The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


Enim id potest non fieri, nisi et distocaled). For thut :rs-able not to hoppen, unkδ8 both medulla, quae per medium, et the murrow, whici sis borne) through tho mi te, undduabus membranulis quae seruntur per duoSthe two εmul membranea whioh aro-borne through the two processus a lateribus, et nervis qui procosεω from on) the fidos, und the ligamenu relichcontinent, ruptis. Autem excidutithoim illem)-together, bo ny-brohen. But thoy fui out et in posteriorem partem, et in priorem, both into the liandor part bachwards , and into the former sorKardS),

et supra transver8um Septum, both abovo the transveryo enclosure theet anil

exciderint, thv may-hreve alien-Out, infra. heloia'. INInto

utramvis partem rehatever puri posteri0re parte tho hindor parterit vel tumor, vel sinus. Si id there-will-be cither εwelling, or a cavi*. V that lucidit Super Septum, manUS ha8-happened above tho inclosure the diapiti agm), the hundes resolvuntur, Vomitu S, aut distentio nervorum, ureroluied paralysed), vomitis, or distention of the nerves insequitur, spiritus movetur dissiculter, convulsi0ns), follows, tho breothing D-moved di culily, dolor urget, et nures Sunt obtusae. pain oppre8ses, and the ear8 are birented rendered dull). Si sub septo, semina reSolvuntur,

urinatho urine supprimitur, interdum D-δ proracd, SometimeSetiam


Prorumpit sine voluntate. EXbui is orth

Out-σCaSIbus ejusmodi, ut homo moritur tardiusquam accidents of thiδ-Sori, res a viuu dies more-εlowly than ex capitis, Sic tamen intra


triduum. Nam quod Hippocrates dixit,

the vace-U-lhrec- ys. For what Hippocrates has uid, vertebra prolapSa in exteriorem partem, hominem a vertebra haviW-prolap3ed into the outer pari, the munesse collocandum pronum, et

eXtendendum, tum aliquem debereto be-Stret hed-out, the sonae person to ought that 80me consistere super ipsum calce, et one ougiit) to δland Uon him toith the heel, undi inpellere id intus, est accipiendum in to thru3t-in that tolthin, is to be-received underst00d in iis quae excesserunt Paulum, thoso vertebrae) which hane-gone-oul been luxated) a litile, non in iis quae totae motae-SUnt not in those whioh whol wholly) have-be -movest loco. Enim nonnunquam imbecillitas nervorum from place. For Rometimes wealneas of the ligamenta efficit ut, quamvis vertebra exciderit eois that, although the vertebra may have alien-out n0n, tamen promineat paulum in priorem not, yet it may-be prominent a litile tuto the forme,

partem. Id jugulat non ; sed contingit part larwards . That hius not; but it luppensne-quidem posse ab interiore not-even to be-able sto be-reduced) from son) the innor parte: Si propulsum-est ab eXteriore, parte is it has-been-propelled from the exterior side), plerumque redit iterum ; nisi, quod est admodummostly it returns again; unt 3, which is very

rarum, Vis restituta-est nervis. uncommon, Strong th has been-rostored to tho ligamenis. Autem humerus modo excidit

γ' But the humerus sometimes fulis-out sis luxated)in alam, modo in priorem partem. into the armoit, Sometimes into the former part ir artis . Si delapsus-est in alam, cubitus junctus IV it haswlidei doten into the arm-pit, the elbow Dined


ei recedit ab latere; potest non porrigito it recedes from the aide; it is-able not to be εtretohedrursum eum humero juxta aurem ejusdem again mith the humerus neur t wards) the ear of the Samo partis, quo id brachium est longius altero. puri side), and that foro-arm is longer than the Othcr. Si in priorem partem, summum braChlum V into tho Jormer part sorwards , the ligorat fore-urm quidem, eXtenditur, tamen minus quam naturaliter; queindred, is- tenderi yet less thun natural0; and cubitus porrigitur dissicilius in priorem partem the elbow k-stretohed more-di oultly into theformer partquam in posteriorem. Igitur, Si

humerus excidit in alam, the humerus has fallen-out been lux ted) into the armiit, et corpus est adhuc vel puerile vel molle, and thebo is asset oither Gildish or 89t lax), certe intentum-est imbecillibus nervis, est certuinly has-hoen-stretohod with weuh ligamenis, it-is satis collocare id in sedili, et imperare enough to place thut body) in a 3eat, and to command alteri ex duobus ministris, ut to the other to one) out- two attendunt v, that reducat leniter caput lati ossis

