장음표시 사용
super a P the subjectri conjectured to e the punishment os Livi i sorte complicit u illi Seianus in the tarderii heriusband
Drusus, Tiberius Son in 3 A. D. iv. 3, 3 and soli.). his sentenceis a mere fragment qui te di Sconnecte horn is, here the continuo us narrative begin with the concluding ord os an add res smade to his friend si Some person unknown attachedis a friendos Seianu S. 2. collegam the word ma reser o more than his associationis illi Tiberius in the consul Shi os 3I A. D. and ma impi thallat teri he had even been collega imperit', illiri a positio comparabie to that o Tiberius in the lalter ears of Augustus. Eveni 23 A. D. Drusus complaine that he was Called adiutor imperii , iv 7, 2. Jgenerum in et A. D. Seianus ad shed the em peror sorpermission to mare Livia si v 39ὶ, ut the em peror' reply, hi leoffering promise of Some connexio by marriage illi the imperialhouse iv o II), disco trage hi in frona pres Sin hi fuit iv I I). The wor gener' sed here in referen C to Seianus indicate Sthat Tiberiusia announce his et rothalcio sonae member of the imperial sami ly to hom is notano n.
quam Iasti for the omissionis potius ' se Intr. II 47. adicioncto Intr. II 22 b. Vs vi a), o superesse, α, that there as et time o parebelare the end For novissima , in o lise', cf. vi So 8. 2. Elaesus, uncte of Seianus, executed after his fall. He was in charge of Pannonia a the time of the deat his Augustus iii I6, 2),when his relaxation os discipline prompte e the muti ny of the legion sthere Thantis to Seianus influence e subsequently became extra sortem procon Sul of Africa in I A. D. an gaine the triumphalia insignia , and the ille of imperator'. V Mi vio). o. P. Vitollius, the uncte of the Sub Sequent emperor, is osten mentione in the earlier book of the Annal a companion an subordinate officer o Germanicus. He hecam proconsul fBithynia, probabi in I A. D. and was ne of the mos vehementaccuser of Cn. Piso at his triat so the allege murder of Germanicus in O A. D.
PomPonius Secunctus, a distinguishe poet and trage dianis his day, and a perSona Diend of the et de Pliny. aerarii the aerarium militare', a suti sor provid in soldiers illi pensio on discliarge, institute in A. D. by Augustus, supporte chien by the ac centesima rerum venalium'. The land was administered by three praefecti os praetoria rank. Aolii Galli this is bellex e tot the nam of the et dest Son ol
Seianus Seianus himself was sola os an eques name Seius Strabo, and was adopted by an eques Aelius Gallus. Da fratrum the est linow of these is L. Vitellius, ather of the em peror for hom See V 28 I. Vactes XEtitoro the undertoo thei custod illi thei appeatshouldie heardi Caesar Deli ver into the charge of ades 'or fideiussores ' as ne of the recognire hind of custodia'; cf. Vi 3, 3, 3. De a metum : overne by gravatus' CL sane gravaretur aspectum Civium , iii 59 6. 4. Tiberio Suporate fuit he was releaged rom impri Sonment, apparenti by Gaius, an subsequently ro Se to the On Sul- Ship. In o A. D. he gaines ornamenta triumphalia a legatus os the arm of Uppe Germany xii 28, 2). vi ) I. lacitum the expression how that the SentenCe was RSSed by the Senate. Teliquos there ere three o whom the eide Si C. 8, I appears to have peris hexat the Same time asinis ather. Rctverteretur here an in ii 32, 3 sed in the sense os punishing ' usuali it notice'. Di Dis ira at the lal of Seianus the populace ad massa reditiose of his creatures hom the sa in the streeti Dio vilicia, IJ. I. intellegons: so illi genit in xii 26, 2. Duellas he may have been eleven or twelve ear old. he hadbee betrothed in infanc to Claudius son, Drusus, ho die in childhood Suet. CL 27 i. nequo, C. She would no do so an more, an Sh couldae corrected with a Child' chasti sement'. VEPher the Sing is a poeticali Se S in vi 24 4. 3. triumvirali upplicio the tresviri capitales ' continuecl. as unde the Republi C, to superint en the custod of the convictedand the execution o capita punishment. iuxta, Just before'.
olalisi inuothus, is terie ing strangled'. his a the formis executio inflicte on the Deeri flaves ere Cru Cified. i stolatia a classical se cf. id aetatis duo filii ' Cic. froKOSc. m. 64 in extende by Tacitus .io ther phra Se Cf. ii 18, Ι nemo id auctoritatis'. Gomonias the scalae Gemoniae', eadini clown from the Capito to the forum, ea the Tullianum ' state prison).
