Annalium; with introductions and notes

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 303페이지


분류: 미분류


3. osorrentur: the subject must e supplied rom 'multa vana 'above, i. e. the prophecie os uia recogniZed validi ty, as et in private haud S. 4. sociali hollo a mi Stalae. The occasion a the Civit Warbet ween Marius an Sullaci the destructionis the temple occurredi 83 B. C. Samo, &ci ablative os place hence. Italica colonias the cities of Magna Graecia. A Sibyl prophetes inspired by Apollo)was attribu ted o agreat num beros places in the ancient ori the mos iam ous was the Sibylis Cumae.cti se ornere thi unu sua infinitive, after dato negotio', a bereserre to the usages note in Intr. II I. s. notioni the wor is sed by Cic. ad II X 2o, cognitio'; cf. noscere for cognoSCeres in h. 9 7. Cliaptor 13 I. iuxta, α, things came almos to an insur a 3


in theatro Such gathering wereno the clites occasion on hicli popula demand orari ex ances found expression On the occaSion

of another dearth, Claudius as obbed in the forum xii 43 2). I 2 quo', α, for no haVin repreSsed the popul ac by the weight of thei officia action . advocitaret rare, an poetical See Intr. II I d. 3. consule specisi e here a the promulgator os the edici,

a suci proclamations ere more Suali in the emperor' name. 4 in ausorhia noeislohatur va talae no a a Sign os constitutionat temper, ut arrogance' cf. in prodigium accipiebatur', ii 43 I.

coniurationi : that of Seianus CL, II, 2. nihil a sorium, ' his frien d in no matteris serious import'. 2. Iulius Colaus trilaunus: See Ch. 9 6.

cireumctatam, C., tuti in i round his nec and training against it g 3. Rulavius Fatiatus it is implied that he wa a Senator,

arreste sor meditatin a distant ourne Without leave Senatorsh ad to et permission to travel ut o Italy, excepto Sicil an d aste 49 A. D. Gallia NarbonenSi S tamquam, C. Intr. II SO. 4. Probabiles, convincini'. longinquae, ii Stant', applyin noto the place here he was captured but to his destination. Chastor 15 LI. Sorvius Sulpicius Galba subsequently prin- 15ceps for a hortati me, in 69 A. D. Cf. h. O, 3. Lucius Sulla an inscriptio gives his cognomen Felic', howin him to have been a descendant of the dictator.



nostitius the aughters of Germanicus Drusilla and Julia, agedrespeCti vel Sixteen an fifteen Agrippina a sint ready married toCn. Domitius Ahenobarbu S ivss). L. Cassius Longinus a Con Sulcinio A. D. and procon Sul fASi in I A. D. , he he was ut o death by Gaius He was brother of C. Cassius the jurist X licia, I).Μ. Vinicius Consul, illi Cassius in o A. D. and again ConSulin s A. D. He was polsone by Messalina in 46 A. D. a Cordingto Dio).L2. DPictanum the term refers to an Italia municipali ty. Patro P. Uini Ciu S, Consul in A. D. mentione in iiii as oneo the latroni asked fori Cn. Piso at his tria in o A. D. avo M. Vinicius, consul suffectus in I B. C.

D3. Ioholi gonoris thes gens Cassia was originali patrician. The Cassii Longini appea amonidistinguished plebeia families frona the time of the econ Punic War.

3. vagis, indefinite . o1sensiones, the atre incurred by him in the work of

governinent'. FO CoeptaS Cf. h. O, 4. Naovius ortorius Maero ad been appotnte successor o Seianus in the command of the praetorian troo p in October, 3 A. D. He was eventuali forceu to uici de by Gaius 38 A. D. 6. largo, α in Comprehensive ternas, without specification fili hin or the number of his bodyguard '. Such a guar for theemperor in the Senate is mentione in the time o Gaius and Claudius, and later. Dulalioum consilium a phras applied to the senate by Cicero


o missam ' hicii ad salien into ab ance'. t a creberrima causa the early history of the Republic pro-vules an in Stances, and the question os det, and usur Nas oneos the mos prominent in the Strii te os plebeians against patricians o. uoctocim tabulias publi Shed ii 449 D. C. Tacitus is uroni aut horat sor assigning the law to this code. Liv ascribes itto the tribune Duiliu an Maeniti in 337 . C. unciario faenoro interpreted by Ni ebuli an Monam senissΥ per cent for the ear of ten monili S. I per cent sor tu elve monili S. ther have alien tras one-t vel si h per cent per monili