Scapularum: alteri, ut extendat of the 8oopuliae ; to the other, that he may- eatendbrachium; ipsum residentem poSteriore

parte cogere humerum sub ala ejus, quepart to foroe tho humeruε under the urnavit ofhim, undsimul et latum os, et altera at-the-same-timo atio tho broad bone, and with the other manu impellere brachium ejus ad latus. At si hand to impol tho fore-arm of him to tho sido. Aut f corpuS vastius, ve nervi sunt robustiores, tho bo is) very-lurge, or the ligamentS are more-robubt,


lignea spathula est necessaria, quae habet et re Mooden vuthula is necessury, whioh has both crassitudinem duorum digitorum et longitudine pervenit

Summa est rotundum et leniter

Cavum capitulum, ut possit reciper' aliquam holuto littu. heac that it may-be-able to receive Some particulam ex capite humeri. In ea Sunt 8mal part out-of the heud of the humerus. In it there-uro

bina foramina tribus locis, distantibus spatio two holes in three places, bring -distant is a vace inter se; in quae mollia lora botween themsolves; into which holes) 39t thonga conjiciuntur. Que ea spatha involuta are ca8t introduced). And this vathu belU-wrupped-vsaSesa, quo laedat minus

alam, Sic ut caput ejus subjiciatur the arm it, 3o that the head os it may-bemlacemunder Summae alae; deinde to the hiphesi urnamst the top os the arm-pit); terre arrideligatur suis loris ad brachium : uno loco it k-bound by iss thongo to the fore-arm: in one place paulum infra caput humeri, altero, paulum n litile beneuth tho head of the humerus, in another, a litile Supra cubitum; tertio, supra manum; cui reio bove theoreoto; in athird, tibove thohand; to whiol thingProtinus, quoque tunc, intervalla foraritanum sunt immediately, even thon, tho intervati of the holes are aptatum. Brachium sic deligatum trajiciturnduplod. Tho foro-urm thus bound iS-cmt-acrosssuper gradum scalae gallinariae, ita alte,


ut homo ipse possit non conSistere; that the man himself may-be-able nol to stand to place insque simul corpus seet on the g und) ; and at-the-sume-thne the b0 demittitur tu alteram partem, brachium is et- wn into theother one) part side), thefore-urmintenditur in alteram; que eo fit,

is-stretched into the other side) ; und by thrs it homens, ut caput humeri impulsum capite that the head 9 the humerus belU-impelled by the heureliunt, compellatur in Suam Sedem, modo of the wood, may be-oompelled into ita geat, Sometimes cum Sono, modo sine hoc. Hippocrate unowith a Rounc εometimes etcithout this. Hippocrates sione lecto, est facile scire esse multas belW-reac it-is easy to know t0 be that there are) many alias rationes, sed non alia comprobata-est magis other methods, but not unother ha8 been-approved more usu. At si humerus eXcidit in priorem by use. But is the humerus has allen-out into the formerpartem, homo est collocandus Supinus, part sorvpards), the man is to bestaced laison-the-baok, que media ala est circumdanda lasesaand the midiae arm-pit is to be-surrounded with a bundage aut habena, que Cap7ta ejus tradenda

or strup, and the heuds eiads) σιι to be-detioeredministro post caput homInis to the attendant after bellind) the head of the man, brachium alteri; que praecipiendum ut the fore-arm to another; und it is) to be-dhreoteu thalisse extendat habenam, hiche the former) mis extend the stros, this the laltei)brachium; deinde medicus debet repellere thejore-arm; afterrout δε thephyόiciun ought to thri t-baost, quidem, caput hominis SinlStra, vero indeod, the heud of the man with the loret iliand), butdextra attollere cubitum cum humerowith the right hand) to ruise the olbow toith the humerus,