Achaia, Causing intense excite ment, but goon dying way'. DPuEum he wa reatly at this time a prisone in the Palatine
sama ab i. os cause, solio ed by abi ab S. cf. In tr. II 64, v. paterno the armi es of the East, commanded by Germanicus
in his ast years, 7-I A. D. ii 3 and soli ). Q iuventutis, α he was thronged by crowd of able bodii solio vers an assured o the devotion O various communitic si publicis ) .
inanium spo, io pestiliae S a totis visionar schemes . Poppaeus Sabinus grandiather of Poppaea ho hecam e iseos Nero He received triumphal hono tars o crus hin a rebellion
in Thrace, in et A. D. iv 46 his death, 33 A. D. is recordei invi 39, here it is sa id that he had governe important provinces
Macedonias, α Macedonia an Achaia ha been trans serredisona the senate to the em peror in IS A. D. 76, i, and to leSSenthe Xpen Se of govemment theSe two provinces e re put in Chargeo a single legatus'. or so me time, as in the case of Sabinus
i Sol this legatus ad also the charge of Moesia Achaia an due Iacedonia ere restore to the senat ei Claudius in A. D. 4. Nicopolis a Munded by Augustus, oppo Si te to Actium onthe orth side os the Ambracian Gulf, here his campa ad Stoodbe fore the batile. The own was no reatly colon ' butia the Status Dan autonomous Greeicit y like Athens an Sparta.M. Silano probabi the person mentione in vicio I as thelat her-in-law of Gaius Ide is mentione in iii 24, 3 as having prevalle upo Tiberius and the se nate, in O A. D. to permit thereturn of his brother D. Silanus, ho hau been exiled by Augustusas the paramo uris his grand-daughter Iulia. V 11 vi 6 I. consulum. These e re suffecti', L. Fulcinius 11 Trio appotiate in July, and P. Memmius Regulus, appotia ted in October of tht year. Trio ad made his marias a delator', and wa a Creatur of Seianus He a force to sulcide in s A. D. vi 38). Regulus Succeeded, in S A. D. to the overtament hel by Poppaeus Sabinus, an die in 6 A. D. So ight was heresistemediliat at ne time Nero spolie of appo intin him as hi succeSSor xiv 47, I). facilis, ready to tali up enmities'.
obliquo per Strinxerat: f. 2, 2.
2. nisi lacessoretur the subjunctive is frequentative. In tr. II 4 I. noxium coniurationis, gulit os complici ty', in Seianus plot. insonaici se at Sobi , .
UT 1 vi ). I. Cn. Domitius hvsbandis Agrippina, and satheroos Nero. He was relate by marriage to Augustus, since hi sat her vas lius band of Antonia aughter of Octavia. He is described by Suet. Ner. omni parte vitae detestabilis'. He die abolit three years aster theatri his Nero, hi chaoo place in 7 A. D. Camillus orthonianus his nam properly a M. FuriuSCamillus Arruntius, his sat he hau in been apparenti adopted by
L. Arruntius, hos dealli is describe in h. 48. The name Scribonianus a subsequently acquired, but is i ven here, a that by hich he sies known through the rebellion hicli e stari edi 42 A. D. When legatus o Dalmatia xii 32, 23. 2. ogressus, cland ing' perhapS Sed like κατάγεσθαι.
saxa otisolituctinem mari probabi referring to Capreae. rogio the term is due to the conception of the orienta Macedonia despoti SmS. s. ona a verbiust e supplied by Zeugma, Dona exercebant'. In tr. II o. si Potinarent frequentative Subjunctive. Intr. II I. libita a rare substantivali se in ii 6, 3 f. moram cupitis adserebant', i 3 I. Chapto 2, Q. Liviae: he had been ut o death at the timeo Seianus downfall, toward the en of the previ ous year, o hercomplicit in the pol soning of D Suci 23 A. D. in emgios, C. Cf. the Simila procedure in the caseis Messalina, i 38, 4. in fiscum this term ad probabi not et beCome Current, thesii struse of it bella found in Seneca Res , O bona, Caesaris' ere Sed. f. also Ch. 19, . Al publicata bona properly went into the aerarium', ut Caesar could alter his arrange ment, speciali is the Condemne had revi ou si received imperia bounties. Later, confiscate properi always en to theem peror, an confiscare' and publicare' ecam Synonymous
tamquam Polarret, cis is it made an differenCe'. Caesar could contro the aerarium by originatin senatus consulta' to deat with iis fundS. 2. Solpionos, C. the plural are probably used of single person men like S.', C. A Scipio is mentione in iis, Q
3. orabatieligero : Intr. II I. 4. Distulas the et ter in hicli Tiberius ad denouncedSeianus. In a Cordance illi it the consul Regulus had presented himself at Capreae, buta ad been rem sed an audience. 3. iuvenes the ni senators h had as et gone through nomagistraCy ould e thos actuali holding the quaestors hip;
6. nequo ut, c., and without advising anythin heyon thecancelling of the proposat'; i. e. it omission hom thes acta', ithout punishment of the propoSer. Ctiastor , Q. Iunius Gallio, a famous orator of the time. Ovid add res sed to him a condoleiacem the deat his his, i se ex P. 4, II) He adoptemone of Seneca's brothers, ho oo the ame
lunius Galli and was the proconsul es Aohaia mentioned in vis 2.