4. obviam itum rauctitium: ne methodis evasion a tomake ocius 'ho was o bound by Roman law, the nominat Creditor again St this a plebiscite a Carrie by M. Sempronius in i 9S . , lac mi Socii an Latini' on the same Dotingas citigens

S. Gracchus perhaps the fame a the person mentione in ch. 38, 4. tali culpa senator them selves generali derive a great dealos their ealthorona money-lending thus Seneca ad invested large amounts Ioan in Brita in xiii 42 73. conoectento: In tr. II 2I b. Quis, Q, with in hicli time ea hine was o bring his nancialarran gement into conformit with the requirements of the law'. Chapter T, commoto, disturbed'; te cause creditors havin brohen the law, ad to Cali in their loans. attinobatur: the suppi of casti in circulation ad heen limini Shed by it influx in to the reas ury, o in to the confiscationo the propert of the numerou person condemne in the Drevi ous

year. I

et ad hoc, to meet his difficuli ' not as et sewhere, besides')ctua faenori partes, two-third of the capital lent'. The ollaec os the decree a probablyrio increas the demand o tandio the duantage of ebtors ho ad states to seli; ut the CreditorS, a the ex sentence relates, instea o leavinione-third stilliu on loan, calle in the whole sum in solidum appellabant 'i, an a the had eighteen monilis in hic liuo compi with the lex againSt them, the could alae thei time in m in the requisite purchas os and whereas the ebtors ad to realiae thei estates at a time hen the market was ooded, illi properi sor sale and

3 concursatio me applied in a in here and there M loans



o to et up a orthy emperor. He Was ne of the adherent os Camillus Scribonianus in the con SpiraCy of 42 A. D. fratri A se VI. 3. Argolictum, . . . Laeonem perSOnal Cognomina. 4 inluAtria que i. e. an eques posses Sed of Senatorial Census, but re maining ith in the equeStrian an hom choice. See also note On ira I. frator Pompeius Macer, praetor Is A. D.

S. Thoostianos as a distinguished citige of Mitylene, horeceived the civitas Dona Pompeius Magnus, an also on Domhim formitylene the privileges of a fre City. He rotem histo of his patron' campaigns in the East. His sol macer Pompeius 'Wa One of Augustus procurator in ASia, and was the ather of the 'inlustris eques aere mentioned. Eorum ' refers to Pompeia andae brother. Oaelestos onor a probabi attribute to im in gratitude fortite privilege grante fortis salie to the City. There is an inscrip


vortissm intrans convertit xii 8, 2. sibimoth i. e. the confiscaled properi Went in to the fiscus'

2. inritatum: like a ii beas that has tas te blood. cunctosa Paconianus ch. 3, 4 and 39, I Would appea tot an

curoero, in custody' no necessarii in thes Tullianum , whichwas to Smal to contain prisoner in an number .L3. iacuit, C., in vast ea os corpSes la exposed' Tacitus represent the cene almos as a batile fiet d. Suetonius Tib. 6I , probabin describing the fame event, Spealis of twenty perSon Sexecute in ne da an exposed on the scalae Gemoniae'. D4. ahatur: ith infin. cf. Intr. II I. ubi sor histori infin in a subordinate sentence se In tr. II 34. S. sortis 'umanas commercium, lit the sharing of human ortune , i. e. sympath sor human trouble'. quantum gliseeret In tr. II I. Chapte 2O, DI ctiso octent Capream probabi non the occasion Iodescribe in h. I. A that time e ould e twent years old. Heia been ad pontifex in I A. D. an he was quaestor for thi S

year, M A. D.