et compellere os in suam sedem : que id una to compei the bono into iis setito a id that revertitur sacilius in hoc casu quam in priore. returnu more Pasily in this accident than in theformerHumero reposito lana est one). The humerus heing-repla ed, wool is subjicienda alae: ut si os Ditio beῬDoeLunder to the arm-pit; that f the bone has-beon In interiore parte, opponatur ei; si in priore in the inner pari, it may-be-opposed toti: is in the formertamen ut deligetur commodiuS. sor ard s) yet that ii may-be-lound more- conveniently.Τum fascia, primum obvoluta Sub ala, Thon the bandage, frst belW-roued under the arm-pit. debet comprehendere caput ejus, deinde tendere ought to embra e the head Uit, after arri tostret hper pectus ad alteram alam, que ab throwh over) the breast to tho otior a sit, and iromea ad scapulas, quo rursus ad caput ejusdemit to the Rcapulor, and again to the heud of the 8anie humeri, que circumagi saep7us ad humeruδ, and to hemassem around very- ten to aster)eandem rationem, donec teneat id bene. the aame method, untii it may-hold that twoll. Humerus vinctus hac ratione continetur

The humerus heing-bound by this method D-held-together commodius; si, adductus ad latus, deligatur more-conveniently; is, heing-drawn to the fide, it is-bound ad id quoque fasCIR. to that also by a banilogo.

k i Autem p0titit intelligi, ex iis

voluminis, tria ossa coire in volume, three boney to unite siliat three hones unite) in cubito, humeri et radii,

at) theelbow, the bones) of the humerus and of the radius,


et cubiti ipsius. Si cubitus, qui est annexus and of the euoto laself V the cubitus, which is anne redhumero, excidit ab hoc, radius qui estio ιhe humerus, fusis-out from this, the radius whioh is adjunctus interdum trabitur, interdum subsistit. adboinod somelimes is-draton Nith it), Romelime8 8tυδ Uero cubitus potest excidere in iis place). But the cubitus i1-able to fall-out in omnes quatuor partes: sed si

prolapsus-est in priorem, it has rotassed into the former pari, i. e. sorWariis), brachium est extentum, neque recurvatur: si in the fore- arm is ortended, nor is-bent-buch: is intopoSteriorem, brachium est Curvum, neque tho Under pari , the Dre-arm is bent, Norextenditur, que est brevius altero; interdum is- tended, and is florier than the other; Sometimes movet febrem que vomitum bilis: si in

exteriorem ve interiorem, brachium est porrectum, Sed the ouler or innor pari , the foro-urm is ottendod, bulrecurvatum paulum in eam partem, a qua OSbent-bata a litile into that pari from whioh the bone recessit. Quidquid inesdit, est una ratio h -receded. Whatever has-happenec there-is one methodreponendi; neque tantum in cubito, sed

Ureplacis; nor and not) ons in the cubitus, butquoque in omnibus longis membris, quae jungunturatio in au long limba b0nes , which areboined

per articulum longa testa, extendere utrumque through a Dint mith a long εoohet, to eaetend eaohmembrum in diversas partes, donec spatium inter limb into die rent paris, untii the vace bottoeen

ossa sit liberum ; tum impellere id os quod the bones may-bo free; then to hnpei that bone whichexcidit, ab ea parte in quam hu31ullen-out been luxate l), froru hal part into which


prolapsum-eSt, in contrariam. Tamen Suntit hasvrolopsed, into tho opposite spart) I et there-ure alia atque alia genera extendendi,

prout nervi valent, aut ossa dederunt a cording - the nervey are-δtrong, or the bone8 havesivense huc ve illuc. Ac modo est them/elves Lither or thither. And 1omelimes it-is utendum manibus solis, modo quaedam alaato le-used with the hanδε alone, εomelime8 Som Other

adhibenda. Ergo, si cubitus illings are) to bo-applied. There fore, is the cubitus prolapsus-est in priorem partem, est satis ha8-prolapsed into the former part formards), it is ε cient extendi manibus per duos, sor it) to be- tended with the lavds by two assistants), interdum etiam habenis adjectis; delude aliquid

