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οξύτατον, ω κεντουσι, κοὐ κεκραγότες
πηδωσι και βάλλουσιν σπερ φεφαλοι. ΣΩ. μη φροντίσηὶς εαν εγω λίθους χω, πολλῶν δικαστῶν σφηκια διασκεδῶ.X. o. χώρει, πρόβαιν επω μνως ἄΚωμία, βραδυνεις; Ioa 27. βάλλουσιν The expression seem elliptical, as in ine vell-
re poet ound ured us a naan vitii a serpent' seet; alie second
23 I. προ τοὐ, i. e. πρὸ τούτου, more this. his formula vili bornore fuit illustrated hereuster.
HIια δε κρειττων - σου πινάδης βαδίύειν.ὼ Στρυμόδωρε Κονθυλεῖ βελτιστε συνδικα πτῶν,
lae lioped that the satire of the V ps drove suci exclamations insutiires in the trao Stage. 236. βης κείνης. CL Eurip. Ion. 472 to 478. Ib. Βυζαντίω Bygantium t Constantinoplet Vlia histori recollections are not adready connected with these ames, and wliat spirit os prophec can divine half the might evenis that may et have to se couplex vitii enit ut ur concerii vitii Bygantium lies in a narro ver compass. Dae extraordinury ulvantage OPPOsition vlaicli is place possessed, dic not escape in observation os the easterii invader of Greece. lae Persia commander accOrd- ingly maduit Mitford, II. 327 inei principat place Parnas ancillae ce os communication laetiueen thei Asiati an Europeandoniinions. ne os in first proceedings after in glorious evenis of Marathon Plataea, and Mycale, viis to uriaci the Persian gai ἡ-son in his important post, Whicli ster sustaining a lege of Somelengili capitulated. In liose vita dreanis os universa empire, Whic li asterivarcis possessed Alliens itself, it seenis reniarical le that ByZantiuiti neve presented iiset to her minci, soli place on vllicia her throne liould be erected. xlitti more time uould per-haps have dono soci aut alas lotae conductissae iuretched lenia-gogues Aoo maderit a niurieris striigde, that the yolce liould noti e o her xv nect instead Os bein placed o that os othei s. Bygantium accordingi reniatnec xvlia it hac firs lacen to Athens. mere objectis trade an commerce. An in is potnt os vieivit id indeed deserat the closest attention Os hero statesmen. Ib φρουρουντ'. s. hucyd. I. 94. Is the accounts ove by Theopompus and Damon re coneci, the garrisOn-diit at Byzanti in could no in later days have been os the severest hinci. Ilie
φρουροῖντ εγώ τε καὶ σύ -ατα περιπατουντε νύκτωρ της ἀρτοπώλιδος λαθόν εκλεψαμεν ον ολμον, καθ' ηψομεν του κορκόρου, κατασχίσαντες αυτόν. ἀλλ' γκονῶμεν, δνδρες, ω εσται Λάχητι νυνί a o
ηκειν εχοντας μερῶν προν τριῶν ονηραν
ωντων κ τ λ. Die reade may, sae preser it, supplDivitii laeScholiast the u Orci δίκη, or τιμωρία. Ib. Λάχητι. An account of the services os this ossice in in Sicilia expedition ivit heriound in hucyd. III 86. o. O3. 5
243. μερῶν . . . τριων. Die solio in spirited incident in the Iiseos Phocion, vili reculi to the reacter' ininci a note in Iorme plav Ach. 83. relative to this subjeci. The Athenians it seenas, Vere meditatin an expedition against the Boeotians, in ivllicli they vere
αυτούς κά μετελλε Plut in hoc. 24. Ib. ργην. sone requisite more than another is demandet os reperson filliniste sacre lisisce os adiicige, it is in absenc os sucliseelings as unger an resentiment. Andrivitii illi as a matter of
εχειν. To have expectedioxueveralia sucti correcto lexus os auris-Priiden ce stat,ula have been predominant in tribunal constitute litheriliose of Athens, is to expectitore than hiima natureri calculated to surnisti anti ac cordingi in opposition to the ulmos solitur tinstanc os ricti laetin ausi quoted proos ulmos innumerablenii lit be ad luce froni the ancient orators, O hew o v aucti the contrar spiri prevalleci. The subjeci ho ever, an oni bes sar pursu ed here, a to justi sy the lex Os the dicasti character, talcen by Aristophanes, in xvhicli ange anti resentnient are certainlypredominant seatures. li solio ing reserences villiseo to he vhoi habituali the angeris the dicast is spolienis, in steat os ineir ju ments in the legat decision to vhic the came Dem. 676.
ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. επ' αὐτον, ς κολωμενους ων δίκησεν. ἀλλα σπευδωμεν, ἀνδρες λικες, πρὶν μέραν γενέσθαι.
ing, pleadem di no scrupte to resedit a defendant' physiognomy. his dialeci, his tone os voice, and even his ait, O setting se bench, or ather enches against ini: the de sendant of coursenialcinthumbi apologies sor these aberrations os nature Dem.
resulis of these dispositions and tendencies may be summe lipseon a passage in the orator Antiphon, vithout xvearying the ea ter by oster reserences. Dem. 7 3, 22. 23O 22. L.FSiRS, IO7 I. IS 2.25. 82, 3. I alcitin, t. i. P. 26. Antiph. 37. I. κεινοι
μη που λαθων τις ἐμποδων μας κακόν τι δράσ3.
246. πάντη διασκοπῶμεν Thoiigh n promise vittis made at thebeinning of this play, at tiripides liould not e banteret to excess, sis didis ot napi that he was tot spare entirely. Thepta in lac abouncis vitia allusion to his peculiar phraseolo . The cautious mode in vilicii Polynices enter in the Phoenissae of
rant could ove. The solio vin version ivit assis the student in gaining in original.
ΠΑ. τον et λον, ω πάτερ πάτερ, τουτονὶ φυλα ι.XO. κάρφος χαμHέν νυν λαβων τον λύχνον πρόβυσον. ΠΑ. - αλλὰ τωδί μοι δοκῶ τον λύχνον προβύσειν et so
και ταυτα τοὐλαίου σπανίζοντος, ἄνοητε
ο γαρ δάκνει' ἰταν δερ τίμων πρίασθαι. ΠΑ. εἰ νη Δἴ αυθις κονδύλοις νουθετησεθ' ημας,
αποσβεσαντες τους λύχνους απιμεν οἴκαδ' αὐτοί aues καπει ισως εν του σκοτω τουτουὶ στερηθεὶς
τον πηλον σπερ ἀτταγῆς τυρβάσεις βαδίζων. XO. Ῥην γω σου μέρους εὐονας κολάβω.
αλ ουτοσι μοι βορβορος φαίνεται πατουσι
2 8. The species of verse ivllicli solio us in the nextri venty-five lines is stat ivllicli Hephaestion calis the solacleen syllabi verse of Euripides, p. 94. It is an nysnariete consistin os a dimeter iambic succeeded by a dirn trocli brachycatal. Atilius Fortunatianus gives the solio vin Latin example .
Ib. εἰ νουθετησεθ' tiπιμεν For abundant proos os εἶμι, an iis Various compound heuring afuture signification, See idu's Da ves,
p. 29. the example give os εἶμι by the learne editor, addvesp. 25Ο. πως δ' πὶ δειπνον εἰς Φιλοκτημονος μεν Dem. 655, 2 2. Ουκ επ' κείνους ἔμεν, καὶ δι κείνων ἀσθεν ποιεῖν υτον ζοτησομεν;
257. et βάσεις Stir P, o knead. Oph. r. 72o. Dind. πάντα τυρβάζει κακά. Metaph. Pac. oo8. τυρβάζεσθαι l Μορυχω, ελέρ. 259 βύρβορος, nud in iis solid, πηλος, nud in iis liquid state: the ne ho ever, is requently used so the oster Liucian, I. 8.o δ' ἀναίνομ πηλοπλάθος ἀκούειν, ε καὶ Φαυλότερος εμοὶ ὁ πηλὸς Οἶος κ
φιλεῖ οταν του se ποι νάετον μάλt α.δειται δε καὶ των καρπίμων ἄττα μη 'στι προαυδωρ γενέσθαι κἀπιανῶσαι βόρειον αυτοῖς.
