SPYRIDON TRICOUPES 1 a gentiemur os reat talent aridvario usano viedge. 0 held many important civi positioris during the war of tho Greel Revolution, and sine the stablishment of th Hellent hingdom has illud om os thehighest ministorial and diplomatio post in the public service. He has been or severat ears the Greel Ambassador at the Cour os t. James an he has been recently appotiate tolli post os Minister os Foroign Asfair in Athens. Tricoupos is particularly distinguished for his loquenceas a spuake and his hillis a Writer There is probablyno Greel alivo who is liter quali sed to rite the historyo the war. The two volumes atroad published although containing only a mali par of the entire vorti give viderace, by the vigor an olearnes of the style, and the pro-found political and philosophicat reflections of hisaigh qualifications for the nobis ast he has underlahen.
ism a modern idea and XpresSion, a lens in his sense. το κυβερνητικον εἶδος του τόπου the form of Overnnient of the country - μίαν - καὶ λ λύθρησκον φυλγ a fore u race, and of another religion. - των νεωτέρων χρόνων, fons dern times, o os later ears. - τα καθεστῶτα, hi stablished gov-
δcυτέρου, of Philip th Second. - ἀντιπρόσωποι the members
Greehinevolution has beyon any other, done honora humannatureu ec se the nos brilitant, the mos instructive, and the mos enchantini ill the spectacles that Historierhibiis uson the stage of the dorid, is the resurrection os a down- fallen nation and the rumpet-cal of suc a Par is acherubie hymno the ighest. Tho horribi LIymn is par of the Greel Liturgy. - ενδοξον κατaγωγ , an illuS
trar to ali expectation, a letter of pselantes relatin torehat ad ahen place in the Principality, and encouragirighim, as ne initiate in the secret of the Helceria, to the
contest. The Hetaeria a viseeret Oetety formed among tho Groelis os different countrius, an havin sor iis objoctilio mancipationis Greece . , ἐκοινοποίησε τω εη ἐφενta, communicate it to the eis- endi. The eis-ΕTondi istho chios minister os state at Constantinople. - εις αδιουργὶν,
- βασιλευούσης, of the capital, i. e. Constantinoplo. ἀπεκεφάλισε .... ψυγουσης, 6 eheade two priesis of the great Church, guard of Madam Euphrosyne Morouetes, who ad made her escape. - τον ἐνορίαν th IpariSh - του Φαναρίου the Phanar, the nam os the quarte os Constantinopi inhabited by the principat par of the Greel population
Patriarch Gregorios appears uroorth of the patriarchalthrone, ungrate fui an ui ait ut to the Porte, and ad heis deposed froni his place, and addi-rio is assigned for his
NOTES.with a pommand arra more rilliant than usual observe
.... δημίου, ad the sign of th croas, neti, an bowed his gra head under the sidor of the recutioner. Page 3S. ὁ τόπος της καταδίκης, thespiac os condemnation, tho placo where e Wa to e ut o deuth. δευοντες. . . . του Proceedin thence, the arrive a the patriarcha palaces there the executione hun him stili praying, pon thecross-beam of the greatlate of the patriarcha palace, in the terno on sinaster unday so that, at th very hour ohenthe oret hed Christians dere celebratin abore the Patri. archeum, an inuo ing many years for the nero Patriarch asthey chante the la πολλα ετη, δεσποτα, betor the Patriarcheum,
his predecessor, hora fero ours e fore, stering the Mood-less sacrisce for the sins of his seople, a Messing the faith-ful tis themhissed in reverence ani devotion his right hand, sancti sed in the holmos holies, an sanctis ing, ras anging
τους ποχρεώση .... θανάτου, that he hould compei them topledge theniselves mutuatly si s logether, in suc a manner, that is one ut of the sve scaped the remaining four shouldb Eubie to the penalty of death. Tho las paragraph on the orty-severim pago contain a Woll- deserved ulog upon the firmnes an constane withwhicli ho Groclis os Constantinopi liuid ast to thoi saith in tho id si os unoxam plui persocutions. The angvago is dignissed, impressivo, an eloquent i is et suilexio record, so tho admiration os futuro agos, tho illustrious Xamplesos ver mani and Christian virtuo that adoria tho poningscenos os tho Greel Revolution.
