The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


que signa eadem, quae in manibus.

und the signf the sume, which they are in tho hanis. Sed in his extendendis eStBut in these eo be- tended in extending these) thoro is

non aeque opus vi; quod articuli suutnot equully need initi foroe; beoau8o the joints arobreViores, et nervi minus validi. Debentshortor, and the ligamenis len powerfui. Irata ought intendi super mensam tantummodo, quito be-stretched oner a labia only whichexciderunt vel tu priorem vel hane fui en-out been luxated) oither indio the former orin posteriorem partem, tum jam compelli into the hiander puri, then now to be orcedpalma; at id quod elapsum-est in latus, with thopum; but that which has stippotout into thesiderestitui digitis lateralty), to bo restored reduced) with tho gers. Cum dixerim de his,' When since) I may havo-3uid concerning thωo possum videri dixisse de iis

latter), I um abis to δeem to have-8uid concerning those quae gutit in cruribus , Siquidem etiam in hoc casuti hioh are in the legs; εivoo-thut also in this uocident est quaedam similitudo semori et humero, thero-is εomo lihenosy to the th h and to the humerus, tilessa et cubito, pedi et mandi. to the tibia and to the cubitus, to the foot und to the hund. Tamen quaedam sunt dicenda separatim quoque I et εome things) ure to bo-8aid εeparalely uiso de his. Femur promovetur concorning thrae. The thigh is-movedforward diglocaled)in omnes quatuor partes; Saepissime in interiorem, into asi Iour puri ; most- ton into tho inner part), deinde in exteriorem, admodum raro in pri0rem torrcuriis into the outer, very soldom into the jomer aut posteriorem. Si prolapsum-est iu interiorem


partem, crus est longius et vulgius althro; puri, the log is longer und more-bowed thun the other; enim ultimus pes Spectat

extra; si in exteriorem, fit brevius outwariis; is Bito tho outer part), it becomes δhorterque Varum, et pes inclinatur intus; calx and bowed-lawarri, and theseet is- inclineti inwaris; the heet contingit non terram ingressu, sed ima planta; quetouches not the eurth in toti ing, but the lor est Rose; and id crus seri Superius corpus mesius quam in priore that DP bears the umor boo betior than in the formerCRSU, que eget minus baculo. Si accident, and neeδε less reith a stosf. the luxation is)in priorem, crus eSt eXtensum, que Potest into the former spari , the log is eaetendey, and is-ahle non implicari, est par alteri cruri ad calcem ;not to bosolded, it is equal to the other leg to the heel; sed ima planta inclinatur minus in priorem but the lowest sole is-inolinod iras into the tormerpartem, que dolor est praecipuus in hoc casu, puri Mi Wards), and thesain is oveolat in this accident, et maxime urina supprimitur. Ubi inflammatio, and mostly the urine is-- reared. LVlen the inflammation, cum dolore, quievit, ingrediuntur commode, quemith the pala, has-r ted, they wata convenient y, and

PeS eorum eSi rectus. Si in

Posteriorem, Crus Potest non extendi, que the Mιnder part), the leg D-uble not to be-extended, and est breclusue ubi conStitit, calx quoque contingitis florier; rehen it hvs-stood, theleel also touoles non terram: nutem est magnum periculumnot the eurth: but there-is great dangerse mori, ne vel reponatur dissiculter, vel,


Semper excidere iterum ; sed Hippocrates et Diocles, alicus to fall-out again; but Minocrates and Diocles, et Philotimus, et Nileus, et Heraclides and Philotimus, and Nileus, and Heraclides

Tarentinus, admodum Clari auctores, bolongis-to-Tarentum, very illu8trious authors, prodiderunt memoriae se restituisse

have-delivered to memory themselves to huDe- restored it)CX-toto: neque Hippocrates, Andreas, Nileus,cntire0; neither Hippocrates, Andreu8, Nileus, Nymphodorus, Protarchus, Heraclides, quoque quidam Nymphodorus, Protarchu8, Heraclides, algo a certain faber reperissent tot generat ork an toould have ound invented εο- many hiniis machinament0rum ad semur extendendum in hoc os machines to λr) the thiph to b extended in i iis casu, si id esset frustra. Sed ut haec opinio accident, y thut might-be in-vuin. But as this opinionest salsa, sic illud est verum; cumis false, so thut iliis thing) is true; sincenervi que musculi ibi sint valentissimi, thel amonis and musoles there may-be verymol erfui, vix admittere, si habent suum

robur: si habent non, non Continere

repositum Igitur est tentandum, et si being-reylace l. Therofore it is to be-tried, and wmembrum est tenerius, est satis

the limb is very - tendor sy0ung), it is Russicient lar)alteram habenam intendi ab inguine, cnothor one) δtrop to be-strolohod from the groin, alteram a genu ; si validius, adducent melius cnothor from the kneo; is 8tronger, thv wiΠ-drato botterqui doligarint easdem habenas ad valida bacula:


eorum sustium morae opp0Sitae, que

traxerint superiores ad se utraque may-have-Gawn the per sparis) to thcmsolves tolth eaohmanu. Membrum etiamnum valentius .intenditur