aetis stiponctii : the Serve Si Xteen earS. in quattuorctooim orctinibus the de Roscia theatralis', carrie by the tribune L. Roscius Otho ni B. C., assigne to the equites the fourteen row of eat in the theatre ex to the senators Gallio' mea Sure Ouid ais dis charge praetorians toequestria digni ty. his a tali eady the privilege of a primipilaris . increpuit the rebulae a administere in acie iter. ctiota orders'. imperatoris is read, it must go illi dicta', order os a command in ossicer': ut his is very wkward a the wor is Sed immediate lyraster ard in the sense of
2. actio umsonctum, α, to a breach of discipline'. Gallio 'sproposai might lea the praetorian to look to the Senate, and notoni to the em peror, O re ard S. 3. ineus ahatur . . . toleraturus: In tr. II 33.ctomidus In tr. II 4. For Such custod cf. the propo sal ofJulius Caesar a to the reat ment of the Catilinari an conspirator ;Sall. Car. xlvii 3. 4. Paconianium so hi dea th See h. 39, I For the Onspirac in hich he was implicate See App. to Look V, P. q. S. Oeernebatur, ni Professus . . . foret In tr. II 38. inclicium : cf. VI, I.
CLapter I. ingressus est proce ede to eat illi ' cs. ingredi defensionem ' xiis, in and the se of loqui' illi a persona accusati Ue, as etiam Catilinam loquebantur' Cic. pro Mil. xxiii 63. Latinius Latiarim: his par in the overthrow of Titius Sabinus, Dien o Germanicus, at the instance of Seianus ii 28 A. D. is
circumvenienci . . . luenctae : Cf. In tr. II 24, C.
2. Haterius Agrippa mentione in the Annali as a relativeos Germanicus a tribune in IS A. D. praetor in I A. D. an Con Sul
dis natali Augustam thi WaS Jan. O. novenctialem. his nam e a gi ven to a east so the dea d, hel o the ninthia aster a funerat.
L. Arruntius: another eminent senator an pleader. He adbeen mentione by Augustus as a possibi Successor i 3). HeWa appoin te in IS A. D. S ne of the Commissioners hos diityi Naso prevent the floodin of the rive Tiber. In ch et it is mentione that Tiberius revente his tentare of the province of Spa in or hich he was quali fied Chapter ψ and 8 recor his accusatio an death in 7 A. D. 2. Quae cuncta possibi accusative a object of revincebatur used illi the orce of a id die voice. simplicitas, 'franknes '. in Pimen uo oretur cf. xi 34, 2 quo ducerentur inclina
2. ipsi quoque, i. e. ut et aliis tyrannis for perhaps the word smean that his ichednessirought unli appines Muponii in selfis ellas causing suffering to the victim of his crueityJ. Praestantissimus sapientiam for the genitive Se Intr. II 2q, C.