Clauctiam : Iunia Claud illa, aughter of the M. Silanus mentione in v IO, he oon die si childbirili, accordin to Suet. Cal. 2 her deat lici referre t in h. 45, 3.

immano animum: CL alS Ch S. 45, 46.ctamnatione matris: See AppendiX, P. 3.oxitio fratrum Nero ad perished in I A. D. Drusus as stili alive, ut in prison Tacitus is describin the demeanour of Gaius through his hole periodi his association illi Tiberius. Qualem . . . inctuiASEt, ,hateve inoo he hadassumed for theday'. f. animum induere', i , qualem diem haberet',

habitu deportinent'. The abi. may be regarde a absolute, parallel, illi rupta voce'.)Da. mox, subsequently aster heaecam princeps). Passioni oratoris C. Passienus Crispus, Wice ConSul thesecon time e in ii 44 A. D. He arrie firs Domitia, sister of Agrippina' firs huSband an after divorcin her a marrie to Agrippina herseis, ho was sal to have olsone hi m. Nero in- heri te his property. 3. Chalctaeorum: astrologers, nown alSo, in Tacitus, S mathematici ' an periti caelestium'. cuius Diae nctae, α, do acquiring hich he had et sure at Rhodes, an employe Thrasullus as his ea her'. o the genit. Se In tr. II 6, a Thrasullus received Deedo in or civitas DomTiberius. Nin to his association illi him a Rhodes a is horin by the ora of his nam in an inscription whicli hac Ti. Claudius besor Thrasullus'. He returne d illi Tiberius to Rome, lived Constantly ithaim, an die a ea besore hi m. I M



distanceS'. Quantum: s. h. I9, 3.

natural deat licis fortuita', ii 52, 3.

2. ERDientiaSimo . . . Qui uo . . . Remulant : i. e. theseunder of philosophy and thei school S.

ctivorsos, est variance'. multis the Epicurean S.

in . . . Duct Intr. II 64, i). 3. contra allia the Stoics Thus, Seneca Nar Qu. ii 36 de fines fatum ' a theso veri invariable Causation manifeste in nature, an in another place de Len iv 7, 2 identi fies this power illi God hunc eundem Deum et fatum Si dixeris non mentieris. Nam cum fatum nihil aliud Sit quam series implexa causarum, ille est

prima omnium Causa unde Ceterae pendent'.

fatum, Q that late is in harmony illi evenis', an inversionsor that event pro Ceed in accordance illi fate' cf. ignaviam alia ad vocabula transferri', iii 34, 7. Aoction,inta, tot in dependenC O the wandering tars, hut asdetermine by the foundation an Sequence of natura Causation'. Stoicis in id not however, altogether rejec the possibilit ofascertaining the wil of heaven through astrolon, as a mode of

Quam ubi, Q and when his Choice has been made, there is the say a fixe serie of Consequence. . 4. Der in the id stis'. 3. Ceterum, Q the popular belle is here stated in contrast with the tenet of the two leadin school of philosophy there is nouidding the majorit os me of the Convictio that a man's futureis determine sortim at the hou of his birili .


fallaciis, 'through the raud os inose ho speat withou knowledge' Ignara ignota': gnara nota', i 32 I. 6. in om Doro, it the pro per time', reserriti perhap tori 9, hicli recolint the prophec gi ven by the Chaldaeans to Agrippina that Nero hould e em peror an kill his mollier to hic histi replied occidat dum imperet'. Chapto 23, Q. Asinius Gallus, sono Asinius Pollio He was 23

consul inra . , proconsulis Asia iniis G, and was ellano vn aSan orator ani man o letters He is osten mentione in the early book of the Annals usuali a the author of Some Servile Sententia against a victim o Tiberius. He marrie Vipsania, aughtero Agrippa aster Tiberius ha been oblige to divorceae in orderio marr Julia, and by he was the ather of Severat Sons ho roSeto the consul sh ip see o . He ad been denounce by a secret

