The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


leniter ad latus: per quae fit ut gently to the fide: through whioh things) re honens that

moveatur minime: que ideo ossa it may b moved very-litile: and on- that account thebones habent se Sic ut aliquis composuit holdin theniseides thus as 8ome sperson) hu8 compoSeu Cum ventum est ad serulas, mem). When it has-been-come to the feruire splinis), longisSimae earum debent esse extrinsecus; breviores the longest Ofthese ought to be eaeternal*; ε hortera lacerto; sed brevissima: from nexi to) the lacertus 0n the interior part); but the shortest

sub ala: que eae Sunt resolvendae SaepiuS, under the arm ite and thrae are tole-loosed very- ten, ubi humerus fractus -est in vicinIawhen the humerus has-been-brohen in the neghbourhoou

sunt vel non imponendae omnino contra splinis in ore either not to be-put-on at-ali againSteminentia cubiti, vel


Curatio Sit admovenda in casu ejusmodi; tr atment may-be to bo-applied in an accident of this ortSed, primum, ut extendatur valentius, Si ibui, fr8t, that it may-be- tended moremowerful0, νntrumque Os fractum- est; quia est neceSSeeuch bono has-bem-brohen; hecause it-is nec yarytnervos contrahi minus altero

the nervos stendons) to be- contracted losa unother sone OSSe . integro, que intendente eos; deinde, bono being) entire, und 8tretching them; Utergarct, ut omina fiant curiosius in ossibus that nil lliings) may-be-done more-oare fulty in the bones continendis, si neutrum est auxilio alteri. to he-hel together, is notther is to as) an uid to theother. Nam, ubi alterum est integrum, est plus For, νι oro the other sone) is entire, there-is mors Opis in eo, quam in lasciis que serillis. 9 assistance in it, thun in banda es anil ferulos splinis). Autem brachium debet deligari, pollice Aut the fore. arm ought to be-bount the thumbinclinato paulum ad pectus; siquidem is heing inolinod a litti e to the breasti εince-that that sit maxime naturalis habitus brachii: may-be nio8tly the natural habit sposition) of the fore arm rand id involutum, excipiturand that boing-rollod-U, D- received supported)commodissime mitella, quae injicitur most-conveniently in a 8oars which isῬMoeson

perangustis capitibus collo: atque itatoith the very-narrow heu δε senes) to the neokr anu thus brachium est suspensum commode ex tho Dro-arm is Ruspendod conveniently out-of si om)cervice. Que oportet id pendere Paulum supra tho noch. And it heho ex that to has a littio aboves regionem altei Ius cubiti. the region of the other esiore.


Quod-si quid ex summo cubito

fractum-Sit, est alienum glutinare id may have-been-brohen, it-is improper to glut/nate thut vinciendo; enim brachium fit immobile. At by bladis; for the fore-arm becomes unmoveabie. Bulsi nihil aliud quam is nothing ' other nothing else has been done) than

Occursum-est dolori, usus ejusit has-boon-opposed than to remedyὶ to the puta, the use 9 itcst idem qui suit.

is the samo whioh it hu3-been. - Ιn crure pertinet aeque ad rem, alterum In the log it pertains equully to the thing, the otheros saltem manere integrum. Vero est lar one) bone at-Daει toremuin entire. But it-is commune ei que semori, quod, ubi deligatum-est, common to it und to the th h, that, tolen it has-been-bound est conjiciendum in canalem.

bandaged), it-is to be-oast placed) into a spout a frame Is canalis debet habere et resembling a spout). That spout ought to have both foramina inseriore parte, per quae si quis humor Uenings in the lower puri, through which f any moureXCeSSerit, descendat; et a planta may habesone-out, it may-descend; and froni at) the solo moram, quae Simul et sustineatu delu a support), ichich ut-the-same-time both mu Rustaineam, et patiatur non delabi ; et nit, und may su er it) not to gli - wn ; und from at, lateribus cava per quae loris datis, tho sidos holes through which thonga boing-givon passed), quaedam morae detineant crus, que femur εomo dolvs supp0riS) may detula tho leg and th hut collocatum-est. Etiam is debet esse aas it has-beonmmoed. Atio that spout) ought to bo fromplanta circa poplitem, si crus fractum-est; si the δole around the ham, is tho leg has been-bi osten; is


semur. Usque ad coxam; si juxta superius caput tho th/gh, untii to the his; is neor the upper heud end)lamoris, sic ut coxa ipsa quoque insit ei. 9 the thigh, so that t4θ lj itself uiso may-be- in to it. Neque tamen debet ignorari, si semur Asr yet ought-it to be-un noton, is the th hfractum-est, fieri brevius, quia has been-brohen, to be-made that it is made) εhortor, hecat SereVertitur nunquam in antiquum statum, que insistiit return8 never into the ancient state, and to b Stood Postea

that the person is obliged to support himsels) terrearis summis digitis ejus cruris: on the h hest fingers on the en is os the loes) of tsat leg rsed tamen debilitas est but yet tho debility is ubi negligentia qu0que

chen negligenoe also


to fortune to that accident . multo foedior


surculum post inflammationem.