The term is applied to Socrates in allusion to his havin been pronounce wises of men by the Delphic oracle Plato, fol. v ad .). The sentiment quote may be Dund in the Gorgmas 324 E), but the wordi solitus est impi that more than ne a Ssage S
Drompserat, laxut tered', Stated' s also xii 63, 2. Arusolum o Sanquinium theSe perSons, and thei accusationos Arruntius, mus have been mentione in the lost par of the A=ὶ rati. Aruseiu is perhapS, again mentione in h. o this Sanquinius is no the Same a the perSO in h. 4 4.nohili he was soni MesSalla Corvinu sch. II, J. Eanotissimis, α was by the hono ur of the engeance exactedla him, et on a par illi the Stainles ac complishments of Arruntius The penalty inflicte dis his accuser a probabi exile. Det Q. Sorvacua he had been the firS go vernor os Commagene, I A. D. and was ne of the witneSSe against Piso in O A. D. Μinuoius Thormum fallier, perhaps, of the praetor mentioned
ulmonuit . . . clieoro: In tr. II I. C. Costium Patrom : Consul in 33 A. D. Ch. I, probab lysather of the Cestius ho was legatus os Syria, unde Nero, in 63 A. D. XV 25, 83. 4. Popon recenS' in X 24. 7. Perincto, men ere attache alike so langu age sed in thesorum, at a private repa St, an o an subjeci hateuer'. ctostinaro, a marido wn sor destruction. quasi valotuctino ac contactu, by the contagion os omedisease'. Hendi adyM: In tr. II 4. s. inmothus accessere: Cf. h. 3, S. Iulius Africanus probabi sat her of the orator os the name, samous in the nex generation Dial. 8, 33. Santonis, theseo ple of ain tonge, norit of the Lower Garoniae. 6. obvonoro, have Comerio mymotice ' i. e. in research among
CLapter S, I. Nam this introduces one of the storie referre Sto a the en of the las Chapter, omitte by ther aut hors ut regarde by Tacitus as Orthy os record . falso, disi ob atly '. amplecti, a clinguo profess acknowledge'. orctiendo Intr. II 22 h. 3. Patri Lucius eius Strabo, asterward praesecti Empt. The associationi Seianus illi his ather in the command of the praetoria guar is mentione as early a I A. D. i 24, 3 .urhi Et militia munia: these ord describe Seianus virtualcontro os ali depariments of State through his influence illi the
novissimi consilii Oh coniuratio ' Se P. q. 6. Vulsinion Asm he was horn a Vulsinii in Etruria. Clauctiae a claughter os Seianus a to have marrie Claudius' Son DruSUS, ho, however, die in Childhood.
Iuliam Seianus is calles gener' by Tiberius in v 6, 2. quas, α families into hichie had been admitte by marriage
consulatu Eootum in the early partis 3I A. D. omota . . . RPQAEEntem: See note οὐ Collegam' V 6, 2. 8. Qua coram ahentur, cirrangement that exist open ly'. Cf. non in obscuro habentur', XV 6, 3. Qui dat. Plur.
Satrius Socunctus is mentioned asin iliens Seiani and accuseros Cremutius Cordus in s A. D. iv 34, 2) See alS Ch. 47 2. Pomponium : Otine of the distinguished Pomponii mentionedin the earlier books, ut nother Satellite of Seianus, of homprobabi mention a made in the lost pari. II inctistincta . . . et Promi Aea, , ithout discriminatio or
9 Chaptor B, Q. constantia, Courage' f. V 4, 2. at quia, C. this Claus is co-ordinate illi constantia assubjectri potuere'. offorvot ulter'. qua anteipli uorant, thei previ ous isdeed S'. f. xii 34, 7. actctitia, lactingis additiona groundS for thei punishment. LI. otiortem Cohors amicorum attende the princeps ormember of his fami ly he travelling, jus as unde the Republica provincia governor a attende by cohors praetoria', a Stasso personat friendS. 3. Aou, α, lither that he had invente storie . . . O the allegation that he had done o won creden Ce'. 4. Conviotu . . . Problisitum: f. h. 29, 3. When the em peror noti fie regular renuntiatio amicitiae', a formis banishment as osten inflicte besides, o was underStood
3. Annius Pollio, an X-Consul, perhaps grandiather of the Annius Pollio LX 56, 4.
ADDius Unius Silanua a consul in et A. D. he perishedunde Claudius See i 29 Ι. Μam QPQUA Boauru : great-grandSon of the princeps Senatus prominent in the Jugurthine Candat. f. h. 29 4. C. Calvisius S inus a consul in 26 A. D. heiecam legatuso Pannonia unde Gaius, but was accused, and Committe sulci de
L. Anniu Vinicianus is mentione by Dio as havin been regarde a a poSSibi successor o Gaius, an as an adherent of the conspirac o Camillus Scribonianu. xii 32, 2). Eimul here sed a preposition illi abi. In tr. II 6.