mi S sive o Tiberiti a Capreae in O A. D. and was Condemne in ab Seiace by the senate aster hich he was delai ne in custod atthelous os a magi Strate. 2. EePoliri it a no necessar to et permission or burialeXCept in the a se of a person execute aster format Sentence. It a no clear hether Gallus death was to e regarde a an

non erubuit, C. s allus, accordin to Dio had been condemned by the Senate at the time of his arrest, ut ad been reserve lis ison appeat tili Caesar' re turn to Rome. The hypocris attribu ted by Tacitus to the em peror consiste in prosessing regre for a delaywhich he himself had caused. 3. consulari his an might have secure hi in an earlyhearing of hi appeat.

tot consularium themanae of sive of his sons known to Mare

Asinius Saloninus, C. Asinius, M. Asinius Agrippa mentione in the earlier book of the Annati), Asinius Gallus, anis hed sor a conspirac against Claudius in 46 A. D. Dio in Asinius Celer, a note lgourmanes Pliny a. in putrio deat hi Claudius Seneca, Luae I 3, 4):

on Drusus distili os his rother Nero an his ealotis of Agrippina' presere iace sortim, and re in him into his plot for compasSin Nero' ruin, holding ut o hi in the prospect of hecomingem peror is his et de brothe was destroyed. insonsum ei Dublicas Drusus ad been declare 'hostis publicus ' Suet Tib. 4.ctoaeripta Dorites, the account heptia by dan'. The participi is here sed as a SubStantive. 2. nisi quoct, c. the phras quali fies vix fides nil the



soregoin sacis ere baret credibie e re it no that stili orse aspositi vel atteSted. opistulas letters o Tiberius rea be re the Senate. D3. gregium: Intr. II 2. EXEDes a poetical wor Intr. II I. nurum, C. : Suppi necasset', by Zeugma, fron caedibus Complevisset'; In tr. II O. Agrippina a not et ead, ut in banishment a Pandateria App. p. 3): Drusus evidenti antici

in Tiberius to proceed again Stier. D3. aequi: sed as a substantive ' a position os equalit ' i. e. with other subjecis. The phras is apparenti from Statius Theb. 3, 6o2 superum contemptor et aequi impatiens'. Xuorat, had ut os femini ne vices by assum in masculine

4. iactavit, pride himselfin the fac that . S. quintumiecimum usuali ante ' precedes the ordinalnumber in such expreSSions. It is similari omitte in h. O, 7. 26 Chapto 26, o Coae eius Nerva mentione in iv 38, Ias CCompanyin Tiberius on his final departure rom Rome to

Capreae in 26 A. D. He ad at ready been consul suffectus', and wam Curator aquarum sor Some earsi e re his death. DPinoisi the case is uncerta in the S. readini principis', constant in his attendance On the em peror'. clivini iuris, pontifica law. 2. Pavo oonsolentiae, inito to his et Defleem'. D3. Atinentiam olla coniunxit, persis ted in abstentio Domsood cf. se annos Coniunxit spent si Consecutive earS')i 57 2.

4. Plancinam traxit, 'involved Plancina also . Her bellavi our


in id in an abet tin Piso in his opposition to Germanicus and in his violent resistance to his deposition rom his province of Syria I7- I A. D. is tot in the lalter par of Bh. II. cum Piso acteret at his triat in O A. D. iii IS, I7, 2 . Chaptor 2T, Q. Iulia Drusi filia: the aughter o Tiberius' II son Drusus h Livia, siSter os Germanicus. Me death 43 A. D. is mentione a due o Messalina, in xiii a P and the deat his herson Rubellius Plautus in 62 A. D. owing to Nero's ealou sy. is describet in xiv 8, 9. C. Rubollius Elanctus is mentione in an inscriptionis the time

an pontifex. The date of his consul Shi is no certain, but waSSome time besore 2 A. D. iii SI J. avum mentione by M. Seneca a the rs eques' to e te acheris rhetori the professio hau in been illi the confine to