Somelime3 utio RirVS being-added; aftergariis Somerotundum est ponendum a parte

illing) round is to beῬLood froni On) the puri lacerti, et super id of the lacertus 0n the anterior part), and Uon tiat

cubitus est repente impellendus ad humerum. the cubitus is suddenly to b impellod to the humeru8. At in aliis casibus cst commodissimum Aut in the other accidenta it-is mo3ι-advantageOuSextendere bracbIum eadem ratione quarto extend the for arm by the pume method whi hy0SIta-est Supra, humero si acto, et tum has-beenmluoed abovo, the humoru8 boing-brohen, and thena eponere OSSa. Reliqua curatio est eademto roplaee tho bonos. The romaining trout noni is the Same quae in omnibus; tantum id

est resolvetidum celerius et saepius; cubitus) is tu bo-un ound more-quiolly and more- ten ;fovendum multo magis calida aqua:


perfricandum diutius ex oleo et nitro ac Sale. to be-rubbed longer out-j with) oil untd nitre and sali. Enim callus circumdatur in cubito. For callus is gioen-around sormed arseund) in the cubitus celeiatis, quam in ullo alio alticulo, sive more-quichly than in any other joini, whether remansit eXtra sive revertit intus;

it has-remuined mithout luxated) or has-returned within ;que si is increvit per quietem, prohibet und is that callus) hos-increused by rest, it hindera flexus illius postea. the bendings of it steriour S. Mansis qu0que prolabitur in omnes quattior VI δ' The haud also prolapses into ali the four partes. Si excidit in posteriorem paris. V it hassallen-out been luxated; into the hinderpartem, digiti p0ssunt n0n porrigi; si inpari, the gers ure-able not to be-stretohod; is intopri0rem, inclinantur non : si in

alterutrum latus, manus convertitur in contrarium;

either fide, the hand is-turned into the opposite id est aut ad pollicem, aut ad minimum direction); that is either to the thumo, or to the lea8t digitum. Potest reponi non dissicillime. snger. D-A-abis to be-replaced not very-dispoultly. Manus debet intendi ex altera The hund ought to be-stret hed out-os son) the other sone)parte Super durum et renitentem locum, brachium part ovor a hard und r isting place, thefore-arm X altera, Sic ut Sit prona, si os out-os son) the other, εο that it may-be prone, is the bone excidit in posteriorem partem, supina si inhus alien-out lato the hindor pari, δυine is intopriorem; in latus, Si in interiolem


Satis, si procidit stretched) onough, ij it has alien orwarda been luxated)in alterutrum latus, est repellendum manibuSinto either εide, il-is to be-thrust-baol is uehunda in Contrarium. At iis quae into the contrary direction). Lut to those bones whichprolapsa-sunt in priorem ve posteriorem partem, havemrolap8ed into the Drmer or hinder Puri, aliquid durum superimponendum, que id est

Urgendum manu super promineDS OS :

id in suam Sedem. that into it8 8eat. Ossa in palma quoque interdum The bones in the palm uiso Sometrin PromoVentur Suis sedibus, modo inure moved orward from their geuis, εometimes intopriorem partem, modo in posteriorem: enim the formor puri, Sometimos into the hinder: for SSunt non moveri in latus, paribus ossibus they are-able nos to be-moved unco the aide, equul bon oppositis. Id signum est solum, heingilaced-opposite. That sign is the only one), quod est commune omnium, tumor ab ea Parte

in quam os venit; Sinus ab ea into istich the bono has-come : a depression from son) thutn qua recessit. Sed os revertitur infrom whio ι it has-receded. Bul the bone roturna into Suam Sedem, tantummodo pressum bene digito, it8 Seret, Only beingures/ed weli Mith thesmeri sine intentione. inithout Atrorc g. At in digitis casus sunt sere totidem, 'Υ' But in thesnors the uocidents are am9St G.-muny,