Super SCamnum, Cui axes sunt ab

utraque parte ad quos illae habenae deligantur, euch surt side) to whioh thoso 3trus are-bolin qui conversi ut in torcularibus, possunt, si quis inhioh helag-turned as in totae roδεω, are-abis, is any

perseveraVerit, non solum extendere

person) may have-pei Severed, not only to extendnervos et muSculOS, Sed quoque rumpere. the ligamenis and mu*oles, but even to breoh them). Autem homo est collocanduS Super id scamnum But the man is to be placed over that benohaut pronus aut Supinus, aut either face- wnwaris Or face-πwardS, Orin latus, sic ut ea pars sit semper supectortipon tho side, So that that part may-be αλυδ the per in quam os prolapsum-est, etiam ea inferior tinto which the bone hasirolapsed, atio that the lotiora qua recesSit. NerviS extentis,from inhioh it has-roceded. Tho ligaments bring - tended, si os venit in priorem partem, is the bone has-oomo into the formor part lar vards , aliquid rotundum est Ponendum super inguen, que some thing) round is to bemlaced Uon thogroin, and genu est adducendum subito super id eodem tho hneo is to be Guwn εud lon0 over that in the fame modo, que de eadem causa quamanner, and concernilag sor) tho AEumo causo by wliohidem fit in brachio; quelle sumo thing) is-dono in ite fore-arm; and si semur potest complicari, est protinus f the th I is-abis to be olded bent), it-is immediate0



intus. Uero in ceteris trithiu is reduced). But in the other OSSa recesserunt paulum inter se per the bones have receded a litile betweon themselves throughVim, medicus debet cogere retro id quod force, the physiolan oughi toforoe bach that whichemanet; contra, minister propellere projecra; on-the-other-hunc the attendant to thrustinorwardsinde. osse reposito, curatio requirit thenoe. 2 he bone heing -replacet the treaiment requireS

nihil aliud novi quam ut is detineatur nothing other else) of new thun that he may-be- talaeddi utIus in lecto, ne si semur fuerit motum, longer in bed, iret is the th h εhalbiane-been movecnem S adhuc laxioribus, erumpat the ligamenis bellig) as-yet very-lax,

plerique . scripserunt prolabi non most writers have-written to prolapse not that it is not an priorem; que id potest luxated) rnto the formor spartinorwarri 9; and that is-ubleeS3e proximum vero; cum patella, iobe very-near to true; when since in the patella, Oppo ita . inde, ipsa quoque contineat hemrplaceto o8ite theno' itreis aiso may-hoistogether caput tibiae. Tamen Meges prodidit memoriaeue heud of the tιιια. I et Meges haε- livered to memoryeum cui id excidisset in priorem him towhom thae might have alien-out into the former Partem curatum-eSSe a Se. In his casibus part to have-been-trealed by himself In the8o accidentinervi possunt intendi iisdem rationibus the lguments are-able to be-δtretched by the sume mean3

it may-burat-Out excidere,


quas retuli in lamore. Et id, quidem, quod relioh I iuve-related in theth h. And that, indeoc tolichexcidit in posteriorem partem reconditur ha8 allen-out lato the Κιnder part is hidden is

Vero cetera manibus dum Ossa

Aut the others are reduced) with the hunda tohile the bones compelluntur in diversas parte S. . ore orood into d/Ferent puris. Talus prolabitur in omnes partes. Ubi The anile prolapsos into ali paris. When excidit in interiorem partem, ima parsit ha3 alien out into the inner pari, the lororat part pedis convertitur in exteriorem partem; ubi of the foot is-turned into the outer pari; wheu caSUS contrarius huic, etiam contrarium the uocident sis) oontrary to this, atio a contrarySignum exstat: si erumpit in priorem partem, siqn e risis: is it burst-out into the formor partiatus nervus a-posteriore est durus et