tw litile splint) after the inflammation. 1 Uis pertinentibus proprie Theso last observations) pertainbg particularly

ad singilla membra, rursus illa Sunt communia :to singlo particular) limbs, again the8e are common general): deinde a formariis fames primis diebus: tum hunger abstinence) in the si duae thencum oportet callum jam increscere, tolen it behores callus ulready to increase, liberalius alimentum; longa abstinentia a vino: a more-liberal nourishment; long abstinenco from Mine eliberale lamentum calidae aquae duin est liberia somentation Vhot toater κhile ther is inflammatio; modicum cum ea desiit: tum etiam insummation: moderate tehcn it has- Gyede then alis


longior et tamen mollis unctio e liquido

cerato ulterioribus membris.

cerate to the farther limos the paris beyond the fracture). Nec est id membrum exercendum protinus, Sed Nor is that limb to be-exeroised immediately, butpaulatim reducendum ad antiquos USUS. -litt&-and-litile to be-brought-baoh to iis) ancient u3 . Est aliquanto gravius, cum UUlnUSID-is by-εomerohat heavier more Severe), when a w0und carnis quoque accessit fracturae

of thes h olso has-uoceded saccompani edin to fracture ossis; que maxime si musculi semoris aut of the bone , and evectuls f the musoles of thoth h or humeri senserint id: nam linbent et of the humeru8 may-have eit that: for they have both

multo graviores inflammationes et Cancrosis much more-severe in flammatιonS and gangren promptiores. Ac quidem est sere necesse more-ready prone). And in ed it-is mostly nec sarysemur praecidi, si ossa cesserunt

inter 8e. Uero humerus quoque venit in belureen thenaseives. Aut the humerus also come3 intopericulum; sed conservatur tacilius. Quibus periculis lungor; but is reserved more-eusily. To-whioh dangersid expositum etiam magis, quod ictum-e8tthat sis) expo8ed even more, which has-been struch juxta articulos ipsos. Igitur est agendum near theboinig thenaseivey. Thermore it is to he-aoted curissius; et musculus quidem praecidendus more-careful0 ; and the musole indoed is) to be-out- trariSversuS per mediam plagam : Vera Sanguis transvorse through the midiae inound but blood is)mittendus si fluxit parum: corpus


membra quidem sunt intendenda lentius, et limbs in ed ure u be-stretched more δlowly, and ossa in iis reponenda lenius in Suam the bones in them to be-reptaoed morosenlty into their sedem: vero his expedit satis neque seat siluation): but to thras is-k-expedient enough neithor nervos intendi, neque Ossa sor) the nerves to be-εtretohec nor sor) the honestractari: que est permittendum homini ipsi, to be-hundlede and it-is to hemermitted to the man himselfut habeat ea sic collocata quem admi dum laedunt that he may-hane them so placed as they huriminime. Autem linamentum est imponendum primo

Dast. Lut lint is to bo put-on ut,Pst omnibus his vulneribus, madensio ali these wounis, Metadmodum paulum rosae

cetera ' eadem. Quethe other things tho sume susciis aliquanto with bandages by somowhal broader

sunt deliganda And they are ro be-bound latioribus quam VulnUS; than tho toound ; scilIcet larius quam si ea plaga essetthat-i8-to-8v more-loosely than is thesi mound might-benon; quanto facilius vulnus' potest et not how-much more-oasily a teound D-able both alienari et Occupari Cancro: to be-alienated morti hed) and to be-oocupied by gangrene rid est agendum potius numerothne is to be-tioted aimed at) rather by the Mumber lasciarum, ut laxae contineant Utho buni ges, that being) Doso they may hold-together quoque aeque. Quod siet sic in seniore, en equul0. 0 hioh mill-be-done thus in the thgh, que humero, si sorte OSsa Concurrerintond in the humerus, Munco the bon may have-met recte: sin habebunt se aliter, right yr bu th. shul have themSelves othermis'


fascia debebit circumdari eatenuS, Ut the bandage wil odight to beῬlac d-around εο ar, that contineat medicamentum impositum. Eademit may holfiogether the applicatioλι placeLon. The gam cetera Sunt laetenda, quae scripsi supra ouer things) are to be-done, whioh I have-written above ;praeterquam quod eSt opus neque feruliS neque ea cepi that there-is noed netther trith vlinis norcanalibus inter quae vulnus pote8t non with vovis belween whioli sthings) the wound i8-able notSatieSCere, Sed tantummodo pluribus et to be me-healthy, but on0 with more anillatioribus fasciis : que calidum oleum et Vinum est with broader bundage: und tot oil and wine is subinde ingerendum in eas; que utendum occuδionalty to besoured-on into thom ; and it is to be-used magis, fame in primo, Vulnus

