장음표시 사용
Ivlien an invadae genera decide um ui capture os aciW, usuali herant trie to acces by storinincit, barie in domi ut gales, an sciuing the wall viui addere. I lielasse in viis, he set abolit reducincit through the long process
A these appliances of siue are describet in elsey a Caesar spp. 33-37 , an illustraled Plates V and VI. , u has no been ought
aera o fossaria), excavations aere made unde ining ine alla, and even pene tin unde ui ci . The besiege lguarile the si alis night an day, inade frequent allies in destro the enerny's vortis hiuled rebramis into any structures containing combustibi materies, an me mines bycounte ines. Is in besieon force vas large nouo and resolute nough, an no helminine, in cit in time inust sali. But vi to osten in reel cities a pari inside te valis conspire Min the lae uiuide, an aster a time pene themtes in et the enem in.
Xenophon, Sonis Gryllus, Was bor at Athens, proham aliout the ear a B. C. His lamsi appeam to have been ne os means and standing, so that in eari lis he had eisure and opportunit sor such culture acine times afforeled. ne da. y the philosopher Socrates inet the oun Xenophon in amareo vstreet, an ratisin his sinis to bar the way asked the rice os
me an mod*V The olim vas perplexed an Socrates a Wered, Folloi me, an findisui. ' Frona uia time Xenophon rematae 1 a constant an devote disciple of the niaster. Among the friend os Xenophon iras Proxenus, Myoum and ambitious Boeotiano vho ha been led by prospectis advance-nient totus a bod os mercenaries an enter in service os Cyriis. IVM at Saritis, roxenus proterio Xenophon urginghim is come ver into Asia, malle the Cquaintance of Πias, and ori an expedition oon to et ut against the risidians. Xenophon laid the matter besore Socrates, sino, oreseeingstat service unde a Persia ivould be regarde Wissi suspicionb me Athenians, advised in to consul the oracle a Delphi. Xenophon ent in Delphi, ut sinapi aske to ha go is eoughtrio sacrifice in orde to succee in the undenalcing Whichhe had in liud Answer vas ive accordingly. Crates
i Die date es Xenophon's biri in Men ut fifteenaeatra earlier layinan scholars principalin cause of a stor that his iis vas ave buSocrates a the arile os Delium, in Boeotia, . . 24. I the Stoa istriae, Xenophon Ius have been approximatet twent years old at thetinis of the atue, and his biri assigne to 444 . . or therea uis. The date 46 B. C. assumes that Xenophon vas notesar ironi hist yearsol a the time of the Retreat, an harmoniEes vit references in the Anabasis, Particularly VI. v. 25, where e classes himseli it those unde thiri years of age καὶ ὁ Ξενοφῶν . . . ἐβοήθει καὶ ora o οἱ μέχρι
li inoulingo in Asia at ali or not but sal stiat, sic theonicie ad definitet ans vere me question asked, it vas necessam sor hii to go. ecioinec Proxenus an Cyriis at
on ine mitte in Babylon, Xenophon could not et retiam to Greec Hone, and w Continue arith it, notis an officer orsoldier, butis a frien an guest. Aster me treacherous seigure os me Greel officere, amore Whom as roxenus Xenophon hae in the inovin spiritis the inny evincingit vellous patience, inci, an lino ledge os human nature, as veli a Co age and superior generalfhip in conducting the Reueat. Ivlieni 399 . . in remnant of the e Thousan enlere me service os the iacedaemoniam against uae editans, Xenophon stili remalae in Asia inor sor in 394 . . e findesilui austreniminxto Greece riui the Spartan Ising Agesilaus. But e relations os Xenophon vitii the ersiam, and per-haps ii in Spartans, ad brought in into disreput at Athens. Sentenc os dein vas passe um Socrates in 399 . . , in Proh my oon aster that date Xenophon vassorinali decreed an exile. e no v identifie Uniseis in the Iacedaemonians. e seenas to me talcen pari vist Agesilaus in the batile os Coroneia, in 394 B. C., against in arin os e leam headed by Thebes an Aviens. In 387 B. C. the Spartans made public recomitionis his services by grantita hini an state a Scillus, a sex miles s in osolympia, in in territor latet conquere froni Elis Herehe soli ed a uirine to Artemis an silmoxinde by his anilingave his timerio hiantire, fishing, and literar purauita. Aster in baline os Leuctra, in 37 B. C., hie Eleans regesned possessionis Scillus. Xenophon a sorce to flee, an toohu his residence at Corinth. in restorationis mace be-t vG Aviens and paria, the decree o banishment againsthim a remaled but there is no evidenc stat he ver again returne in his native civ. His Wo sons, ho-ver, Mi hadbeen educate a Spana, he sent in Asiens to serve riui the
