The Epistles of St. John : the Greek text, with notes and essays

발행: 1886년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류




morat priablonis of life Christian estori can bo proporly directed tothe pumitu of Artirius thoro in tho suggestion is not tho distinet appearance of a conflict --en man's co titution and the Goapol. ΗΘ ia Narnwith artiatio instincta and pomors; and these, it may be allegod, arenot directly t en into account by tho recoriis of the Faith. Tho apparent contraat requires to bo Maled a lituo more in Appia snt







aentence of theu' mection. Nor can any atrem M laul umn the partiat recognition os the Tlis usa es t in


Contrastos Shominitio and Hessenio

I. No tres

mo position os uio early tau istian teachera toWarda Art madeterini nod under tWo pomerfui and conflicting iussum a. In noother region of human activio more tho Shomitio and Hollonio tondonciea more direch at Varianco. Each bore Minoas to a partialmath; and in the apostolio age each machod ita completo

Natural forins and elementa ratem uaed to indicato the una n. Horar


legislation os Israel hept tho conception and guai dod it jealmisty. The employment of the symbolic figurea in the sanctuary of the Art conse

umn the Veilod statuo at Sala: thoro is an open secret in the incredo in of tho Holy of Holios more sublime and more inspirang.


consummate altili enabled the spectator to reat in it. Humanityxum mado the me uro os ine divine; and undis theae conditio anthropomorphiam bem,ruct a fatia temptation. At the inino time


come tho servant of the luxury os Empire. Stariing Doni a hii an ideat it Minnio e laved to Inan. So far as it had a placo in popular morship it bi ought doWn the divino to the levet os a corruptiise. Thia being so the antagonisin os early Christians to contemporum Christian-

Thoro is indeod a continuio through death; biit a forinal severa otioni the prat Was the prelude to tho uo hirih of Christian Ari. II. It QR M seen fron1 What has been atready in1d that Christiantu Tho issichad to recogniso and reconcito the parital and contrastini avecta os uisti imitativo Ari Which had found expression in Iudaisin and Helleniam. Christian Ari Ombodios ino tWomae conception of the spiritual destiny