1 S NOTES. Page 4S. ωαννίνοις, annina, in petrus, tho capital os
purpos ostere hin his horae, he Dialios replied Dia os
nie ' he suid. Why do ou et the Anatolians tortur me 'Ι am notis malefactor. His meaning as, Elii do ou et the Turks Asiatio Turhe was called Anatolia torture mess εἶπε .... χορτόρι,4 rogaled the foliore ingruistich,
the oor das est os en for fundamenta change8. Pagerat. ποιουδηποτε περὶ κλογης νόμου of any aio hal-
σίους, regulari chosen deputies. The wor means litorallyplenipotentiaries, and was osten applied to the memboriostho successive national assemblies. - ουδεμία ἀριθμητικ ἀναλογία, o numerical proportion. - ἀντιπροσωπίαν .... μερους, the representation of that pari. - στελλομενων .... GρaσTGτῶν,
sent, o by the provinces, lihe the representatives, but direct lyby the Areopagus havinnequa powe an an qua vote retththe provincia representatives. 4θεωρὴθη νόμιμος, Mamregarde a legat. 'Hρχισε .... συνελεύσεως It egan ili labors, under the presiden cy of Mauro cordatos, on the 20t of De-
emphati proclamation. - ἀνεξaρτησίαν, independense. ἡδρ- μων των τοιούτων Shille in suta things. - ἀνεξιυ σκείαν, οἶ- eration in religion. Page 63. ἰδιοκτησίαν, privat property. - σωματοδουλείaν,κ. . . perSona Servitude, tortures, and consistation. διετaξε .... μερων, it Ordaine that any person under arrestshould e informe et it ita gens, our hours of the cause of his arrest, and should e tried dith in three days. - ἐγκατεστησε .... νομοτελεστικου it Stablishe aio verriment consist in of two odies, i deliberative, o representative, an dan recutive ody. 4κανόνισε, it preScribsd. - διετaξε ....
νομοσχεδιa, it directed that th ordinar an extraordinarysession of the councti hould e public, ut that on the demand of sne members, heishout be secret permitte et erymember o propos bilis in aerit ing through the president.
one formed os nine horizontal and of ight Hue and ohite
Page 69. In connection,ith tho kotch of Scio, and theterribi traged onacted thoro, I selec the solioWin passageSfroni Gordon' excellent Histor of the Greel Revolutiora, asatisne the est commenta in and explanation of the text. fili ho Ottoma provinces that, heltered by Specialprivileges, prospered unde an in spite of Oriental despotism, the mos flourishin and beautis ut a Chios Thatisland 30 miles in longili 12 in readth, and separated romtho hor os Ionia by a strat os severi miles, containe alargo and well-buit city, 6 villagos, 300 convenis, 700chiarches, and a population os 100,000 Greelis 6,000 Turiis, and a smal number of Catholios and Jows It capital situ-ate ori the easter sido, an ut an qua distaneo froni then orther an solathern extremities, a romari ablo for the
ihero, includin ut tho Mohammodans and Israelites Celebratod sor iis fertility, and tho enchantin aspeet oscit gardens, Chios carrised on a risi trade in silli an fruit fro milione Constantinopte a suppilest illi orange S, e mons, and citroni; ut the mos valvabio productior of the coun- tr gum-mastic, expressed rom tho eod os a specios ostentiscus, a substance ighi priZed by the asterii adies, wholamus thoi indolenco by che viniit, crivinis rom that practice a much gratification a thoi male relations onjoy
b inhalin tho sumes os obacco Ascit is peculiar omne distriet thora village furnishin maStic Were an appanageos the Imperiat arena, while the remaining 4640longed toth metropolitan hiarch o Constantinople. The character of tho Chians partook of the os ines of thei climato, and
tho delicae os the producis of thei soli. Mild, gay lively,
acute, industrious, an proverbialty timid they succee dedalthe in commere an literatur the se males Wore noted sor thei charrias and grace, and the Whole eople busy and contented ne ither ought nor isti e sor a changu in their politica condition. At Constantinopi and Smyrna thousand of Sciotos found employmen a boatmen, garde nerS, an handicrasis mores and there, as in the est, hey adestablished tho wealthios and mos considerable Greeli com