Tiburtam equitem Romanuin, Roman knight rom Tibur'. 2. Aolius Lamia probabi the person mentione in Horace, Od. i 26 8. He a ConSul in 3 A. D. an Serve in Germany, Illyricum, and Africa He was proconsul of Africa sonae time during the early par of the war illi Tacfarina S, I7-I A. D. funero censori I a public funerat', so-Calle hecause iis expense ouldi m et by the censors, or a better the funera of a censor', i. e. the mos honourable hind of public funerat, suchas that gi ven omne ho ad hel the censorship the highest magistracy.aministranctae Suriae imagine : hi Case a simila to thato Arruntius mentione below. Theclas legatus of Syria mentioned a Cn. Sentius, appo in ted in I A. D. Wholoe no appen to have ad a long tenure. Lamia probabi succeede hi m. ut the province a actuali administered by a legatus legionis name Pacuvius ii 9,3).

urtii praefuerat a Succe S Sora L. PiSo Ch. IO, ). genua ctocorum his fallier a praetor, butis to that time thesami ly a meret equeStrian apparenti O Formiae, tracin amythica an Cestry to 'Lamus ' Hor. O . iii I7, I). 3. Flaccus Pomponius consul in I A. D. after ard legatuSo Moesia, ni Subsequently of Syria, after Lamia ad ecome praefectus urbi'. ahnuero ict munus the reason a welliave been that Tiberius wa a Stern repreSSori extortion notini that hi gli position expos edit holders to charge of maiestas '. Hispaniam : the Caesari an province of Hispania Citerior ForArruntius f. Vi , . decumum annum the perio is state in round numbers ohelastinovernor o Hispania Citerior, L. Piso die in s A. D. D4. M'. Lepictus an eminent senator lio e ob ed the re Spectan lavouri Tiberius in spite of the independent line alien byssi im



Tiberius for the goveria mentis Africa in I A. D. the Senate eret select hic hi the two was to e appotnted, ut Lepidus illidrew. He defende Cn. Piso, an alSo his own sister Lepida, in o A. D. His ather a Q. Aemilius Lepidus, Consul in I B. C. On his mother' si de he was relate both to Cn. Pompeius Magnus an Sulla the dictator for his mollier Cornelia a the aughter of the dictator' son Faustus Cornelia Sulla, ho marrie aiaughtero Pompey His relation Shimio Lepidus the triumvir is uncertain. 5. honorum ivium: .g the Consul ho fellis Cannae, theconqueror o Macedonia, and the ounge Scipio Africanus. et qui, C. Such person a the triumvir an his ather, consul in 78 . . 2 Chistor 2S, Q. Paulus alatus Persious, probabi Son ofPaulus Fabius Maximus, ho was hvsband of amousin of AuguStu S. This Fabius is mentione by Seneca as a profligate frien os Claudius, and was proconsul of Asia some time durin his rei gn. L. Vitollius is the proconsul of Syria in h. 32, 3 an soli., and the well-known Courtier o Claudius xi 3 I), under homae helda secon and thir consul shi an a Censorshi p. e was atheros the em peror A. Vitellius. Dtioonix iis appearance is also recorde by Dio an Pli ny ma. , hut is date by them two ear later. D3. oro probabi the fronti theae ad is meant. clistinctu a poetica word.

cle numero annorum the phoenix was seen to e the symbolis


Ptolomaeo Alexander inas et is to e rectione d a the first Macedonia monarch of Egypt this ouldi the secon Ptolemy Philadelphus ), ho re igne 284-247 B. C. Otherwise, his Ouidbe the thir Ptolem Euergetes'), 247-222 B. Q, and the Statem ento D potnis to this heing the ne meanti Tacitus. 5. antiquitas i. e. the date of Sesosis an Amasis. 6. non nulli et sewhere in Tacitus sed adjectivally, as in xi 2, 3 Io struere nictum, Q Herodotus gives much the fame accoulit

ii 33. The essentiat de is the allegor describing the beginning of