The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


si est quidis there-is ony thing

que totum id and the wholo that fiat quasi recens: tamen magna Cura may-bθ-made a3-f fr h reneWed) : yet great cure habita, ne nervi ve musculi laedantur. Tum heing-had legi the ligamenis or musoles may-be-huri. Thenest fovendum vino in quo malicorium it-is iobe omented withtoine in rohich pomegranate-rinddecoctum-sit; que id ipsum mixtum albo may have-been-boiled; and that iise nnired mith tohito ovi imponendum: tertio die

resolvendum, que lavendum aqua in quato be-Dosed, und to heJomented with water in tohiohverbenae, de quibus dixi supra, the vervains, concerning whioh f have-εuid above, decocta-sint: quinto die idem

faciendum, que ferulae circumdandae: eademto ιθ- dono, and vlinre to beῬMoesaroundo the Samo cetera lacienda et ante et post, quaeother illings are to be-done both be fore und - after, tolichScripsi supra. Tamen interdum OSSAI hau tortiten above. I et 8omethnea the hones

solent conservere inter se transversa; ure-uocu3tomed to unite between themgelv transver3e; que eo membrum fit et brevius et indecorum,o,id by this tho limb is-made both shorter anu unbeooming, et si capita sunt acutiora aSsiduae punctiones und y the leu δε ends) are very-8ham continual priokingssentiuntur. Ob quam causam ossa debent arefolt. For tohich caligo the bones ought frangi rursus, et dirigi. Id to be brohen Quin, and to be-directed set again). Thalfit hoc modo. Id membrum fovetur D-done in this manner. Thae limb is omented


multa Calida aqua, et perfricatur exmith much hot mater, und is rubbed out of illi liquido cerato, que intenditur; inter haec liquid cerato, and D-stretched; betweon during) these medicus pertractatis ossa, ut callo ibings) tho physiolan hundling the bones, as the callus adhuc tenero, diducit ea manibus, que being) αδ-yet tender, Reparates them tDith the hanis, and compellit id quod erisnet in suam sedem: thrusis that which projeota into i s εeut siluation) :ot si valuit Parum,ond w ho has-asailed titile has not been able to effect it), objicit regulam involutam lana ab cahe Oppoye8 a rule mi opped- in toool from son) that parte in quam os inclitiat se; atque ita puri unto whioh the bone inclines itaeis; und thus deligando cogit assuescere iterum vetustae

Sedi. Autem nonnunquam Ossa quidem conferbuerunt Soat. Aut Somethnes the bones in cod have-united recte, Vero nimius callus superincrevit; queriphily, but too-much callus ha8Wrown-over; and

ideo locus intumuit. Ubi quod on-that-uocount the place has-beoome-s collon. LVhen whiolnccidit, id membrum est perfricandum diu hos-huppeneri that limb is to be-rubbed a-long-timeque leniter ex ole0, et Sale, et nitro, queond gently out-U retib) oil, and 8ult, and nit; e, an lavendum multum Calida Salsa aqua; et malagmato bo-fomentod 1nuch with hol δalt wator; and a malugma imponendum, quod digerat ;, quo alligandumto bemut-on, which mv-diverso ; and sitis) to be-bound adstrictius; que utendum oleribus et more-tight0; and it is) to be-used miti pot-herbs and

Praeterea Vomitu: Per quae Callias


de sinapi cum ficu impositum ' in alterum parfrom mustard with M put-on uston the other equulmembrum, donec erodat id paulum, corresponding) limb, untii it-may-e1 ode it a littis,

que evocet materiam eo, Consert.


Ac hactenus quidem dictum-sit η ' And thus an indoed it may-hau been-Suid de si actis OsSibUS concerning brohen bones.suis sedibus fom theis aeuis siluations)modo quae sunt

gupe separate) : aε when the broad bone of the scapular recedit ab humero; et in biachio, withdratos from the humerus; und in the fore-arm, radius a cubito; et in crure, tibia athe radius from the cubitus ; and in the leg, the tibia from

εometimes from a Dup, the bono of the heel fromtalo; quod tamen raro fit: modo the ankle; which hor ver Seldom huppense Sometimos articuli excidunt suis sedibus. Dicam ante


inflammatio oritur; atque in flammation aris ; and siquidem consuevit

praecipue in talis: periclo in the aniles:

movere quoque to-move cause) uiso labies et cancros, et vel distentiones nerVorum, severδ and gangren , und either distentions of the norvos vel rigores, qui annectunt caput convulsions), or rigors, tollia assio the hendβcapulis. Causa quorum vitandorum, to the govu P. Forthegahe of which to be-uvoidelendem . Sunt facienda quae proposita-sunt tho Rame things) are to be- ne which have-beensropoSed in mobilibus ossibus laesis: ut dolor que in moveabse bonos being-injured; that the pala and tumor tollantur per ea. Nam diducta Swelling may-bo-tahen-away by them. For 8eparat dO8Sa nunquam junguntur rursus inter se: bon nover are-ioined again belween themgelves