larWards , the broad tendon behind is hard and intentus, que is pes est simus; si in posteriorem stretched, und thut fool is bent; is lato the Κιnder CalX paene conditur, planta fit major: part) the heel almost is-hidden, the 3olo becomeS greater autem is quoque reponitur per manus ; Pedebui that also is-repluoed by the hund8; the fout et crure diductis prius in diversa. und leg being-drown-vari previousty into di orent Et in hoc casu quoque est directi0ns . And in this , accident uiso it-is Perseverandum diutius in lectulo, ne is talus quito bg-continued longer in bed, test that anile relichSustinet totum corpus, nervis confirmatis SVPport3 the to hole body, the ligamenta bellig-δtrengthened


parum, cedat oneri serendo, que itilo, may yield to the burthen to be-borno, and Prorumpat rursus. Quoque utendum humilioribus m v bur8t orta Goia. Aiso it is) to be-used with lotoer

talum ipsum.

Ossa plantae prodeunt

iisdem modis quibus iu

in the sume manncyra

manibus, queconduntur

Comprehendere calcem, ne cum est neceSSeto embrace the hooc test rehen it is neoeasory Mi )mediam plantam, que imum ejus, vinciri, the mi se sole, and the lowest spart) 9 it, to bo-bounil, talus relictus the anile boing test plenioremtoo u abundant)liber infreo in

materiam, multer,

medio, recipiat the naidcto, muy-receivsque ideo

so be-done thun what ha8-beenmlooed in thoso whioh are in manu; tamen mediuS aut summus articulus


sunt facienda in ' iis casibus oro to be-done in those accidenis


ubi ossa exciderunt sine vulnere. Hic where the bonos havesulten-out mithout wound. Here quoque et periculum est ingens, et eo

alio both the dungor is great, and by that smueli

Ve quo continetur validioribus or is relict by bow much) it is-held-together with stronger nervis aut musculis. Que ideo, inligamenis or musol . And on-that-account, tu humeris que femoribus, est metus mortis ; ac the shouidera and th hs, there-is fear of ath; and si ossa repo ta-Sunt, est nulla Spes, tamenis the bones have-been-roplaced, there-is no hose, yet est nonnullum periculum non repositis: there-is some danger sto them) not bring replacedrque est eo major timor in utroque

quo propius Vulnus est articulo.

which by h0w much) neurer the wound is to the joint. Hippocrates dixit nihil posse reponi

Hippocrates has-suid nothing to be-able to he-repla edtuto, praeter digitos, et plantaS, et manuS,s ely, eincept the flager' and the δoles, and the hund3, atque quoque tu his eSSe agendum and even in these to be that it is) to be-aoted diligenter, ne praecipitarent.

Quidam reposuerunt quoque brachia et crura, Nomo have-replaced atio the fore-arm3 and . lego, et miserunt Sanguinem ex brachio, ne and hane-sent let) blood out-of the Dre-urm, Dat cancri, que distentiones nervorum gangron , and diδtentions osthenerves convulsions orirentur: Sub quibus, in casu ejusmodi, might-oriis; under u hich, in an accident of that fori, matura mors solet fieri. Verum ne-quidem early death D-aocustomed to hanen. Aut nos-even


digitus, in quo, ut malum est minimum, sic etiam uesinger, in ichich, as the evit is least, So uiso periculum, debet reponi, aut in inflammatione the danger, ought to be-replacet either in insanimationaut postea, aut cum res est jam vetus. or afterwariis, or ichen the thing is abeady old. Si quoque, osse rep0Sito, nervi distenduntur, V uiso, a bone boing replaced, the nerves ure-distendedid est protinus expellendum convulsions arise), that is immediately to be thru8t-out

rurSUS . Autem Convenit omne membrum quod

motum-est loco cum Vulnere, neque

cubantem: tantum ne moVentUr,

l0nga fame; deinde ex eadem 'curatione long hungor fasting) terwardy out-of tho sume treaiment

quae prop0SIta-est ubi vulnus acces Sitichich has been ropo3ed when a wound hu8-ucce sed si actis ossibus. Si nudum OS eminet, accompani ed) tobrohen bonos. V the nuhed bone projecty, est futurum semper impedimento: ἐt-M aboret to-bo al onys . to as) an impediment: imo, quod excedit est abscindendum, que arida on-that-account, whal projecis is to be-out GH, und drylinamenta sunt imponenda super, et non pinguia linta ure to bomut-on over, and not fatmedicamenta; donec sanitas, quae sola potest esse


nam et debilitas sequitur, et tenuis cicatrix inducitur, for both toeahne83 follotos, and uthin scar is-induced, quae eSt necesse pateat facilewhich it-is necenary may lie-open be exposed) eusis