ρον κυκωσιν. Run. 45. 2 73. Dem. 259, II. ποσκελίσαντες καὶ ράξαντες ει τον βόρβορον. ilician, 5. I95. metupla. λοι . . . τοσουτον βόρβορον συνερaνίσας, κατηντλοσί μου.
ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. 75 τί χρη αρ υκ της οἰκίας τησδε Ῥνδικαπτης πεπονθεν δε ου φαίνεται δεῖρ προς το πληθος; ου μην προ του γ' φολκος ην, ἀλλα πρῶτος μωνηγεῖ - δων Φρυνίχου ' και γαρ ἐστιν ἀνηρ
ψιλωδος ἀλλά μοι δοκεῖ σταντας να Ἀνδρες et o
ἄδοντας αυτο εκκαλεῖν, ην τί πως ἀκουσας
plied by numbers. Se Notea Acharn. V. 272. Representing, as ille Chorus do ore, that Ortio of the public body in xvhoni Iay the ver essenc os the democracy. it is sardi to e supposed that πλῆθος is iso in any ut iis mos exalted sense. Therea ter vili however, se his xvijudgmen and discretionis inis,u on many thorioint in the play. Where the editor duclges more Doni interna eviden ce und the natur of the thing than Dominnycountenunc sive liliis sentiments by the la interpretersis mo
τρωκοτω ον δάκτυλον πολειτ φλεγμηνεν αυτοῖτο σφυρον γέροντος ἔντος και - αν βουβωνιωθ.
η μην πολύ δριμύτατός γ ν των παρ μῖν, et 8o
- των κόπων γυ τὼ νεφρω βουβωνιῶ.
- λιθον ψεις,' ελεγεν. τάχα δ' αὐδια τον χθιρινον ανθρωπον, οὐ μας διεδύετεξαπατῶν λεγων, se , 286 καὶ φιλαθηναιος η κώ - τἀν Σάμω πρωτος κατείποι, δια τοὐτ δυνηθεὶς
αλλ' in y ἀνίστασο μηδ' ουτως σεαυτονεσθιε, μηδ αγανάκτει.
284. ' λίθον ψεις. yo attemptis ulter i ossibilitν. Diis be- long to a considerable clas O proverbs among the ancients alitera translation os ivllicli ivould be ulteri ridiculous of this
μεν ως μετὰ την κωρὰν υτῆ προσίοι, πειτα ῶς αὐτ τελευτῶσα εἰσαγγειλειε, και ς κείν' τω χρόνω πεισθείη, καὶ τὰ εἰσόδους oli τρόποις προ- σιοι, και ως Θεσμοφορίοις εμο εν ἀγρω ντος ωχετ ει τ υρον μετὰ της
μητρος της ἐκείνου. scha. 63. o. και ὁ δῆμος ἀπῆλθε τοιαύτην τινὰ δόξαν εἴληφὼς ώς--a μεν ' εἰρηνη, περὶ δε συμμαχίας οὐχ μεινον - διὰ την τῶν ' λημν'a κλησιν βουλεύσασθαι. See also en Anab. II. I. 3. Isoc 3 8 n. lias been conected by Belcher. 288 τἀν Σάμω The evenis here resorrod to took place in Hefixili ear of the hiri years' eace made laetiueen the Athenians an Liacedaemonians For furitier accounts se in Oriones historian, Thucyd. I. II 6 II 7.
Gloss. in . c. heb. P. I 7 l. 296 hom se that ou consscto the chytra, i. e. the judicialum. γ τρίζειν, χυτρίω). . to receive in a chytra the lood os an animal onere a n expiator sacrifice a to expos in a Sinai- Iar esse suci cliit iren a thei parent do Otravisti to bring um: lieno metaph. to kill to est y. 297. Willi his intercalar verse, o the nature of vhicli, Aee Hermann demetris, p. 29. tiae prece lingstrophic an antistrophio VerSes are Succee led by a strophe arid antistroptimos Ionio a minore Verses Arean gements of this Lind. soni elimes ponis large cale. ni ound throughout his tranaa; biit Dona the omission Occasionassymade in his publication, it nae not lxvay be convenient to
μ' aταγνώσεσθε ταύτην την δίκην.