asu prinoivom theorial os these person was et in theem peros privat couri In tr. III 23. In Such Cases the actua condemnation a usuali pronounced by the Selante, O repor Domthe em peror : Cf. h. 47, 4. Vosoviarius istocius, an ' eques' sit δ), who received DomFirmius Catus, an paSSed on to the em peror, information against Libo Drusus, hicli te to the alter' sui Cide. Iulius urinus other vis uni nown. Curtius Attious, an
illustris eques', ad tres sed by vid ex P. ii in is mentione inivri as ne of thos in the retinue o Tiberius hen e finaltyretire Dona the ity in et A. D. His deStruction vas probab lydescribe in the lost pari. inctivictui, inseparabie rom him'. Sua exempla, α, that the punishment prompted by themiadrecolle o the contriverS'. 3. L. Piso consul in I B. C., Son o L. Calpurnius Pi SoCaesoninuS, the con Sul of 8 . . an Censor of O . C. Wh WAS Supporter o Clodiu S, an nem os Cicero, an fallier of Julius Caesar's is Calpurnia. Parum in apposition to the verba notion of the sentenceri In tr.
et quotiens, an bellavin with a is moderation henthe force of Circumstances as verwhelm ing'. o the subjunctive cf. Intr. II I. 4 memoravi: his mentio illost. clocus triumstialo the triumphalia ornamenta ' cf. iiso, ),woni Piso in II B. Q after a three yearS war.*5. Oeenset ad veri, qualisyini continuam'; he exerci sed illi wondectui moderatio an office hicli ad ut recently been madepermanent and was the more rhsome win to the habitua in sub ordination of the eople)'. Cliaptor II, Q. Namquo, C. the Xpression recen Con 11tinuam prompis Tacitus to give an account of the office of praefectus urbi'. his, existin originali in the regal perio and thensor a time unde the Republic for the purposes describe in ci, beCame nnecessar an disappeare aster the institutio of the praetor urbanus in 36 B. C. It shado simulacrum', Ἀ),ho ever, Continue to exist in the appotntinent of praesectus' ho represented the consul during the se days when the les Romet attend the feriae Latinae ' on the Alba Mount, nor a this simulacrum abolished unde the Empire : ein Drusus, Son fGermanicus, hold in i in 23 A. D. 0 36, IJ. The regular praesectura urbis', a more Substantia office, independent of this simulacrum , arosem ut of the appotntinent by thes princeps os a vi cegerenti Rome an Ital wheni himself was obliged tote absent, a WaS Augustus in 36 B. Q cluring the war against Sextu PompeiuS, and again during the Actian war, o both of whicli occasion Maecena Swas test in charge of Rome. The actuat ille of praefectus urbi ivas
of this iraesectus were naturali in abeyan Ce hen the princeps returne to Rome, and were limite a describe in f . his juri S diction, howe ver evidently oonraecam extended i is Mundio Clasti illi the praetor' unde Nero xiv I, 2), an in later timesthe office becam Stili more important. in temPus, here temporari ly'. Euhitis, emergen cie.' Substantival In tr. II 2, a.
Numa Marcius the firSt pontiffinder in Numa, accordingio Livy, and atheris Ancus MarciuS, accordin to Plutarch. Spurius Lucretium mentione in Liv i 9 II aciest in charge of the City, at the time of the expulsionis Tarquin by Brutus, henthe lalter marched ut to the camina Ardea. Da foria Latinas an annuat festiva hel ora Mons Albanus in honour of upiter Latiaris, ein originalty the religio us par of the federa assembl of the town o Latium Rome assum in theleadershi of the tengue, the Consul too the residen cy of thesestivat, an after the dissolution of the league 338 B. C. the Ceremony a Stili Continued. The time of ear at whicli it asheld varie d. The 'feriae Hasted Muria 'S. 3. Qui Coorceret, &C. theseiuties had previ ousi belonge tothes tresviri capitales', ut during the las perio of the Republici ha been ut of thei powerrio hec di sorderint Rome. 4. Μossalla CorvinuS: Se V 3, 4. accosit sor a se day in 26 B. C., cluring Augustus absence in Gaul an Spain, 27 24 B. C.
5. Statilius Taurus he held his office in I 6 B. C. He adbeen consul suffectus in 37 . C. A descendant of his is mentionedin xii 59 I. toloravit, sustat ne it duties'. Dublico funaro buriat at the public Co St. 12 Ctia Dis 12 DI. o libro Sihullas. The books containing the Sibylline prophecies ad been burni illi the Capitoline temple in 83 B. C., but the prophecie had been collecte again, an Augustus had ordere thei revision and ad store them in the temple of Apollo on the Palatine. Caninius Gallus besiclesie ing one of the quindecimviri', he had
The quindecimviri ha charge of the Sibylline Books and of
the cludi saeculare ' Cf. xi II, 4. Their number, originalty tWO, WASrai sed to ten heia the office a opene to plebeianS in 36 B. C.,