lavendum calida aqua; que frigus vitandumto be omented with hol mater; und the oold sis) to be-avoidedomni ratione, et transeundum adis every rec3on method), and to fetus8o Lover tomedicamenta, quae sunt puri movendo :upplication3, whioh ure for pus to be moved sor prornotingque major cura adhibenda vulneri, pus) : and greuter care sis to he-upplied to the w0und, quam ossi. Ergo est solvendum que thun to the bono. Therofore it-is to be-tiosed and nutriendum quotidie. Inter quae

retusum ; si acutum, a men ejus Ante

praecidendum, si est l0ngius; si brevius, limandum, et to be- t- , is il-is very-long ; y δhortor, to bessed, and


iitrumque laevandum scalpro; tum ipSum ouoh siti ei ther casein to be-smoothed withachises; then itest recondendum: ac si manus potest nonis to be hidian replaced): ti,id is the hand D-able notlacere id, vulsella, quali labri utuntur, estio do that, apiscera, tolth luch-a8 8mithδ use, is injicienda capiti, habenti se recte

ab ea parte qua est Sima; ut ea parte by that part in whioh it-is roren d; that with that part tua est gibba, compellat eminens os ininwhich it-is convex, it may-thrust the projectis bone into suam sedem. Si id est majus, que cingitur

iis εeat. V thut is voryWreat, and D-Surrounde linembranulis, Oportet Sinere eas resolvi by δmali membrones, it behoves to su er them to be-dissolued sub medicamentis, que abscindere id os, ubi under the repplicatio=r8, und lo cut-away that bone, rehenjam nudatum-est; Scilicet, quod estatready it has-been-made-bare; that-is-to υ; et hich is faciendum maturius: que ea ratione et osto he- ne very-early: and in that manner both the bone poteSt coire, et vulnus sanescere; illudi*-able to unite, and the wound to hecom healtis; thut Suo tempore; hoc, prout former) in iis-own time; thi3 latter), uocordiπ-as habet se. Etiam evenit

nonnunquam in magno vulnere, ut quaedam fragmentas otimo in a great wounii, that εomo numents velut emoriantur, neque coeant cum

a1- as it xvere) may die-away, nor muy-uniis urithceteris: quod hic quoque colligitur the post: which here in this case) ulso is-collected ex modo fluentis humoris.

Quo est magis necessarium reSol Vere ulcus


Saeptus, atque nutrire. Vero sequitur

very osten, and to nourish to dress it . Aut ityollotos ut id os excidat per se p0St aliquot dies. that that bono may falbout is iuelf 9ter 8oms dus. Cum conditio vulneris sit tam When although) the oonssition of the wound may-be Somisera antea, tamen interdum facies idiorelohed before, vel Romethneg thou wιD-male theti latiuS manu, que diutius. Enim mi r with the hand, and for-a-very-DU-time. Forintegra cutis abrumpItur Saepe OSSe, que the mund 8kin D-broken osten by the bone, and protinus prurigo et dolor oritur. Quae

oportet solvere maturius, si accidit, it behones to Mose remove) very-early, is it hu3-hupponod, et lavere si ida aqua per aestatem; and tofoment with cold water through δummer egelida per hiemem: deinde imponere with ukewarm through winter: Uterwarri to put-on myrteum-ceratum. Interdum si actura vexat carnem myrtD-cerate. Somethnes the fraoturo vetos theses quibusdam velut aculeis. Quo cognito a prurigine with some a1- priret . Which being-known by the itchine et u punctionibus, medicus habet necesse

aperire id, que praecidere eos aculeos. to open that Ound), und to Cut-of tho8o prichias. Vero rel7qua curatio in utroque hoC casu est But the remuining troatment in eaoh this accident is eadem, quae, ubi ictus protinus


Si membrum est adlinc brevius, et Ossa Sunt non V the limb is asset too-Hori, and the bone8 are notsuo loco, tenuis paxillus generis quam-laevisssini in their place, a thin wedge of a hiud us-εmooth-a3-ponille debet demitti inter, ea, sic ut oughl to be-lowered introduced) between them, so that emineat capite paulum Supra ulcus; queit may-projeot with the head a littu above the ulcer; andis est adigendus plen70r quotidie, donec id that wedge) is to be-drinen fuller duily, untii that

membrum fiat par alteri. Tum paxillus limb may-be-made equat to the other. Then the wedo removendus; vulnus est sanandum; cicatrix is) to be-removed; the wound is to be-healed; the Rour inducta est fovenda frigida aqua in qua myrtuS, in oed is to besomented with oold water in which myrtio, hedera, ve aliae Similes Verbenae decoctae-8int, que ita, or other lite vervatris may-have-been-boiled, and medicamentum quod Siccet est

an application ichich may dry desiccati ve), is

illinendum: et hic est quiescendum etiam to be-smeare l-one and here it-is to he-kept quiet evenmagis, donec id membrum confirmetur. Vero simbre ' tintii that limb may be-stren thened. But is quae whi h

vetustas occupavit, membrum est eX tendendum,anotentiress has-occupied it), the limb is to b eaetesndis, ut aliquid laedatur: . that something 1nv-be-luri that Some injury may be causess): ossa dividenda inter se the bonos are to be-divi sed botuleen themselves

manu, ut Concurrendo