an nil preparations os ineat and sh, vere also included but bydegrees ille tisage of this vord was charaged, o stat at length it stratisied ni fista, the avourate ood of the Athenian epicures.
ilia statistica calcillations an more particularly ivlien thos calculations are directe to discove the minimum o whicli the liseos a sellow- creatiare inani e supported. ii as sint eing, Iuliose ordinan es no regulations O man villisve be abierio supersede, has decreed that theloor stiali neve cease ut of the land cit
divines in athusinient of this dispensation ivit ultimatel sali, early to acquire suci elementis knowledge, ac vili enable them todischarge is e lut ivitii vis lom hin iness, and liberalit t.
ux riter' calculations. The common vine os in ancients xvas theche est os ali necessaries te Milons of suci liquor allowingone partis vine to tvvo os, ater claeing sola sor a penny. Boecth, I. 33. vhicli must be added that perhaps sor tvvo monilis in the ea the liouseheepin os the oorer Athenian amotante tollitiem nothing, h,ein supersedec by doles os corn, the voluntarygis o citigens, oro present froni sorei era, by sacrificos to thego is, hic ivere in lac se is to theseople, and oster donatives.
sius, laborious laut spiritiess-Sigonius, ullis valvatae letalis, undalso ullis errors-Pctit, a diligent collector of sacis, but xvithout criticii spirit o discriminate pon thei accurae Saurianise sothat he appetirect to a Sonaeining nexu caretes of the absurdities into vilicii suci a spiritietrayed hi na-Heraiiit, vitii great lcnowledge os his sui jeci, aut discussiniit in the manne os a polentio,
vi thout system O arrangement these, vitii Valois an Oii oum Taylor, vere the Ieanser of this stat te, at ivliona in censure os
Hucit valcher vas principali cli rected. The labours of Wolf and Matiniae vere conducte in a belle spirit, aut stili it vas soli stat much reniatne to b done : and the scholars of Germany. vliose very tarting-post is the goes of most ollior European a ta ans, vere calle upon to complete in lash. The ali vas notdisobeye l. Oechia, Titiniann Solisiniann Meier, Hesster, lat-ner, liave ali put Orth et labour since that cali vas made, and thos xvlao vant leisure to examine thei investigations in the original vorks may se thei resulis preti generali conveyed in theatale ut ridgnient os IVachsmuth. I sesong nota suci a Ruricas the presen to enter into minute delatis respectin Atticata v to thappy is it an nil pace sor sonae oscit leacliniseatures, villiout incurring the charge of ein wearisOme an Verbose. Os these seatures unquestionata the lxv mos important Ii in the voriis more immediatet be re us. Villiout troiitain Ourselves ni Out remoter emotis, et u Lee to the provision o Solon. O the sanae principies that that excellent legislator divi ted thepo ver os ramin the laxus bellueen the senate of Four Hundredunt the Ecclesia, he hared the o of adrninistering inem he- tween the magistrates of vhom the nino archon uere the principat and the dicasteria, o couris Os la v. ' o the orater vere consigne loliolae initiator proce e lings of an Attic suit: to ille Ialter vas en trusto in more insiportant ossice of in ling the ver- dici nil assessing the clam ages. A dicasterium in suli operation villisona be re u in the ourse of the present play, and to that periodisia be reserveci suci explanations a xvili serve t she v, liON and os,vlion iis members vere composed sit present let DIOOlcto the uties frui magistrate 'ohese resolve thenaseives in tot vo stat os prepariniste sui sor latur investigation in a publictribunal, and that os presiclinii the ouri, where sucia future investigatio tool place lanatio firs of these ossices, in magistratebore the time of εἰσαγωγεύς, in the secondaliat Os ηγέμων δικαστη-
doctrinent os ver hi nil bonds, vilis, contracis, trade an toll- books, arbitration erdicis, declarations os vi in esses, both De and
vilicii it vas thought the truth of the case vas lihelyto hie elicite
τον γρον ταν νομίσωσι τον των πολεμίωνειναι σφετέραν, τον δε σφετέραν των πολεμίων, πόρον δε τὰς ναῖς, πορίa δε τον πορον.