Lacedaemonia Contingent against the Thebam. ne os ines cis brave infigiatiun a the batue os antitaea B. C. 36a. Ne misis bereavement carne to Xenophon adsile sacrificing. He ait Me les of the hapiet vitia vllicli his lina macrowned butin hea cuiat ut deau Was a notae ne heput it o again Wissi te odiis, Die stat Phad bemuena mortali V and proceede milioli sacrifice. Η himseli lie at a ripe id age, probabi a Corinth, abolitie ear355 . . Die charge has been made against Xenophon urat hesho- to lirile remes soriis native cit and iis institutions. But uret in his time an inanis quiet instes ovi liave sotin litue a1 Asiens to malle it auractive a a place of reside e. Turinilent politica factions hept the cit in a continuat sement, an me os rea character an nolae Dimose, silce Socrates, ere limerio be putrio deaut onme indefinite charge os pervertiniste public morais. Die Astensis Xenophon' late lise speciali vetis corrupi an degenerare. Venee not tonder that, once harin corne in contac minui tacedaemonians, e referre Sparia, inose institutions, stough stem an harsh, nevertiteles encoximge in develoinnient of a hin os sines manlines that at Athens vas rapid*dyingiui. The decree Dianishment accordin to e sages of me time, as pertiam justifiable; et is Xenophon thought best to cast his tot Min Cynis and viui the Lacedaemonians, he had a persectio toto so. At an rate, he neve tumedagainst his colini V it that bive an malimant laatred hic so sequently disnace in conductis Greel political
In man respecta Xenophon vas a typical Athenian He vas quici in perceptio an comprehension, refine in his astes, intereste in eveJthing going on about hina, and vel insormed, particulari in regu to matters os histoΠ, positim, and wari He vas verintne rather than prosound Havinginough os rellish
i A simila storsis relate of the philosopher Anaxagoras by Ciceros seruan- Disputarion III. xiv 9ὶ quem Anaxagoran fre uni nunti-
is philosophyrio sisten or eam Willi adiniri interest to theteachingis Socrates, he et neve penetrate beneat me stir-lace of his inaster' doctrine, o hau undereiso it He v asa practica man, vinclem attention to genera principies, ciuises, and αγnditions than is iles, sacra, an delatis. ot excessivel superstitiinis, stillo pat much iee to dreanis, an hinem vel ho it to rum a luch omen o acto have te greates influence Wissi iners. characteristic os Xenophon speciali Athenian was his versatili . e had a, area st os ad tin himselsa circumstances an maring the nostis istem. e vas able to domany thinu, an is do inem veli. Vith ille rerious experie erus an officer in lindri the Retreat he showed excellent generalatiip. iste Mili readinem os speech an heenim lit into human nature, by iste heer orce os orator hegoverne an itisciplinei me Te Thousam unde circumstances mos latescio good Mer; and that to in spite os ille lac stra iste vere maint tacedaemonians, ho mul loolcum an Athenian as a naturii e my. At lenph, Wim-dram,ing roin m and expeditio , he tume trio inting, and
meide in pen Qui a grace an vigor uia1 have charine ine vom ver since rit in no sphere id e displa genius ostii liighest order Soni os his descriptions os his own militar movenient inin uia1 he vas notin persectonasteris tactim and as a niter no one votiri concede to hin the anhos Thucydides o Plato. His lik-- as a Whole vas varied, m ess-rounded servicem in his ovi generation, an filii ofinterest an valuerio posterily but it ca be compare 1 in norespect in uia os Caesar.
states, stor ille ear is B. C. When themistoiros the Hloponnesian Thucydides ends, is me titule of antinea, B C. 36 a. In men books an intende a a continuationo the wo os Thucydides, hic inclee Xenophon is sata tohave essited. Recollections os Socrates' Ἀπομνημονεύματα Σωκράτους, Memorabilia Socratis vindicatio of the character indlis os Socrates, ho ving the injustice os in sente eis deassipasse Lupo him, and of the stigma attachin to his inemon'. In Bur bootes, inade u chien os mecdotes an sayinyis
treatis o the revenues of Athens.
suinea Liscedaemoniorum presentin a bries descriptionis thepoliticiu institutions of Spana. There Me also a lesence of Socrates ' Απολοι Σωκράτους, Moria Socratisi, an a constitution o Athens ' Πολιτεία 'Aθηνοάων, Respiauea Mentorium), auribule in Xenophon, but probat lymo composed by him. At ille vork os Xenophon re ritis in a simple and pleasing style; but it is o the ad risis that his sanie asin inter hien resis. In his incleed, he had the Qvantage osa novella in fascinatim thenim biit that alone Willio account so the admiration vhic the book has inspire in evet age. In the Anal rasis ' Xenophon' style is at iis best. It is -- adomed struightismarit, Concise an unpretentious noti areen, but characteriged by a gracesia simplicit that ivius and old in reader. The structure os sentences is harmonious to the ear the developnient os mought is clear and neve hal g. his unaffecte 1 and attractive nianne os expression brought to Xenophon me epithet os the se AtticΜuse; ' and Cicero sal of hii that his speech ivas Mueetertia honey. et judged by a strici standarit, his Greel isno the pures Attic. is deviations rona the best usage, ho vever, have been Meatly imagnified by soni Critim, a probabi resul in pari froni the ungetlle state os in text. Still, it ould not be remaricabie is, aster o inny ear os association vit Doria Greelin, Xenophon' speech had ostfomessiiugis iis Atti flavor. It has been uiought strange that While there is no introduCtion to uae Anabasis as a Whole, severa book are introduced by summanes os the oremin narrative. Scholara nox gener-