et ut aliquid decoris amittitur eo loco, und as yo1no si hing) of cometinera k-Dδt in that placo, sic nihil usus. Vero maxilla et εο nothis of uso sis tost). But the jaw-bone and

vertebrae, que omne8 articuli, cum comprehendantur the vertebrar, and ali joinis, when thv may-be-embraced validis nervis, eXesdunt aut

the ligamenueitherrupti S, Vel infirmatis aliquo caSu queboivg-brohen,

being-woahenodby εome accident; and facilius in pueris


in robustioribus. Que hi elabuntur in in the more-robust. And thrae gli -out intopriorem Partem, et in posteriorem, the former pure tornards), und into the lalter bachwards), in interiorem, et in exteriorem ; quidam into the inner in variis , and lato the outor part) ; sonte


omnibus modis, quidam certisque in au themanners, some in certain WaSs onlΤ) : unusunt quaedam Signa communia omnIum, quaedam there-are εome δ ns common of to) ali, εome pr0pria cujusque. Si quidem est Semper proper sparticular) of to eaoh. Sinoe-that there-is alwayStumor ea parte, in quam os prorumpit ;εwelsing in-that pari into whioh the bone breuissorward , SinUS ea a qua recessit. Etu concavlty in that part), from whioh it has-receded. Andhaec, quidem, deprehenduntur in omnibus, vero alia thrae, indeed, are-disoovered in alc but other3 in singulis; quae erunt proponenda, in δbigle particular cases ; whioh wil be to be-proposed simulatque dicam de quoque. Sed ut omnes

aS oon-aS Iδhali veah conoerning each. Aut as allarticuli possunt excidere, sic non omnes Dinis are-ubie to fall-out be distocaled), εο not aureponuntur. Enim caput nunquam compelli tui, are-replaCed. For the head never is-compelled neque Vertebra in spina, neque ea replaced), nor a vertebra in the vine, nor that maxilla quae, utraque parte prolapsa, m0Vit jaw-bone which, euch part having-prolapsed, has-m0vcd

inflammationem, antequam reponeretur.

suo loco

ceteri. the r t. Sunt nonare notquam than quae


emacre8cit, que magis in proximo membrobeCOm -ema lateri and moro in the nearest member sto it)quam in ulteriore; ut Puta, thun in a further more distant member); SVps σsi humerus est non suo lOCO,

Dr instance), is the humerus is not in iis place, macies fit major in eo ipso the emaciation hecomes greator in that itae the humerus quam in brachio; major in hoc quam inthun in the fore-arm; greuter in this lalter than in

manu. Tum aut major aut minor usus ejuSthe hund. Then Oither greater or len use of that membri relinquitur pro sedibus, et member is-lest uocordiW-to the seata siluations), and pio casibus qui inciderunt; queaccor ing-to the accidents whi h have-happenedi and quo plus usus Superest in eo, by which by hON much more 9 u3e remains in that, eo minus id extenuatur. by that much) leo that member is-attenuated. Autem quidquid motum-est suo loco, est But whatevor has-been-moved from ita place, is reponendum ante inflammationem. Si illato be-replacod be fore inflammation. V that inflammation occupaVis, est non lacessendum, dum has occupied sit), is noe to bemrovokod irritaled), whilo conquiescat: ubi finita-est, est tentandum suntll) it may-rest: when it has-been-ended, it-is to be-tried in iis membris quae patiuntur id. Autem habitus in thoso limbs whies ullow that. Bul the habitet corporis et nervorum confert multum

both of body und of nervos ligamenis in conduces much

eo. Nam is corpus est tenue, si huinidum, si

nervi infirmi, os reponitur the nerv ligamenis weak, the bone is-reymoedexpeditius; sed et excidit primo facilius, more- peditious0; but both itfulls-out ais Si more-easily,


et postea continetur minus fidelIter. und uisentariis i helmtogether le83 1atibul0. Quae sunt contraria his continent The things) whioh are contrary to these holstogesher melius; sed admittunt id quod expulsum-est together ; but they-a it that which has-been- pelled dissiculter. Autem Oportet levare distocaled), dissoultly. Aut it bohoves to retiove inflammationem ipsam, Succida-lana eX aceto the inflammatum itfessi, greav-roool out-os vinegarimposita Super: abstinere a cibo triduo, b ing mut-on over: to abstula nom jood in sor) three- ys, si est casus valentioris articuli; interdumis it-is an accident of a moremowerfui Dint; somethnes etiam quinque diebus; bibere calidam aquam dum en in lar sve dus; to drinh hot water while finiat sitim: que sacere haec until) it may-end the thirst; und to do these things)curiosius, iis ossibus motis quae more-care fully, tho8e bones betng-moved dislocaled) toliohcontinentur validis que plenis musculis:

vero si labris etiam accessit, multo magis:

aqua; que lana remota, imponere ceratum mater: and the wool boing-removed, to put-on aceratefactum eX cyprino, nitro quoque adjecto, donec made out-os privet 0il), nitre uiso being-addod, untii omnis inflammatiouu inflammation infrictionem ei rubbing to that

membro; uti limb; to uSed unc adhibere

Then to ons bonis cibis ;

uti vino modice, que jam promovereto use with telae moderately, and ali eady to rinove ortourdid membrum quoque ad SHOS uSus;


quia, ut motus

in dolore est pestiser, Sic, in suin is pernici9uδ, Ss, saluberrimus corpori. Haec moSt-Salutata to the bo . These Sunt communia: nunc dicam de things ure common general) : noto Iδhall-δυ concerning singuli S.

sed modo altera parte, modo utraque. hut 3ometimes on the other sone) puri, Sometimes Oneach. Si altera ipsa que mentum inclinatur

in contractam partem, dentes respondent non unio the contrary pari, the ieeth ansmor notparibus, sed cauini sunt sub iis to the equat' hut the canine fleeth) are under thosequi secant. At si utraque totum

mentum promoVetur in exteri0rem partem; quechin is-moved forwariis unio the outer pari; aridinseriores tentes excedunt longius quam SuperioreS;

thelower leoth part pr ect) further than the tipper; que muscidi super apparent inteuti ;und the musolos attached) abovo reppear Stretch diquoque primo tempore homo est even in thosrst time immediately) the man is collocandus in sedili, sic ut minister ato bemlaced in a sevi, εο thut the attondant from on)Posteriore parte contineat caput ejus, vel sic ut the lundor part may-hold the head of him, or εο thalis sedeat juxta parietem, duro scorteo pulvino he mυ-δit against a Moli, a hord leuthern ouuion subjecto inter parietem et caput ejus; bcingvla ced--der betur 'en the /culi und the head yhim; que caput urgeatur eo pel


ministrum, quo frutthe attendant, by which in order that) rt =nv-be immobilius: tum pollices digiti medici, . . more-immovabis: then thumbs fingera of the phy3ιorun, involuti linteolis vel fasciis, ne terapped- with litt&-linens or wrth bandages, te8t dilabantur, sunt conjiciendi in os ejus, they may-sij, are re-be-cara introduced) into themouth ossis , ceteri admovendi extrinsecus. Ubi maxilla the rest ille fingers) iobe-applied external0. LVhen thejowaPPrehensa-est vehementer, si procidit has-be -tahei hold-of powerfully, is it hasfallen foru ard

ana parte, mentum est concutiendum et adducendum in one pari, rae chin is to be-εhuken and to be-draton-to ad guttur: tum simul et caputio sto arils) the throat: then at-the-same-time also the headest apprehendendum, et mento excitato, maxillais to be-tohon-hold- , and the chin belU-raiseri the uincompellenda ni suam sedem, et os ejuSto be-thrust into ita Reat, and the mouth Ucomprimendum Sic ut omnia sani proetobe compressed go that ait thesethings) may-be-done almost uno momento. Sin prolapsa-est utraque puIte, in one moment. Aut-is it has-prolapsed on euch puri, omnia eadem facienda; et maxilla estoli the fame things are) to be-done; and the Iaw rSa enda aequaliter retro. Osse

oculorum et cervicis, Sanguis est mittendus ex


qu0que Sermo, si equenti motu oris per even veech, by the frequent motion of the moreth through

the nerves muscies), mu huri. in prima parte, CapEt in the frat pari, tho head

cervicem duobus processibus tho nech by two proce83 Summe vertebrae. Hi

contineri superto be-held-together repondemissis in duos sinus let-down into imo caviti of the h hest vertebra. Thrae processus interdum eXcidunt in posteriorem partem ;proc 3e8 Sometimeε sal out

quo fit

sub occipi fio under tho book- the-head adglutinetur pectori, may-be-attached to the breus neque bibere neque loqui, into tho hiander partui nerviit honens that the liguments

is possit ho the patient) may-be-abicinterdum emittat Semen notther to drini nor to Specth, Sometinara may-emit 3eed sine voluntate: quibus mors celerrime

supervenit. Autem credidi hoc esse ponendum, non supervenes. Aut I belleved this to be to bemlucet notquo sit ulla curatio ejus rei; hecati8e there may-be any trea ent scure ofuat uinq; sed ut res cognosceretur indiciis, ethul that the thing might be-hnown by the tolera, and si perdidissent Sic aliquem, uv persons) might have-lost thus δome relation), putarent non medicum defuisse tho might-thiah not the physician to havs-bo -κuntingsibi. to them that it was not the surgeon's sauit . est,. Qui QR8us manet eos, in The Samo accident rem rins salvatis) those, in spina quorum Vertebriel eXCiderunt. tho vine of tolom tho vortebrae luve allon-out en